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- Title
- [Womrath & Neville, manufactory of fringes, tassels, cords & c. & Geo. F. Womrath, fur store, 15 & 13 North Fourth Street, Philadelphia] [graphic] / Drawn on stone W. H. Rease, 17, So. 15th St.
- Description
- Location: 15 & 13 North Fourth Street (pre-consolidation)., Wainwright retrospective conversion project., Select link below to view a digital image.
- Creator
- Rease, W. H. lithographer., creator
- Date
- ca. 1846.
- Location
- http://www.lcpgraphics.org/wainwright/W468.htm, Library Company of Philadelphia Print Dept. *W468 [P.2249]
- Title
- C.R. Woodward, 305 South 13th Street, Philadelphia Hosiery, gloves, staple trimmings, knit goods, dress linings, stationery, &c
- Description
- Illustrated trade card depicting a male figure attired in a tattered smock and strappy sandals holding a staff in his left hand and a piece of fruit extended in his right hand., Cataloging funded by a grant from the National Endowment for the Humanities (PW-506-19-10), 2010-2012., Digitized.
- Date
- [ca. 1880]
- Location
- Library Company of Philadelphia | Print Department trade cards - Woodward [1975.F.1007a]
- Title
- [Shoneman Bros. trade cards]
- Description
- Series of illustrated trade cards for Shoneman Bros. trimmings and fancy goods' store at 116, 118 & 129 North Eighth Street in Philadelphia. Illustrations depict boats on the water, a child peaking through flowers, and a bird perched on flowers near its nest containing baby birds., Title supplied by cataloger., One print [1975.F.800] copyrighted 1880 by Thomas W. Price Co., One print [1975.F.800] contains Shakespeare quote printed on recto: Words are easy like the wind; faithful friends are hard to find. Every man will be thy friend, whilst thou hast wherewith to spend; but if store of crowns be scant, no man will supply thy want.", One print [1975.F.809] contains advertising text printed on verso promoting Shoneman Bros.' inexpensive gloves, fancy goods, fringe & buttons, and trimmings & fancy goods., Cataloging funded by a grant from the National Endowment for the Humanities (PW-506-19-10), 2010-2012., Digitized.
- Date
- [ca. 1880]
- Location
- Library Company of Philadelphia | Print Department trade card - Shoneman Bros. [1975.F.772; 1975.F.800; 1975.F.809]
- Title
- Mrs. Swasey, 340 N. Eighth St., Philada Trimmings, notions, hosiery and gloves a specialty
- Description
- Illustrated trade card depicting a spray of flowers. Trimmings store owned by Georgiana Swasey, wife of Captain W.P. Swasey., Cataloging funded by a grant from the National Endowment for the Humanities (PW-506-19-10), 2010-2012., Digitized.
- Date
- [ca. 1880]
- Location
- Library Company of Philadelphia | Print Department trade card - Swasey [P.9798.3]
- Title
- Rapson's trimmings and zephyrs, 132 N. Eighth Street, corner of Cherry St
- Description
- Illustrated trade card die-cut and shaped into a bound book with an illustration on the cover depicting a bucolic scene of a man leading animals to a tree-lined stream. A man fishes in the stream in the distance and cattle approach the water on the opposite bank., Cataloging funded by a grant from the National Endowment for the Humanities (PW-506-19-10), 2010-2012., Digitized.
- Date
- c1883
- Location
- Library Company of Philadelphia | Print Department trade card - Rapson's [P.9728.6]
- Title
- "Palais Royal." Siedenbach & Cohen, fancy goods, laces, gloves and trimmings, S.W. cor. Eighth and Filbert Streets, Philad'a
- Description
- Series of illustrated trade cards depicting a spray of flowers; a clown with a large bubble around his head spilling soap water from a bowl; and a bride wearing a white dress with white flowers fastened to the skirt., One print [1975.F.770] contains manuscript note on verso: No. 3, Cataloging funded by a grant from the National Endowment for the Humanities (PW-506-19-10), 2010-2012., Digitized.
