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[Philada. & New York Pekin Tea Company, N.W. corner of Callowhill and Sixth Streets, Philadelphia] [graphic] / Drawn on stone by Wm. H. Rease, No. 17 1/2 Sth. 5th St.

[Thos. Minford. Wholesale & retail grocery & tea warehouse, s.w. corner of Second and Walnut Streets, Philadelphia] [graphic] / On stone by W. H. Rease, No. 17, So. 5th St.

The Great American Tea Company, No. 51 Vesey Street, New York, take pleasure in sending their price list of teas, : which are marked at two cents (.02 cents) per pound above cost, believing this to be attractive to the many who have heretofore been paying

Union Tea Co., No. 1735 North 10th Street, teas, coffees, & spices. Handsome & useful presents given away with tea and coffee.

[Philada. & New York Pekin Tea Company, N.W. corner of Callowhill and Sixth Streets, Philadelphia]

John W. Steen, 1209 Market St.

[T. Sharpless & Sons, wholesale ware room, clothes, cassimeres, merinoes, silks and vestings and Pekin Tea Company, South Second Street and Trotter's Alley, Philadelphia]

[J. C. Jenkins & Co. grocery and tea store, S.W. corner of Chestnut and 12th Streets, Philadelphia] [graphic] / Desnd. & drawn by Ellwood D. Long.

Pratt's astral oil.

Thompson Black's Son & Co., tea dealers, n.w. corner Broad & Chestnut sts., Philada. [graphic].

Chinese Gent and Lady.

United we stand. Divided we fall [graphic].

[Francis Bond trade cards]

[Thos. Minford. Wholesale & retail grocery & tea warehouse, s.w. corner of Second and Walnut Streets, Philadelphia]

[J. C. Jenkins & Co. grocery and tea store, S.W. corner of Chestnut and 12th Streets, Philadelphia]

Washington's Tea Set - [U.S.] Government Building

In 1773 in Boston town was spilled the tea. These are not Indians that you see, but patriots fighting tyranny; they spilled the tea, then drank their fill of coffee ground in Enterprise mill.

[Charles W.R. Smith trade cards]

Die Einwohner von Boston wersen den englisch-ostindischen Thee ins a Meer am 18 December 1773

Cathay Tea Garden, 1221-23-25 Chestnut St., Philadelphia [graphic].

Ice scenes at the burning of Jayne's Building, Chestnut Street, Philada.

Life in Philadelphia. A black tea party. [graphic] / W. Summers, Del.; Hunt, Sc.

Life in Philadelphia. A black tea party. [graphic] / W. Summers, Del.; Hunt, Sc.

Life in Philadelphia. A black tea party. [graphic] / W. Summers, Del.; Hunt, Sc.

[Plate 2 and advertisements from Rae's Philadelphia pictorial directory & panoramic advertiser. Chestnut Street, from Second to Tenth Streets] [graphic].

[Plate 2 and advertisements from Rae's Philadelphia pictorial directory & panoramic advertiser. Chestnut Street, from Second to Tenth Streets]