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- Title
- [After the fire of McKean, Newhall and Borie's Sugar Refinery on Lagrange Place.]
- Description
- Depicts the crumbling remains of the former seven-story brick refinery on the 200 block of Lagrange Place (now Filbert Street) after a fire swept through the building on January 4, 1874. Chunks of the walls have fallen to the ground, most of the windows are gone and piles of bricks cover the ground inside and outside of the building., Photographer's imprint stamped on recto., Title supplied by cataloguer., Reproduced in The Print and Photograph Department of the Library Company of Philadelphia's Center City Philadelphia in the 19th century (Portsmouth, N.H.: Arcadia Publishing, 2006), p. 65., Arcadia caption text: On the evening of January 4, 1874 fire swept through the north building of McKean, Newhall and Borie’s Sugar Refinery on Lagrange Place, between Second and Third streets south of Arch Street. For three hours firefighters fought the blaze from the roof of another structure on the property and kept the fire from spreading to the building where expensive equipment and a valuable stockpile of sugar were kept. The company, nevertheless, experienced a $200,000 loss from the fire. This refinery, one of thirteen in the city in 1870, helped make Philadelphia a leading sugar refining city in America in the late 19th century., Digitization funded by a grant from the National Endowment for the Humanities (PW-506-19-10), 2010-2012.
- Creator
- Gutekunst, Frederick, 1831-1917, photographer
- Date
- January 4, 1874
- Location
- Library Company of Philadelphia | Print Department stereo - Gutekunst - Fire ruins [P.9058.144]
- Title
- Northern Liberties' Sugar Refinery
- Description
- Advertisement showing the three-story office building with an addition and attached to the nine-story "Sugar Refinery" (rear) at the southwest corner of Willow Street and Old York Road, i.e., York Avenue. Signage reading "Rock Candy Manufactory. Isaac Koon's Sugar Refinery" adorns the office in which a stout clerk stands in the doorway. A horse-drawn dray loaded with goods (some labeled K) rests in the street and the drayman walks toward the clerk. A barrel stands next to the side of the office across from a laborer. He walks from an open entryway to the refinery marked "No Admittance." Barrels are visible inside and more barrels in addition to crates are piled in front of the refinery from which smoke spews from the stacks. Koons relocated from Race Street to Old York Road in 1844., Title from duplicate in the collections of the Historical Society of Pennsylvania., Date from Poulson inscription on recto: S.W. cor. Willow & Old York Road. Aug. 1847. Aug., Philadelphia on Stone, POS 513, LCP copy trimmed and lacking title., Wainwright retrospective conversion project, edited., Historical Society of Pennsylvania: B638 N874.
- Creator
- Weaver, Matthias S., 1815 or 16-1847, artist
- Date
- [August 1847]
- Location
- Library Company of Philadelphia | Print Department *W255 [P.2149]
- Title
- Edward Penington's counting-house. On the northeast corner of Race and Crown street His sugar factory was in the rear facing Crown Street; the building in view is an extensive enlargement of the old "sugar-house."
- Description
- View looking east showing the Harrison & Newhall Refinery, formerly the Penington Sugar Refinery at 409 Race Street. Refinery reestablished and expanded as the Harrison & Newhall Refinery circa 1855 at 409 Race Street. Also shows surrounding buildings, including a partial view of the gated yard of Penington's former residence at the northwest corner of Race and Crown streets., Title and photographer's imprint from Poulson inscription on mount., Manuscript note by Poulson on mount: (For Mr. P.'s dwelling house, see p. 99.), Date inscribed on photograph., Originally part of a series of eleven scrapbooks compiled by Philadelphia antiquarian Charles A. Poulson in the late 1850s entitled "Illustrations of Philadelphia" volume 3, page 101. The scrapbooks contained approximately 120 photographs by Philadelphia painter and pioneer photographer Richards of 18th-century public, commercial, and residential buildings in the city of Philadelphia commissioned by Poulson to document the vanishing architectural landscape, Retrospective conversion record: original entry, edited.