- Date
- [ca. 1885]
- Location
- Library Company of Philadelphia | Print Department trade card - Siedenbach [1975.F.770; 1975.F.795; 1975.F.801]
- Title
- Chestnut Street, Philadelphia, from Tenth to [Ninth], south side
- Description
- View from above Tenth Street, looking east, showing the 1000 block of Chestnut Street. Businesses include: J.G. Maxwell, trimmings store and factory (1032 Chestnut); Wilson and Stellwagon, jewelers (1028 Chestnut), and a children's clothing store. Crates of trash rest on the corner near a lamppost and a group of conversing men. Also includes a horse-drawn carriage standing idle in the street. Trimmings store contains a large advertisement on the side of its building., Title printed on mount., Photographer's imprint printed on mount., Green mount with square corners., Retrospective conversion record: original entry, edited., Originally part of a McAllister scrapbook., Digitization funded by a grant from the National Endowment for the Humanities (PW-506-19-10), 2010-2012.
- Creator
- Newell, Robert, 1822-1897
- Date
- ca. 1869
- Location
- Library Company of Philadelphia | Print Department stereo - Newell - Streets [(8)1322.F.29a]
- Title
- Darlington, Runk & Co., Philadelphia
- Description
- Illustrated trade card depicting pink and gilt flowering vines., Advertising text printed on verso: Monday, March 15, Grand Opening of silks, dress fabrics, grenadines, by Darlington, Runk & Co. at which time they will have the pleasure of exhibiting the very newest styles and colorings for the spring and summer 1880., Cataloging funded by a grant from the National Endowment for the Humanities (PW-506-19-10), 2010-2012., Digitized.
- Date
- 1880
- Location
- Library Company of Philadelphia | Print Department *trade card - Darlington [1975.F.83]
- Title
- [Womrath & Neville, manufactory of fringes, tassels, cords & c. & Geo. F. Womrath, fur store, 15 & 13 North Fourth Street, Philadelphia]
- Description
- Advertisement showing the adjoining four-story storefronts adorned with signage and displayed windows above Market Street on North Fourth Street. At the Womrath & Neville storefront (15), a clerk is visible helping a female patron through the open entry to the building. Shelves of merchandise line the wall behind the employee. Fringes, tassles, a framed graphic, a small broadside, and other trimmings fill the display windows marked "Hosiery," "Trimmings," "Bindings," and "Tapes & Thread." Another clerk stands at an upper floor window and two crates, one marked "W&N," line the sidewalk. Between the stores, a woman and girl stand in front of an open entry to a stairwell and between the cellar doors of the establishments. The girl points at a fur piece in the display window of the "George F. Womrath Fur Store" (13). A couple enters the building past a stack of wrapped bundles and packages, some marked "Black" and "White," and fur muffs and skins displayed near the entry. More fur muffs and stoles fill the showcase window. Two packages of "Bear Skins" line the sidewalk. Also shows partial views of adjacent buildings, including signage reading "...use" and "....er." Womrath and Neville partnered at the address 1846-1849. Womrath established his fur business in 1829., Tite supplied by cataloguer., Date from Poulson insciption on recto: Dec. 1846. 1846. North Fourth Street., Philadelphia on Stone, POS 863, Wainwright retrospective conversion project, edited., Trimmed and lacking title.
