Exterior view of front facade and flank of the Roset House at the corner of West Manheim Street and Portico Street (Spring Alley), showing advertisements for a cigar store on the first floor. Originally home of Jacques Marie Roset who came to America in 1792 and moved to Germantown in 1821. One of his granddaughters married Anthony J. Drexel., Sheet number: 102B13., Undivided back., Digitized with funding from a grant from the National Endowment for the Humanities (PW-506-19-10), 2010-2012.
Brightbill, George M., collector
ca. 1905
Library Company of Philadelphia | Print Department Brightbill postcards [Germantown - Mansions - 102]
Tradecard containing an exterior view of the five-story "leaf tobacco segars" store adorned in signage. Two gentlemen convene at the entry while a laborer loads crates onto a large horse-drawn wagon with a driver at the reigns. Crates marked "Leaf Tobacco" and "Segars" line the sidewalk near the wagon. Also contains partial views of adjacent businesses, including signage reading "...are" and "...ghaus." Image surrounded by a decorative border. The tobacconist firm Stern, Jonas, & Co., comprised of partners Meno Stern, Julius Jonas, and Gustav Isaac, was active in 1864., Not in Wainwright., Philadelphia on Stone, See related unillustrated tradecard for firm. [P.9349.147i], Stein & Jones established in 1859 was active under that name until the death of Stein in 1871.
[ca. 1864]
Library Company of Philadelphia | Print Department albums - Specimens Album [P.9349.147r]
View looking south from Walnut Street showing the east side of the 200 block of Fourth Street, including the expanded Philadelphia and Reading Railroad Company offices at 227 South 4th Street. The office building, originally built in 1850 after the designs of John M. Gries, was altered to include an addition in 1871 after the designs of Collins & Autenrieth. The railroad offices remained at the location until 1893. Also shows an adjacent tobacco store (211 Fourth) and a horse-drawn carriage traveling in the street., Title supplied by cataloguer., Orange mount with rounded corners., Manuscript note on verso: Walnut & 4th St., Gift of Robert M. Vogel., Digitization funded by a grant from the National Endowment for the Humanities (PW-506-19-10), 2010-2012.
Cremer, James, 1821-1893
[ca. 1875]
Library Company of Philadelphia | Print Department stereo - Cremer - Streets [P.9047.45]
View of the business and residential Philadelphia street corner with a two-story, wooden building advertising the sale of cigars, tobacco, coal, and oil. Barrels and carts line the sidewalk. Rowhouses are interspersed amongst the businesses including a liquor store, a lager beer hall, and Palace Segar store. Men, women, and children pedestrians, including African Americans, walk on the sidewalk. In the nineteenth century, the neighborhood, known as Washington Square West, contained one of the city's largest populations of African Americans., Title from item., Possibly commissioned by Philadelphia antiquarian Ferdinand Dreer., Lib. Company. Annual report, 1975, p. 6-11., Select link below for a digital image., Purchase 1975., Description revised 2021., Access points revised 2021., Part of digital collections catalog through a grant from the Institute of Museum and Library Services as administered by the Pennsylvania Department of Education through the Office of Commonwealth Libraries, and the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, Tom Corbett, Governor, 2013-2014.
Evans, B. R. (Benjamin Ridgway), 1834-1891, artist
Library Company of Philadelphia | Print Department Evans watercolors [P.2298.120], http://www.brynmawr.edu/iconog/evans/files/plc120.html