Street scene on Spruce Street between Tenth and Eleventh streets with a view of the Almshouse and House of Employment, built after the designs of Philadelphia architect Robert Smith, in 1767. In the foreground, three men capture a pig escaped from a nearby horse-drawn cart transporting swine. The Alms House provided shelter to indigents incapable of labor, while the House of Employment housed the poor able to work. The inmates predominately manufactured textiles. The houses were razed in 1835, superseded by the Blockley Almshouse in West Philadelphia., Retrospective conversion record: original entry, edited., Illustrated in S. Robert Teitelman's Birch's Views of Philadelphia (Philadelphia: The Free Library of Philadelphia, 1982, rev. 2000), pl. 25.
W. Birch & Son
Library Company of Philadelphia | Print Department Birch's views [Sn 25/P.2276.58]
Street scene on Spruce Street between Tenth and Elevenths streets with a view of the Almshouse and House of Employment, built after the designs of Philadelphia architect, Robert Smith, in 1767. In the foreground, three men capture a pig escaped from a nearby horse-drawn cart, transporting swine. The Alms House provided shelter to indigents incapable of labor, while the House of Employment housed the poor able to work. The inmates predominately manufactured textiles. The houses were razed in 1835, superseded by the Blockley Almshouse in West Philadelphia., Print trimmed., Retrospective conversion record: original entry, edited., Illustrated in S. Robert Teitelman's Birch's Views of Philadelphia (Philadelphia: The Free Library of Philadelphia, 1982, rev. 2000), pl. 25.
W. Birch & Son
Library Company of Philadelphia | Print Department Birch's views [Sn 25/P.2276.59]