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Young man standing before a storefront, Philadelphia.

John Frank Keith standing in front of store, Philadelphia.

Five young men sitting outside a corner grocery store, Philadelphia.

[Office of Elliston P. and Marriott C. Morris], 21 N. 7th St. Phila[delphia] [graphic].

Moss, upholsterer, No. 127 Walnut Street, Philadelphia.

Bought of Edward C. Jones & Co. Successors to Amos H. Yarnall & Co. Wholesale druggists, manufacturers and dealers in drugs, chemicals, pharmaceutical preparations, perfumery, spices, patent medicines, druggists' sundries, & c. Also, paints, oils, glass,

Bought of Russell & Landis, importers & wholesale druggists, & dealers in paints, oils, glass, varnishes, & c., also manufacturers of pure lily white lead, hunters iron paint, & ivory white lead. no. 5 North Fifth Street (3 doors above Market.)

Bought of Stretch, Bennett & Co. (Successors to Peter T. Wright & Co.) Importers of and dealers in drugs and medicines. Also brandies & wines for medical purposes. No. 609 Market St.

Bot. of Frederick Klett & Co., wholesale dealers & importers of drugs, medicines, dye-stuffs, paints, black lead and sand crucibles, window glass &c.

Bought of H.O.D. Banks & Co., wholesale dealers in drugs, chemicals, paints, glass, coal oil, & c. Store, s. w. cor. fourth & Callowhill Sts.

Bought of Artman, Dillinger & Co. Wholesale dealers in cotton yarns, carpet chain, carpets, ratting, wadding, tie, and wick yarns, oil cloths, window sh[ades], door mats, grain bags, cordage brushes, looking glasses, wood[en] [a]nd willow ware, &c. 104 No

Bean & Stevenson, importers and wholesale druggists, store, 47 and 49 N. Second Street. Sole proprietors of angora, white lead, and color works! And royal spice mills.

Bought of Browning & Brothers, wholesale druggists, and dealers in white and red lead, litharge, linseed oil, oil of vitriol, window glass, putty, dye stuffs, &c.&c. No. 33 Market Street.

Masonic Temple. New Masonic Hall, Chestnut St. Philadelphia.

Old House [G.H. Dyson Boot and Shoemaker], no. [blank] Main St. below Duys Lane, [Germantown] [graphic].

No. 150 Chesnut [sic] Street Philadelphia.

[Market Street, looking east from below Twelfth Street, Philadelphia]

Jones & Co. of the crescent one price clothing store, No. 200 Market Street, above 6th Phila.

Masonic Temple on Chestnut St. between 7th & 8th Sts. Phil. Pa.

[C.L.] Eberle's [drug] store from our parlor window, (cor[ner] Church La[ne] & Main St[reet]) seen from 5442 [Germantown Avenue, Deshler-Morris House] [graphic].

[Collection of business stationery of C.H. Butterworth & Co., wholesale druggists and dealers in paint, Philadelphia, Pa.]

[Billheads from J.D. Marshall & Bros., later D. Marshall & Bro., druggists, 1215 Market Street, Philadelphia to E. Somers]

Wm. H. Hortsmann & Sons, manufactory & sales rooms, cor. Fifth & Cherry Streets. Philadelphia.

Bought of Barker, Moore, Mein, wholesale druggists and paint dealers, no. 609 Market Street, above Sixth.

Panorama of Philadelphia from the State House steeple. North.

Panorama of Philadelphia from the State House Steeple. North.

Wm. H. Horstmann & Sons No. 51, North Third Street Philadelphia, manufacturers and importers of military goods, coach laces, & fringes, epaulettes, swords, sashes, buttons, laces, chapeaux, pistols, holsters, saddle-cloths, banners, flags, embroideries, &

[Slate Roof House, former residence of William Penn, southeast corner of Second and Sansom Streets, Philadelphia]

[Eighth Street looking south from Arch Street]

C.J. Fell & Brother, 64 Sth. Front St. Philadelphia

Philadelphia, from the State House steeple, north, east and south.

Custom House & Post Office Phila, Pa.

1227 + 1229 Market St., [Philadelphia, PA] [graphic].

1227 + 1229 Market St., [Philadelphia, PA] [graphic].

Race Street in Philadelphia's Chinatown.

Photographic Views of Philadelphia's New City Building

Photographic views of New City Building

[Miscellaneous prints from the Joe Freedman collection of Philadelphia ephemera] [graphic].

Life in Philadelphia. A crier extraordinary. [graphic] / W.S.; C. Hunt, Sc.

Life in Philadelphia. A crier extraordinary. [graphic] / W.S.; C. Hunt, Sc.

[Robert Swayne collection of Philadelphia photographs] [graphic].