- Creator
- Rease, W. H., artist
- Date
- [December 1846]
- Location
- Library Company of Philadelphia | Print Department *W468 [P.2249]
- Title
- Chestnut Street from Eighth to Seventh north side
- Description
- View showing the north side of the 700 block of Chestnut Street. Includes the Washington House hotel (711 Chestnut), the Masonic Hall (713-721 Chestnut), built 1853-1855 after the designs of Sloan & Stewart and razed by fire in 1886, and Horstmann and Bros.'s military goods and trimmings store (723 Chestnut Street, 1858 to 1861). Street traffic includes: a horse-drawn cart, a horse-drawn carriage, and a horse-drawn omnibus., Attributed to Henry B. Odiorne., Pale yellow mount with square corners., Title from manuscript note on verso., Retrospective conversion record: original entry, edited., Originally part of a McAllister scrapbook., Reproduced in Kenneth Finkel's Nineteenth-century photography in Philadelphia (New York: Dover Publication, Inc. in cooperation with The Library Company of Philadelphia, 1980), plate 228., Digitization funded by a grant from the National Endowment for the Humanities (PW-506-19-10), 2010-2012.
- Creator
- Odiorne, Henry B., 1805-1860, photographer
- Date
- ca. 1859
- Location
- Library Company of Philadelphia | Print Department stereo - Odiorne - Streets [(8)1322.F.25f]
- Title
- Chestnut Street from Eighth to Seventh north side
- Description
- View showing the north side of the 700 block of Chestnut Street. Includes the Washington House hotel (711 Chestnut), the Masonic Hall (713-721 Chestnut), built 1853-1855 after the designs of Sloan & Stewart and razed by fire in 1886, and Horstmann and Bros.'s military goods and trimmings store (723 Chestnut Street, 1858 to 1861). Street traffic includes: a horse-drawn cart, a horse-drawn carriage, and a horse-drawn omnibus., Attributed to Henry B. Odiorne., Pale yellow mount with square corners., Title from manuscript note on verso., Retrospective conversion record: original entry, edited., Originally part of a McAllister scrapbook., Reproduced in Kenneth Finkel's Nineteenth-century photography in Philadelphia (New York: Dover Publication, Inc. in cooperation with The Library Company of Philadelphia, 1980), plate 228., Digitization funded by a grant from the National Endowment for the Humanities (PW-506-19-10), 2010-2012.
- Creator
- Odiorne, Henry B., 1805-1860, photographer
- Date
- ca. 1859
- Location
- Library Company of Philadelphia | Print Department stereo - Odiorne - Streets [(8)1322.F.25f]
- Title
- [S. Shoneman trade cards]
- Description
- Series of illustrated trade cards for Samuel Shoneman's "button house" and ladies' trimmings store at 101 South Eleventh Street, later 1018 Chestnut Street, in Philadelphia. Illustrations depict sprays of flowers; flowers in a vase; children carrying a potted flowering plant; a girl picking and smelling flowers; putti; a boy straddling a music stand containing sheet music and playing the violin or fiddle; a male figure attired in a hat and ruffled collar standing near a scythe and hourglass holding a hoop through which a frog leaps; and a view showing the treaty made at the village of Shackamaxon (i.e. Penn Treaty Park, Kensington) on the Delaware River. Penn, surrounded by his delegates, negotiates with the Delaware Indian chief near a giant elm tree. Crates of goods are sat upon and displayed by the English delegation. Also shows residences standing in the background., Title supplied by cataloger., Three prints contain advertising text printed on versos promoting various styles of buttons sold by Shoneman's "button house", along with various ladies trimmings, jewelry and fancy goods., Cataloging funded by a grant from the National Endowment for the Humanities (PW-506-19-10), 2010-2012., Digitized.