- Creator
- Richards, F. De B. (Frederick De Bourg), photographer
- Date
- March 1859
- Location
- Library Company of Philadelphia | Print Department photo - Richards - Industries - P [(3)2526.F.101 (Poulson)]
- Title
- Ficken & Williams, steam sugar refiners, Crown, Willow and Fifth streets
- Description
- Advertisement containing a view of the refinery complex in Northern Liberties. View surrounded by an ornamental border. Includes the office building adorned with signage. Horse-drawn wagons travel and are parked in front of the buildings. A man on horseback passes coal bins lining the side of the multi-storied processing plant of the complex. Also shows smokestacks and a tank. Advertising text flanking the view promotes "Double Loaf," two types of "A Crushed" "Patent Cut Loaf," "Chip Crushed," "Pulverized," "Lozenge do." and "Granulated" in addition to "A" "B" and "C" coffee and "X Yellow" and "Yellows.", Not in Wainwright, Published in Edwin T. Freedley’s Philadelphia and its manufactures : a handbook of the great manufactories and representative mercantile houses of Philadelphia in 1867 (Philadelphia: E. Young, 1867), opp. p. 472., Philadelphia on Stone, POS 246, Historical Society of Pennsylvania: Print Collection - Small - Stores & Factories, Box 57, Folder 6
- Date
- [1867]
- Location
- Historical Society of Pennsylvania HSP Print Collection - Small - Stores & Factories, Box 57, Folder 6
- Title
- McCahan Sugar Refining Co
- Description
- Aerial views from different directions and altitudes of the W.J. McCahan Sugar Refining Company between Tasker and Morris Streets along the Delaware River in Philadelphia. Views show vessels docked on piers, activity on wharves, and warehouse and factory buildings. The refinery was erected 1892-1893., Negative numbers: 5399, 5431, 5804, 5805, 5807, 6114, 6115, 6117., Negatives 5804, 5805, and 5807 dated May 5, 1926., 6114 and 6115 not digitized; similar view to 6117.
- Creator
- Aero Service Corporation, photographer
- Date
- ca. 1925-1926
- Location
- Library Company of Philadelphia | Print Department Aero Service [P.8990.5399; P.8990.5431; P.8990.5804-5805; P.8990.5807; P.8990.6114-6115; P.8990.6117]
- Title
- Ficken & Williams, steam sugar refiners, Crown, Willow and Fifth streets, Philadelphia Office 416. Crown Street Philada. Office. 119 So. Front St. Philada. Office 80 Wall Street New York
- Description
- Advertisement showing a busy street scene with a view of the refinery complex in Northern Liberties. Includes the office building adorned with signage "Ficken & Williams Steam Sugar Refinery" attached to the large multi-storied processing plant of several connected buildings marked at the corner "Crown St." and "William St." Smoke stacks and a large American flag adorn the facility. Two men converse at the doorway of the office across from a horse-drawn carriage parked in the street that is congested with refinery traffic. Several drays, some loaded with barrels, and a cart loaded with coal travel to and from the refinery. Factory employees also load a dray with barrels, sit on a barrel, converse, and emerge from a building entrance. Other street traffic includes two boys crossing the intersection, a woman and girl on promenade, dogs, and a driver leading a team of mules hauling freight cars of coal. Also shows pedestrian traffic, including three men convened in conversation, on the sidewalks around the factory., pdcp00036, Not in Wainwright, Reduced variant published in Edwin T. Freedley’s Philadelphia and its manufactures : a handbook of the great manufactories and representative mercantile houses of Philadelphia in 1867 (Philadelphia: E. Young, 1867), opp. p. 472., Philadelphia on Stone, Free Library of Philadelphia: Oversize Philadelphiana - Factories and Foundries (A-M)
- Date
- [ca. 1867]
- Location
- Free Library of Philadelphia. | Print and Picture Collection. FLP FLP Oversize Philadelphiana - Factories and Foundries (A-M)
- Title
- Harrison & Newhall, corner of Race and Crown streets, Philadelphia. Commission merchants and importers Rio coffee, sugars, hides &c. Philadelphia
- Description
- Advertisement with heavy street activity showing the Harrison & Newhall Refinery, formerly the Penington Sugar Refinery. Refinery reestablished and expanded as the Harrison & Newhall Refinery circa 1855 at 409 Race Street. In front of the refinery, laborers load horse-drawn drays with barrels as another man in an apron leads another dray past the fenced northwest corner of Race and Crown streets (former residence of Edward Penington). At that corner, a man leans on a street lamp across from a man on horseback in the street and two street urchins on the sidewalk eyeing a well-dressed couple. At the other end of the street, a traffic jam occurs as the barrels on the dray of a rambunctious horse roll off the vehicle in front of a horse-drawn cart and omnibus. A horse-handler and displaced carriage driver discuss the accident in the street as a peddler, the possible cause of the commotion, nonchalantly carries a tray of wares on his head past the scene. Also shows barrels being hoisted outside of the refinery building. The refinery extends around the rear of a row of buildings in front of which the traffic incident occurs., Published in Colton’s atlas of America, illustrating the physical and political geography of North and South America... Commercial edition with business cards of prominent houses in Philadelphia. (New York: J.H. Colton and Company, 1856), page 80. (HSP O 458)., Philadelphia on Stone, POS 342, Historical Society of Pennsylvania: Bc 35 H 324, Historical Society of Pennsylvania: Bc 3, Free Library of Philadelphia: Oversize Philadelphiana - Factories and Foundries (A-M), Accompanied by scrap inscribed: River Bank. Great Flood in Susquehanna, June 5th 1889.
- Creator
- Rease, W. H., artist
- Date
- [1856]
- Location
- Historical Society of Pennsylvania HSP Bc 35 H 324, Historical Society of Pennsylvania HSP Bc 3