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Grand variety concert for two nights only, : on Tuesday & Wednesday even'gs, Jan. 26 & 27 by Sam'l J. Murphy's Variety Company ... Programme. ... Minstrels! ... Turning the tables! ... To conclude with a celebrated walk-around composed expressly for this

The Bijou Music Hall! No. 607 Arch Street, next door below the theatre. The peoples' favorite place of amusement. : Harry Enochs, sole proprietor Billy Boyd, stage manager J. Nosher, musical director Andrew Enochs, ticket agent, William Early, officer ...

The Bijou Music Hall! No. 607 Arch Street, next door below the theatre. The peoples' favorite place of amusement. : Harry Enochs, sole proprietor Bill Yboyd [sic], stage manager J. Nosher, musical director Andrew Enochs, ticket agent William Early, office

The fourth entertainment of the Geary Thespian Corps, of the 28th Regiment, Penn'a Vol's, (Col. John W. Geary,) : will be given in commemoration of Washington's birth-day, at Camp Goodman, Point of Rocks, Md. on Saturday evening, February 22, 1862, (or if