- Date
- [ca. 1880-1885]
- Location
- Library Company of Philadelphia | Print Department trade card - Shoneman [1975.F.691; 1975.F.698; 1975.F.798; 1975.F.850; 1975.F.852; 1975.F.862 & 863; P.9728.10]
- Title
- [Brown, Frederick & Kunkel, clothing warerooms, 41 North Third Street, Philadelphia]
- Description
- Unlettered proof of advertisement showing a North Third Street block of businesses (37-43) above Market Street. Includes (left to right) Sieger, Lamb & Co., dry goods (43); Brown, Frederick & Kunkel, men's and boys' wear and Irwin, Shultz & Peiper, merchants (41); S. Brock Jr., fancy dry goods and Iungerich & Smith, grocers (39); and Lloyd & Walmsley, trimmings (37). Storefronts are four to five stories and are built of stone. Gentlemen patrons enter and exit, including one descending an interior flight of stairs, most of the establishments. A crate rests outside and boxes are piled near the second-floor windows of Brown, Frederick, & Kunkel. Barrels crowd the first floor of Iungerich & Smith into which a laborer rolls a barrel as two line the sidewalk behind him. Outside of Lloyd & Walmsley, a gentleman inspects a large box and men sit on or address crates in front of Sieger, Lamb & Co. Drays, a wagon, and handcart, attended by their drivers, and loaded with goods, many with faint writing, are parked in front of, or depart, from each building. One drayman attempts to settle his horse. Also shows the storefront (without signage) at 45 North Third Street and partial views, with signage, of neighboring businesses, including J.W. Swain, umbrellas and parasols (35). Names of businesses spelled variantly on 41 North Third Street storefront., Title supplied by cataloger., Possibly by W.H. Rease., Date supplied by Wainwright., Philadelphia on Stone, POS 65, Wainwright retrospective conversion project, edited.
- Date
- [1855]
- Location
- Library Company of Philadelphia | Print Department **W34 [P.2033]
- Title
- Seventh National Bank, 401 Market Street, Philadelphia, Pa
- Description
- View showing the bank at the northwest corner of Fourth and Market streets. Also shows adjacent businesses on North Fourth below Arch, including Musselman & Kirk, cotton goods, wood and willoware (12 N. 4th); L. Snively, ladies' boot and shoe manufacturer (18 N. 4th); T.P. and S.S. Smith, ladies' boot and shoe manufacturer (20 N. 4th); and a trimmings store. Crates line the sidewalks., Photographer's label pasted on verso., Yellow mount with rounded corners., Title from manuscript note on verso., Manuscript note on verso: Inc. May 1864 at 216 Market St, moved shortly to 401 Market., Gift of Robert M. Vogel., Digitization funded by a grant from the National Endowment for the Humanities (PW-506-19-10), 2010-2012.
- Creator
- Simons, M. P. (Montgomery P.)
- Date
- [ca.1866]
- Location
- Library Company of Philadelphia | Print Department stereo - Simons - Banks [P.9047.22]
- Title
- Seventh National Bank, 401 Market Street, Philadelphia, Pa
- Description
- View showing the bank at the northwest corner of Fourth and Market streets. Also shows adjacent businesses on North Fourth below Arch, including Musselman & Kirk, cotton goods, wood and willoware (12 N. 4th); L. Snively, ladies' boot and shoe manufacturer (18 N. 4th); T.P. and S.S. Smith, ladies' boot and shoe manufacturer (20 N. 4th); and a trimmings store. Crates line the sidewalks., Photographer's label pasted on verso., Yellow mount with rounded corners., Title from manuscript note on verso., Manuscript note on verso: Inc. May 1864 at 216 Market St, moved shortly to 401 Market., Gift of Robert M. Vogel., Digitization funded by a grant from the National Endowment for the Humanities (PW-506-19-10), 2010-2012.
- Creator
- Simons, M. P. (Montgomery P.)
