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The Negroes stringing and rolling tobacco. [graphic].

[Tobacco house] [graphic] / W. Newman del. sculp.

Wilson & McCallay's Happy Thought. Wave line plug tobacco.

[Processing tobacco] [graphic].

ASSU Illustration 3646

Fabrica del Tabacco [graphic] / Ant Gregori scul. F.

Jaques Marie Roset House, Germantown, Philadelphia.

Dausman Tobacco Company, St. Louis.

Use ideal cut plug.

Shipped by the grace of God, in good order and well conditioned, by [blank] :

Scene in a Lynchburg tobacco factory [graphic] / W.L.S. ; DV.

Tobacco Banner

John F. Schreck, manufacturer of Conestoga tobacco, chewing and smoking. It's all in the quality

Smoke "Virginia" cigars. J.S. Semon, "Virginia Tobacco Store" No. 6 South Eighth St., Philadelphia.

[Bronson's tobacco factory & office]

Tobacco plantation [graphic].

Callowhill Street Bridge, Philadelphia, Pa.

Tobacco - Virginia

Children of all nations. A series of 50. [graphic].

Bloch. Bros. West Virgina mail pouch tobacco. I tell you breddern, it pays you to read erbout W.V.A Mail Pouch terbacker on de oder side dis yer card [graphic].

Prison life in the tobacco warehouse at Richmond. / By a Ball's Bluff prisoner, Lieut. Wm. C. Harris, of Col. Baker's California Regiment. Contents. ... Preface. ...Philadelphia, March 25, 1862. Complete in one volume, price 50 cts., or handsomely bound i

Rolling cigarette.

Five Brothers plug tobacco "the best" [graphic].

Crawford, Martha, d. 1844

[J. Mayland, Jr. & Co. tobacco & snuff manufactory. Segars, foreign & domestic. Wholesale grocers, N.W. corner of Third and Race Streets, Philadelphia] [graphic].

Chew, smoke Old Abe fine cut smoking, B. Leidersdorf & Co., Milwaukee, Wis.

Edward P. Macken, dealer in Key West, imported and domestic cigars, and tobacco, my 5 cent cigars a specialty. 1140 Pine St., Philad'a.

[Old Judge cigarettes, Goodwin & Co., New York, U.S.A.]

Stern, Jonas & Co. No. 218 North Third Street, Philadelphia.

[Fourth Street below Walnut Street, Philadelphia]

Fifth above Arch Street, eastside, Philadelphia. [graphic].

Cuba. Sugar plantation. Havana City and Harbor. Morro Castle. Santiago Cuba [graphic].

Bronson's block after the fire.

Foul-Mouth'd Man.

G.M. Loudenslager, dealek [sic] in cigars and tobacco, 480 North Third St., Philad'a.

J. Smith, manufacturer of fine cigars, and dealer in tobacco, snuff, pipes, &c. 720 West Dauphin Street, near 4th and 8th Sts. depot, Philadelphia.

[J. Mayland, Jr. & Co. tobacco & snuff manufactory. Segars, foreign & domestic. Wholesale grocers, N.W. corner of Third and Race Streets, Philadelphia]

Old London coffee house, s.w. corner of Market and Front street. [graphic] / Photograph taken Augt. 1858 by James E. McClees.

[Old London Coffee House, Front and Market streets, Philadelphia.] [graphic] / McClees & Germon, patent crystalotype, 182 Chestnut St. Philada.

Tokio cigarettes

[Chestnut Street from the Custom House, Philadelphia]

Chestnut Street from the Custom House

Chestnut Street from the Custom House Philadelphia.

South-east corner of Twelfth and Locust streets.

Smoke Day's standard Durham smoking tobacco

Thomas Leiper and family business records finding aid

[Specimens album]

Chestnut St. west from Fourth.