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[Snow covered trees and road] [graphic].

[Snow scene, 100 block of Kalos Street, Manayunk] [graphic].

[Side yard covered with snow] [graphic].

Freaks of the Frost King.

[Redfield residence, snow scene, 211 Upland Way, Wayne, Pennsylvania.] [graphic].

[Snow scene in Wayne, Pennsylvania.] [graphic].

"Summer scene 'mid winter's grandeur," Norway.

Views of Mount Washington, New Hampshire.

Snow scene near Lancaster.

Snow on trees, looking from my window in B[arclay] H[all], [Haverford College] [graphic].

A homestead gate, Fisher's Lane, near Philada.

[Stone bridge in winter]

The joys of winter on the Wissahickon Drive, Philadelphia.

Evergreen trees west of Founder's Hall, covered with snow, [Haverford College] [graphic].

Founders Hall & Library fr[om] N. door of Barclay Hall, [Haverford College] [graphic].

[Trees covered in ice and snow west of 69th Street, Philadelphia] [graphic].

3 day horseback trip, [Canada] [graphic].

3 day horseback trip, [Canada] [graphic].

M.F. McDonough & Co., importers, No. 117 South Front St., Philadelphia.

Rabbit hunt.

[Unidentified bridge construction] [graphic].

Snowbound, Wissahickon Creek, Philadelphia.

Diamonds, mutilated coins, old gold, silver, teeth plates, jewelry, and silverware. Full value paid. J.L. Clark, refiner, 823 Filbert Street, Philadelphia, Pa.

Old Swedes's Church Wilmington [DE]. From 6th St. Snow on ground [graphic].

[Chestnut Street in the snow, view east from Odiorne's studio at 920 Chestnut Street]

[Chestnut Street in the snow, view east from Odiorne's studio at 920 Chestnut Street] [graphic].

A group of young hill climbers of Manyunk [sic] with a background of overlapping roofs, to say nothing of a weekly wash. [graphic].

[Cobbs Creek, near the Cobbs Creek Golf Course, Philadelphia] [graphic].

Mt. Rainier, WA [grapihc].

Mt. Rainier, WA [graphic].

Mt. Rainier, WA [graphic].

Mt. Rainier, WA [graphic].

6704 & 6706 Cresheim Road, Pelham [graphic].

Reed's, for clothing, furnishings, hats, shoes, 918-920-922 Chestnut St., Philadelphia.

Girard Street & 12th St. & Friends' meeting house in the distance, Philada.

Views of Tuckerman's Ravine and Mount Washington, White Mountains, New Hampshire, 1861-1862.

Snow-scene. Up garden from Little Parlor window on porch, [Deshler-Morris House, 5442 Germantown Avenue] [graphic].

Snow scene in our garden, [Deshler-Morris House, 5442 Germantown Ave]. Ridge back of kitchen [graphic].

Snow scene. Hemlock trees, top of yard, from big elm of [Deshler-Morris House, 5442 Germantown Avenue] [graphic].

Snow scene, our garden looking up from elm tree, [Deshler-Morris House, 5442 Germantown Avenue] [graphic].

Snow scene. Our garden looking west from stable, [Deshler-Morris House, 5442 Germantown Avenue] [graphic].

Fred'k Graeff's monument at Fairmount. [graphic].

Church of the Covenant.(Protestant Episcopal) Filbert Street, above Seventeenth Street, Philadelphia. [graphic].

Mt. Rainier, WA [graphic].

[Albert Lindsay and Karl Doering shoveling snow near 1837 N. Bouvier Street, Philadelphia.]

[Albert Lindsay and Karl Doering playing with friends in the snow, 1837 N. Bouvier Street, Philadelphia.]

[Chestnut Street in the snow, view east from Odiorne's studio at 920 Chestnut Street] [graphic].

[St. George Pharmacy trade cards]

The Wissahickon Drive crowded with one-horse sleighs, Philadelphia, Penna.

L. S. Plaut & Co., 715, 717, 719 Broad St., Newark, N. J.