- Date
- [ca.1866]
- Location
- Library Company of Philadelphia | Print Department stereo - Simons - Banks [P.9047.22]
- Title
- [Masonic Hall, Chestnut Street below Eighth, Philadelphia]
- Description
- View looking east from below Eighth Street showing the Masonic Hall at 713-721 Chestnut. The hall, built 1853-1855 after the designs of Sloan & Stewart, was razed by fire in 1886. Shows adjacent and tenant businesses, including Marxsen & Witte, china and glass (713 Chestnut); H. A. Osterle & Co., trimmings; and Marvin & Co., safes (721 Chestnut)., Title supplied by cataloguer., Yellow paper mount with square corners., Attributed to Bartlett & French., Retrospective conversion record: original entry, with edited., Originally part of a McAllister scrapbook of views of Philadelphia., Reproduced in The Print and Photograph Department of the Library Company of Philadelphia's Center City Philadelphia in the 19th century (Portsmouth, N.H.: Arcadia Publishing, 2006), p. 83., Arcadia caption text: In 1855 the Grand Lodge of Free and Accepted Masons of Pennsylvania opened a new hall on the north side of the 700 block of Chestnut Street, the site of an earlier Masonic Hall. The Masons occupied the top three floors of the Gothic brownstone building, designed by Philadelphia architect and Mason Samuel Sloan, and rented the first floor out to commercial tenants. Initial enthusiasm for the building faded quickly as problems with water in the basement and poorly ventilated rooms became apparent. By the time of this c. 1868 view, a Masonic committee had described the building as “a gross failure both in its plan and its construction.”, Digitization funded by a grant from the National Endowment for the Humanities (PW-506-19-10), 2010-2012.
- Creator
- Bartlett & French, photographer
- Date
- [ca. 1868]
- Location
- Library Company of Philadelphia | Print Department stereo - Bartlett & French - Associations [(8)1322.F.27b]
- Title
- [Plate 14 and advertisements from Rae's Philadelphia pictorial directory & panoramic advertiser. Chestnut Street, from Second to Tenth Streets]
- Description
- Plate showing a section of the 800 block (216-277) of Chestnut Street. South side includes J. S. Earle, Looking Glasses, Oil Paintings, Portrait & Picture Frames (216); W.H. Carryl, Curtain Store (218); Welch’s National Circus theater (224); Joseph M. Wilson, Bookseller & Stationer (228); and John Mustin Trimming Store (240). North side (unnumbered) includes Girard House, Presbury & Billings, proprietors., Advertisements promote six of the depicted businesses (Wilson, Mustin, Jr., Welch’s, Carryl, Earle, and Girard House). Advertisements contain lines of promotional text and ornamented type. Earle also promotes "Old and Valuable Paintings repaired, relined, and restored to their original beauty" and the Girard House notes it is "new, large, and probably the most beautiful hotel in the world.", Title supplied by cataloger., Cataloging funded by a grant from the National Endowment for the Humanities (PW-506-19-10), 2010-2012., Folder 15.
- Creator
- Rae, Julio H.
- Date
- [1851]
- Location
- Library Company of Philadelphia | Print Department albums - Rae - Folder 15 [*Am 1851 Rae, 2975.Q]
- Title
- [Plate 14 and advertisements from Rae's Philadelphia pictorial directory & panoramic advertiser. Chestnut Street, from Second to Tenth Streets]
- Description
- Plate showing a section of the 800 block (216-277) of Chestnut Street. South side includes J. S. Earle, Looking Glasses, Oil Paintings, Portrait & Picture Frames (216); W.H. Carryl, Curtain Store (218); Welch’s National Circus theater (224); Joseph M. Wilson, Bookseller & Stationer (228); and John Mustin Trimming Store (240). North side (unnumbered) includes Girard House, Presbury & Billings, proprietors., Advertisements promote six of the depicted businesses (Wilson, Mustin, Jr., Welch’s, Carryl, Earle, and Girard House). Advertisements contain lines of promotional text and ornamented type. Earle also promotes "Old and Valuable Paintings repaired, relined, and restored to their original beauty" and the Girard House notes it is "new, large, and probably the most beautiful hotel in the world.", Title supplied by cataloger., Cataloging funded by a grant from the National Endowment for the Humanities (PW-506-19-10), 2010-2012., Folder 15.
- Creator
- Rae, Julio H.
