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- Title
- James Boyd's fine shoes. Presented by Irving J. Brown
- Description
- Trade card promoting James Boyd's shoes and depicting a racist caricature of an African American man, possibly a peddler, making a presentation on a stage. The man, portrayed with exaggerated features and manners, stands onstage behind a table leaning forward with his knuckles pressed onto the surface. He is attired in a brown suit jacket with tails; waistcoat; white shirt with a white bow tie; gold cuff links; blue pants; and black boots. In his back pocket are rolled up papers. There is a glass on the table. Beneath it is a top hat. In the foreground, four African American men in the audience listen, interact with each other, and gesture. They are attired in jackets (brown, yellow plaid, or green) and white collared shirts. The far left spectator also wears spectacles. The far right spectator raises his hand as if to ask a question. In the background, some brick is exposed through the painted wall, and a white sign is hung advertising "James Boyd's Fine Shoes." James Boyd started manufacturing shoes as Barrow & Boyd in New York in 1866. Barrow retired in 1877. James Boyd continued the business, and in 1884, he added his sons George and William to the firm becoming James Boyd & Sons. Irving J. Brown began selling shoes in 1877. He had stores at 461 and 944 Congress Street, Portland, Maine until at least 1891., Title from item., Date deduced from the history of the advertised business., Advertising text printed on verso: [I]r[vin]g J. Brown. ([?] of the gold boot.) Dealer [i]n boots and shoes, is the special agent for the sale of my goods in Portland. James Boyd, New York City. Highest medals awarded 1873, 1874, 1876, 1877. (Extract from the judges report.) Forty-second exhibition American Institute. "Case no. 49, made by James Boyd, are perfectly put together. We have seen all the shoes made in New York for the past twenty years, and this is the Best [?] in our judgment. The uppers are beautifully [?], and deserve great credit and reward." Elisha Hanshew, E.W. Eaton, C.J. Murray } Judges. [New Yo]rk, Nov. 1873., Gift of David Doret.
- Date
- [ca. 1880]
- Location
- Library Company of Philadelphia | Print Department Goldman Trade Card Collection - Boyd [P.2017.95.16]
- Title
- Look back gentlemen, into the future
- Description
- Racist trade card promoting Frederick A. Rex & Company's Peerless Coffee and depicting a caricature of an African American man peddler standing on a stage. The man, attired in a blue plaid suit with gold buttons, a white shirt with an enormous collar around the neck, and black shoes, is portrayed with an oversized head and exaggerated features. He stands behind a small table on a stage, places his left hand on the table, raises his right hand in the air, and winks his left eye. In the right on the stage is top hat turned upside down with an orange cloth coming of out it. In the left leaning against the table is a green umbrella with a black handle. Frederick A. Rex (1850-1916) founded the Frederick A. Rex Company in the 1880s which manufactured coffee and tea. The firm had an office in Philadelphia and a mill in Camden, N.J., Title from item., Place of publication from place of operation of advertised business., Date deduced from history of advertised business., Advertising text printed on verso: The Peerless Coffee, finest coffee sold. Always ask your Grocer for this Popular Brand, and you will be sure to have the best. Roasted and packed by Fred'k A. Rex & Co. 39 North Front St. Philadelphia. Mills, Camden, N.J. Illustration of a square package labeled, "The Peerless Coffee.", Gift of David Doret., Library copy has manuscript inscription on the verso: Emma J. Hottle.
- Date
- [1890]
- Location
- Library Company of Philadelphia | Print Department Goldman Trade Card Collection - Fredrick [P.2017.95.65]
- Title
- [Finale of an unidentified theatrical production]
- Description
- Depicts the entire cast of men gesturing toward center stage where the show's "female" star is hoisted on the shoulders of two cast members. In the left, a supporting player, wearing Black face and costumed as a messenger in a cap and white gloves, kneels and points with his right hand. The front row of actors kneel, many of whom are attired as women in large brimmed hats and dresses with tulle skirts. The back row of actors stand, attired in white collared shirts, ties, dark-colored jackets, and white pants. The backdrop depicts a small town street including "Bernies Antique Shop," a drug store, and a post office. "Blackface minstrelsy is a popular entertainment form, originating in the United States in the mid-19th century and remaining in American life through the 20th century. The form is based around stereotypical and racist portrayals of African Americans, including mocking dialect, parodic lyrics, and the application of Black face paint; all designed to portray African Americans as othered subjects of humor and disrespect. Blackface was a dominant form for theatrical and musical performances for decades, both on stage and in private homes.", Title supplied by cataloger., Photographer's imprint ink stamped on verso., Description of Blackface minstrelsy from Dorothy Berry, Descriptive Equity and Clarity around Blackface Minstrelsy in H(arvard) T(heater) C(ollection) Collections, 2021., Gift of Joseph Kelly, 1982., RVCDC, Description revised 2022., Access points revised 2022., Part of digital collections catalog through a grant from the Institute of Museum and Library Services as administered by the Pennsylvania Department of Education through the Office of Commonwealth Libraries, and the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, Tom Corbett, Governor, 2013-2014., Part of digital collections catalog through a grant from the Institute of Museum and Library Services as administered by the Pennsylvania Department of Education through the Office of Commonwealth Libraries, and the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, Tom Corbett, Governor, 2013-2014.
