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The uniform trade list circular.

The uniform trade list circular.

Trade list of port folios, backgammon and chess boards, pocket books, bankers' cases, reference files, ne plus ultras, rosewood & mahogany writing desks & fancy work boxes, manufactured for the wholesale trade only by Andrew King & Co., 146 & 148 William

Price list of blank books, portfolios, photograph albums, &c.

Your influence and patronage is respectfully solicited.

William P. Lyon, 537 Pearl Street, near Broadway, New-York.

Berlin & Jones, nos. 134 & 136 William Street, New York.

[Wm D. Parrish, book bindery, paper & rag warehouse, paper books and stationery, 4 North Fifth Street, Philadelphia] [graphic].

This price list contains articles in your line, to which we would respectfully call you attention, J. M. Keep & Co., manufacturers of and dealers in patented small wares, toys and notions, office and salesroom, no. 8, Dey Street, New York.

La. Berroth, stationery & fancy ornaments, No. 1212 Poplar St., Philadelphia.

Net cash price list of Charlton's specialties.

Staton Brothers, Stationery and Art Shop, Germantown Ave. and Coulter St., Germantown, Pa.

Thomas Magee, stationer, cor. Second and Chestnut Sts., Philadelphia.

Dreka, 1121 Chestnut St., Philadelphia.

Bind your own music, newspapers, pamphlets, pictures, documents, &c. Use adhesive binding tags and portfolios. Heyl's patent.

Views of William F. Murphy's Sons' stationery, steam-power printing, ruling and blank book manufacturing establishment, no. 509 Chestnut Street, (nearly opposite Independence Hall,) Philadelphia.

Strickland & Bro. booksellers & stationers, No. 529 S. Second Street, Philadelphia.

[Joseph P. Mickley trade cards]

J.W. Miller, wholesale dealer in books, stationery & cigars, No. 439 Market Street, Philadelphia, Pa.

Vell here is to mine healt, long may I live and prosper!

J.A. Ladd & Son, booksellers and stationers. Holiday cards a specialty. 37 West Gay Street, West Chester, Pa.

Whitmore's stationery and leathergoods are standard for style and quality.

E.L. Whitney, bookseller and stationer, Milton, Vt.

Go to the West Philadelphia Card Depot, 3718 Market St., for chromo cards by set, 100 or 1000,

[Harbach & Brother's trade cards]

The Moser & Lyon Co., manufacturing stationers, 216 S. Clinton St., Syracuse, N.Y.

[P. Fleischner & Co. trade cards]

R.L. Shute, 695 Broadway, below 4th St., west side, New York.

Coggins & Harbach, No. 36 North Eighth St., Philadelphia.

Collis & Lees, dealers in card novelties, 162 North Fourth Street, Philadelphia.

Applegate & Co. Publishers, booksellers & stationers, no. 43 Main Str. Cincinnati. [graphic] : Copying presses and books. Blank books made to any pattern, paged, with or without printed headings. Notes, drafts, letter cap & note papers. Envelopes. Inks, p

Mrs. Geo. M. Baker, stationery, fancy goods, &c. 987 N. Second St.

Nath'l W. Appleton, stationer, No. 7 School Street, Boston.

William Mann, stationer, blank book maker, steam-power printer & lithographer, 529 Market & 526 Commerce Sts., Philadelphia.

Stationer & blank book binder, Hymen L. Lipman successor to Samuel M. Stewart. No. 139 Chestnut St. opposite the Philadelphia Bank. Philadelphia.

[Bulkley's hat store, 149 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia]

Wilbur & Hastings, stationers & printers, lithographers, blank book manufacturers, publis

Wm. H. Hoskins, 913 Arch St., Philad'a. Lithographer & engraver. Stationer & blank book manufacturer. Steam power printer.

[H. N. Harbach trade cards]

The cheapest and best. William W. Harding photograph albums, 326 Chestnut Street, Philada.

J.C. Brenner, Jr. & Co., No. 215 North Ninth Street, Philadelphia.

Music, blank books, and stationery store, of M. H. Traubel 323 Federal St. Camden N.J.

[Charles W.R. Smith trade cards]

Carey, Bro. & Grevemeyer, 423 Market St., Philadelphia, booksellers, stationers and blank book manufacturers, paper curtains, oil shades and shading, floor and table oil cloth. Also, jobbers and manufacturers of wall paper.

Oh let the nations be glad and sing for joy: for thou shall judge the people righteously and govern the nations upon earth. PS. 67-4.

[Bailey, Banks & Biddle trade cards]

[John A. Haddock trade cards]

Friends' Book Association, 706 Arch St., Phila. Stationery, engraving and printing.

[Chestnut Street, east of Fourth Street]