- Date
- [1851]
- Location
- Library Company of Philadelphia | Print Department albums - Rae - Folder 15 [*Am 1851 Rae, 2975.Q]
- Title
- [Unnumbered plate and advertisements from Rae's Philadelphia pictorial directory & panoramic advertiser. Chestnut Street, from Second to Tenth Streets]
- Description
- Unnumbered plate showing a section of the 800 block (200-265) of Chestnut Street. South side includes H. Hooker & Co., Stationers & Books (200); Murphey & Billmeyers, House Furnishing Warerooms (202); W. J. Horstmann, Fringes, Gimps, Buttons & c. (204); R. W. Carter, Toilet and Fancy Store (204 1/2); [Cornelius] Everest, Jeweler (206); Le Boutillier Brothers, Fancy Dry Goods (208); Art Union of Philadelphia (210); fancy goods store of R. & W. Fraser (212); and dry goods store of Thos W. Evans & Co. (214). North side includes Presbyterian Board of Publication (265) and the boarding house Butler House (259), prevously the residence of Senator Pierce Butler. "Jeweler" (206) included on plate as pasted-on detail., Advertisements promote eight of the businesses depicted, including Art Union of Philadelphia, which advertises every member for the year of 1851 will receive "for each subscription of five dollars," a print of Huntington’s "Christiana and her Children" and companion print "Mercy’s Dream" and choice of any two of the "following four splendid engravings": "John Knox’s Interview with Mary Queen of Scots," "Ruth and Boaz," "Mercy’s Dream," "Christiana and her Children," and a copy of the "Philadelphia Art Union Reporter.", Title supplied by cataloger., Cataloging funded by a grant from the National Endowment for the Humanities (PW-506-19-10), 2010-2012., Folder 14., LCP also holds trimmed duplicate depicting South side [P.2008.34.16.11].
- Creator
- Rae, Julio H.
- Date
- [1851]
- Location
- Library Company of Philadelphia | Print Department albums - Rae - Folder 14 [*Am 1851 Rae, 2975.Q]
- Title
- [Unnumbered plate and advertisements from Rae's Philadelphia pictorial directory & panoramic advertiser. Chestnut Street, from Second to Tenth Streets]
- Description
- Unnumbered plate showing a section of the 800 block (200-265) of Chestnut Street. South side includes H. Hooker & Co., Stationers & Books (200); Murphey & Billmeyers, House Furnishing Warerooms (202); W. J. Horstmann, Fringes, Gimps, Buttons & c. (204); R. W. Carter, Toilet and Fancy Store (204 1/2); [Cornelius] Everest, Jeweler (206); Le Boutillier Brothers, Fancy Dry Goods (208); Art Union of Philadelphia (210); fancy goods store of R. & W. Fraser (212); and dry goods store of Thos W. Evans & Co. (214). North side includes Presbyterian Board of Publication (265) and the boarding house Butler House (259), prevously the residence of Senator Pierce Butler. "Jeweler" (206) included on plate as pasted-on detail., Advertisements promote eight of the businesses depicted, including Art Union of Philadelphia, which advertises every member for the year of 1851 will receive "for each subscription of five dollars," a print of Huntington’s "Christiana and her Children" and companion print "Mercy’s Dream" and choice of any two of the "following four splendid engravings": "John Knox’s Interview with Mary Queen of Scots," "Ruth and Boaz," "Mercy’s Dream," "Christiana and her Children," and a copy of the "Philadelphia Art Union Reporter.", Title supplied by cataloger., Cataloging funded by a grant from the National Endowment for the Humanities (PW-506-19-10), 2010-2012., Folder 14., LCP also holds trimmed duplicate depicting South side [P.2008.34.16.11].
- Creator
- Rae, Julio H.