- Creator
- Photo Illustrators (Firm), photographer
- Date
- [ca. 1925]
- Location
- Library Company of Philadelphia | Print Department Photo-Illustrators-11x14 [P.8882.20]
- Title
- Bloch. Bros. West Virgina mail pouch tobacco I tell you breddern, it pays you to read erbout W.V.A Mail Pouch terbacker on de oder side dis yer card
- Description
- Trade card promoting the Bloch Brothers' chewing tobacco. Depicts a racist caricature of an older African American man tobacco peddler portrayed with exaggerated features and selling his product in a clumsy manner on a stage. He looks flabbergasted, stands behind a small table with two leaves drawn open, and holds a green umbrella over his head with his right hand. He holds the top of the table with his other hand while a pitcher, cup of water, and a lit candle in a candlestick fall off of the table or fly in the air. An illustrated package of "Bloch Brothers' Mail Pouch Tobacco" falls toward the audience. On the stagefloor in front of the table is a brown bottle with a lit candle, a hurricane lantern, a candle in a candlestick, and a brimmed hat. Behind the salesman in the right is an open bag with a boot and clothes spilling out. A clock hangs on the back wall. In the foreground, the backs of four men’s heads in the audience are visible. The white-haired salesman is attired in a red, plaid suit; a red tie waving in the air; white collared shirt; black boots; and spectacles. Brothers Aaron and Samuel Bloch founded the Bloch Brothers Tobacco Company in Wheeling, West Virginia in 1879 by manufacturing cigars. They created Mail Pouch chewing tobacco by flavoring and packaging leftover cigar clippings. Bloch Brothers was sold in 1969 to the General Cigar and Tobacco Company, which became a division of Culbro in 1978. The Company was acquired by the Helme Tobacco Company in 1983 and later changed its name to Swisher International. Swisher continues to produce Mail Pouch tobacco into the 21st century., Title from item., Date inferred from the history of the advertised business and the attire of figures depicted., Distributor's imprint stamped on verso: Jacob G. Shirk, 886 N. Christian St., Lancaster, PA., Stamp partially visible on recto: Note: [?] Jacob Shirk, [308?] N. Christian Street., Advertising text printed on verso: To consumers of smoking and chewing tobacco: There has for years been a demand for a superior smoking tobacco, something cheap and meritorious, reverse from most brands, which are only manufactured for the profits derived by the manufacturer and the dealer, with no satisfaction to the consumer. It is a reform in Tobaccos, no stems to smoke nor mysterious compounds to chew. The qualities that recommend "Mail Pouch" Tobacco strongest as an article of merit, are:-- 1st. That it is a combination of Long Cut manipulated Virginia, Kentucky, Connecticut and Pennsylvania Leaf, by our own and original process, which makes it a cool smoke and a lasting chew. 2nd. In cheap tobaccos the smoker has been so long dosed with doctored, perfumed stuff, flattened stems mixed in with common Tobacco, to get something free from noxious flavorings and adulterations, is a result that must be appreciated. 3d. We claim that it is, without exception, the best and cheapest Tobacco ever offered to the consumer. The popularity of the W. Va. Mail Pouch Smoking and Chewing Tobacco is sufficient recommendation. It has attained its success and demand on its merits and sterling worth, it therefore has many imitators, but no equal. Bloch Bros., M'f'rs, Wheeling, W.Va., Gift of David Doret.
- Date
- [ca. 1880]
- Location
- Library Company of Philadelphia | Print Department Goldman Trade Card Collection - Bloch [P.2017.95.15]