Block numbered in two places: 3756., Image of a small boy looking in a store window; he rests one arm on a box or table that says “FRUI[T] AND CAND[Y]”.
Block numbered in one place: 7190, also 1065 on small adhesive label on back of block., Image of a boy with a tray supported by a strap around his neck; he appears to be selling rolls, and he holds one in his hand while facing the two other boys, who lean in slightly to see; behind the boys is a man in a top hat and a sign in a window reading “Chops Steaks.”, "V. Grottenthaler, 402 Library St Phila." – Back of block. Vincent Grottenthaler is listed (as a dealer in boxwood) at this address in Philadelphia city directories from 1869 to 1876., Illustration appears in Child's world, v. 16 no. 9 (1877), p. 2.