- Date
- [1851]
- Location
- Library Company of Philadelphia | Print Department albums - Rae - Folder 14 [*Am 1851 Rae, 2975.Q]
- Title
- [Plate 1 and advertisements from Rae's Philadelphia pictorial directory & panoramic advertiser. Chestnut Street, from Second to Tenth Streets]
- Description
- Plate depicts section of the 200 block of Chestnut Street (42-59 pre-consolidation). South side includes William McMakin, Tailor (42); Wm. [G.] Mason, Printing and Engraving (46); McAllister & Co., Walking Canes & Spectacles (48); Wm. Curry’s Wholesale & Retail Trimming Store (50); F. H. Smith, Pocket Book & Port Monnaie (52 1/2); J. E. Van Meter & Co., Paper Hangings (54); Charles Ellis & Co., Druggists & Importers of English, French & German Drugs (36); and Joseph Fisher, Thermometers (for distilling). North side includes H. A. Dreer’s Seed & Horticultural Warehouse (59); J. G. Falconer, French millinery and J. N. Torr, Card and Fancy Job Printing (57); Bank of Commerce with the offices of Browns & Bowen (55); Clarenbach & Herder, Cutlery (51); and R. Magee, Bookseller and Stationer (45). Also shows partial view of Strawberry Street. Plate also includes a detail showing a donut-shaped object captioned “Blacking” pasted on the depicted roof of the Curry building (50)., Advertisements promote the businesses depicted, except Bank of Commerce, as well as Thomas Hargrave, Plain and Ornamental Marble Worker and Designer, Corner of Ridge Road and Thirteenth St., Philadelphia; Marble-colored and Fancy Papers, Wholesale and Retail, Manufactured by Joshua M. Raybold, Goldsmith’s Hall, Library Street, Philadelphia; George Hummel’s Premium Essence of Coffee Manufactured and Sold, Wholesale and Retail, by Daniel Bohler & Co., No. 218 Callowhill Street, above Sixth; and J. Dougherty’s Black Expectorant Syrup, No. 26 North Sixth Street, Between Market and Arch Streets, Philadelphia. Majority of advertisements include several lines of promotional text and ornamented types, as well as a few include wood engraved vignettes. Mason (50) advertisement lists the materials produced, including seals, presses, paper stamps, cards, tickets, blanks, and door plates. Vignettes depict a woman leaning on a sepulchral monument (Hargrave), portrait of J. Dougherty holding his “Black” syrup, and a shears (Clarenbach & Herder)., Title supplied by cataloger., Cataloging funded by a grant from the National Endowment for the Humanities (PW-506-19-10), 2010-2012., Folder 2., LCP also holds trimmed duplicate depicting the North side [Rae - Chestnut Street (8)1322.F.7a] .
- Creator
- Rae, Julio H.
- Date
- [1851]
- Location
- Library Company of Philadelphia | Print Department albums - Rae - Folder 2 [*Am 1851 Rae, 2975.Q]
- Title
- [Plate 1 and advertisements from Rae's Philadelphia pictorial directory & panoramic advertiser. Chestnut Street, from Second to Tenth Streets]
- Description
- Plate depicts section of the 200 block of Chestnut Street (42-59 pre-consolidation). South side includes William McMakin, Tailor (42); Wm. [G.] Mason, Printing and Engraving (46); McAllister & Co., Walking Canes & Spectacles (48); Wm. Curry’s Wholesale & Retail Trimming Store (50); F. H. Smith, Pocket Book & Port Monnaie (52 1/2); J. E. Van Meter & Co., Paper Hangings (54); Charles Ellis & Co., Druggists & Importers of English, French & German Drugs (36); and Joseph Fisher, Thermometers (for distilling). North side includes H. A. Dreer’s Seed & Horticultural Warehouse (59); J. G. Falconer, French millinery and J. N. Torr, Card and Fancy Job Printing (57); Bank of Commerce with the offices of Browns & Bowen (55); Clarenbach & Herder, Cutlery (51); and R. Magee, Bookseller and Stationer (45). Also shows partial view of Strawberry Street. Plate also includes a detail showing a donut-shaped object captioned “Blacking” pasted on the depicted roof of the Curry building (50)., Advertisements promote the