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Smoke "Virginia" cigars. J.S. Semon, "Virginia Tobacco Store" No. 6 South Eighth St., Philadelphia.

[J. Mayland, Jr. & Co. tobacco & snuff manufactory. Segars, foreign & domestic. Wholesale grocers, N.W. corner of Third and Race Streets, Philadelphia] [graphic].

Edward P. Macken, dealer in Key West, imported and domestic cigars, and tobacco, my 5 cent cigars a specialty. 1140 Pine St., Philad'a.

Fifth above Arch Street, eastside, Philadelphia. [graphic].

G.M. Loudenslager, dealek [sic] in cigars and tobacco, 480 North Third St., Philad'a.

J. Smith, manufacturer of fine cigars, and dealer in tobacco, snuff, pipes, &c. 720 West Dauphin Street, near 4th and 8th Sts. depot, Philadelphia.

[J. Mayland, Jr. & Co. tobacco & snuff manufactory. Segars, foreign & domestic. Wholesale grocers, N.W. corner of Third and Race Streets, Philadelphia]

Old London coffee house, s.w. corner of Market and Front street. [graphic] / Photograph taken Augt. 1858 by James E. McClees.

[Old London Coffee House, Front and Market streets, Philadelphia.] [graphic] / McClees & Germon, patent crystalotype, 182 Chestnut St. Philada.

[Chestnut Street from the Custom House, Philadelphia]

Chestnut Street from the Custom House

Chestnut Street from the Custom House Philadelphia.

Chestnut St. west from Fourth.