Illustrated trade card depicting a wailing baby., Advertising text printed on verso promotes Shill's "celebrated and renowned baby coaches" and lists some of Shill's products in two columns., Cataloging funded by a grant from the National Endowment for the Humanities (PW-506-19-10), 2010-2012., Digitized.
[ca. 1880]
Library Company of Philadelphia | Print Department trade card - Shill [1975.F.779]
Advertisement showing the four-story storefront between Arch and Race streets on North Second Street covered in signage. A male patron enters the building. He walks below the sign illustrated with a pig hanging above the doorway that reads "Lard Lamp Manufactory," and past a stack of crates marked "Tin Plate By The Box" laying on the stoop. Toys, tinware, saddleryware and japanned ware fill the large display windows. In the windows of the upper floors, a male and female laborer at work are visible in addition to more merchandise. Also shows a barrel on the sidewalk next to the cellar doors of the store and partial views of adjacent buildings. Francis, Field & Francis (Henry and Thomas Francis and Charles Field), also known as the Philadelphia Tin Toy Manufactory, was one of the oldest toy manufactories in American and began operating from the address in 1839., Title supplied by cataloguer., Date from Poulson inscription on recto: North Second Street. Oct 1846., Philadelphia on Stone, LCP copy lacking title and imprint., Wainwright retrospective conversion project, edited.
[October 1846]
Library Company of Philadelphia | Print Department *W138 [P.2047]
Illustrated flier for "comic head" mechanical target issued by the Mutual Novelty Manufacturing Company. Contains image of target (Patented Aug 28 1877), which includes the racist, comic head of an African American clown, portrayed in caricature with a slack jaw and grotesque features, and pictorial details of the "Target Arrow" (Pat. Sep. 5 1876). Flier also contains vignette of "Toy Target Arrow For Boys and Girls." Shows a child's hand pulling the arrow through an egg-shaped barrel. Vignette surrounded by advertising text reading "Throws the Arrow very accurately, and affords hours of amusement for both young and old. Made of hard wood, finely polished, beautifully colored. Price, per gross, $35.00 nett. Sample, by mail, 50 cts." Mutual Novelty Manufacturing Co. operated until at the least the 1920s., Title from item., Date inferred from content., Several lines of advertising text printed below image explicating the size, construction, price, and shipping of toy, and advertising potential of "Target and Envelope." Text also includes the solicitation that "Agents can earn over $30,000 weekly, and Canvassers from house to house more than $3.00 daily, selling our different Novelties. We would like to make you an Agent, and if you send out Sub Agents you can make upwards of $2,000 yearly.", Purchased with funds from the Walter J. Miller Trust for the Visual Culture Program., RVCDC, Description revised 2021., Access points revised 2021., Part of digital collections catalog through a grant from the Institute of Museum and Library Services as administered by the Pennsylvania Department of Education through the Office of Commonwealth Libraries, and the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, Tom Corbett, Governor, 2013-2014.
[ca. 1877]
Library Company of Philadelphia | Print Department Ph Pr - 8x10 - Advertisements - M [P.2013.36.4]