businesses depicted, except Bank of Commerce, as well as Thomas Hargrave, Plain and Ornamental Marble Worker and Designer, Corner of Ridge Road and Thirteenth St., Philadelphia; Marble-colored and Fancy Papers, Wholesale and Retail, Manufactured by Joshua M. Raybold, Goldsmith’s Hall, Library Street, Philadelphia; George Hummel’s Premium Essence of Coffee Manufactured and Sold, Wholesale and Retail, by Daniel Bohler & Co., No. 218 Callowhill Street, above Sixth; and J. Dougherty’s Black Expectorant Syrup, No. 26 North Sixth Street, Between Market and Arch Streets, Philadelphia. Majority of advertisements include several lines of promotional text and ornamented types, as well as a few include wood engraved vignettes. Mason (50) advertisement lists the materials produced, including seals, presses, paper stamps, cards, tickets, blanks, and door plates. Vignettes depict a woman leaning on a sepulchral monument (Hargrave), portrait of J. Dougherty holding his “Black” syrup, and a shears (Clarenbach & Herder)., Title supplied by cataloger., Cataloging funded by a grant from the National Endowment for the Humanities (PW-506-19-10), 2010-2012., Folder 2., LCP also holds trimmed duplicate depicting the North side [Rae - Chestnut Street (8)1322.F.7a] .
- Creator
- Rae, Julio H.
- Date
- [1851]
- Location
- Library Company of Philadelphia | Print Department albums - Rae - Folder 2 [*Am 1851 Rae, 2975.Q]
- Title
- Baxter's panoramic business directory of Philadelphia Chestnut Street from Seventh to Eighth, (south side)
- Description
- View showing the south side of the 700 block of Chestnut Street (700-732). Addresses printed below the buildings. Businesses with signage include W. L. Germon's Photographic Rooms (700); Frederick, Penabert & Germon, photographers (702); Jules Hauel & Co., perfumer, and Meyer & Warne, silverplaters (704); Winchester & Co., gentleman's furnishing store (706); John W. Proctor & Co., cloaks and mantillas (708); Cornelius & Baker, manufacturer of gas light fixtures (710); Hancock & Co. (712); Charles Desilver, publisher and bookseller, and Samuel W. Pepper, jeweler, and Edward W. Carryl, home furnishings (714); T. H. Peters & Co., perfumers (716); Warner, Miskey & Co., manufacturer of gas light fixtures (718); Spieler's Photographic Rooms, and Mrs. E. W. Brown's Dressmaking establishment, and Sarmiento & M'Grath, tailor (720); Lee & Walker, piano store (722); Glenn & Co., perfumers, and Mooney Manley & Co., importers of millinery goods, and Stern & Freeman, manufacturer and importer of artificial flowers (726); McAllister & Brother, opticians (728); Grover & Baker, sewing machines (730); and Duff & Co.'s Commercial College and R.K. Stewart, trimmings (732). Includes pedestrian traffic., Printed on recto: Copyright Secured., Copyrighted by Baxter & Neff., Contains several lines of advertising text below the image promoting the value of a Business Directory that was to depict panoramas of "Chestnut, Market, Third, Second, and Front streets" and the "City Front." Also promotes the directory's detail to architectural characteristics of each building; its use as a future reference; its mutual benefits; and "Its Permanency." Text also solicits subscriptions from businesses in return for a "view of their buildings"; an "Advertising card"; and "one hundred plates of the entire square for their own distribution.", Also contains notice that King & Baird will print the plates on paper of the "best quality," "Terms of subscription," and advertisements for D. W. C. Baxter & Co., publishers, and Baxter & Harley, engravers, below the image., Originally part of a McAllister scrapbook of views of Philadelphia., Variant of 1322 1/2.F.18 and P.2006.1.15a&b.
- Creator
- Baxter, De Witt Clinton, ca. 1829-1881, engraver
- Date
- 1859, c1857
- Location
- Library Company of Philadelphia | Print Department Baxter - Chestnut Street - 1859 [1322 1/2.F.19]