Bust-length portrait of the Massachusetts senator, abolitionist, reformer, and civil rights advocate. Sumner, attired in a white collared shirt, a patterned bowtie, a black waistcoat and jacket, faces slightly right. Sumner, a leading radical Republican during Reconstruction, was the author of the Civil Rights Act of 1875., Title from printed signature of sitter below image., Date from variant published as frontispiece in C. Edward Lester's Life and public services of Charles Sumner (New York: United States Publishing Company, 1874). (LCP Am 1874 Les, 19880.0)., Gift of Bruce Pearson, 2013., Includes tissue paper overlay., Description revised 2021., Access points revised 2021., Part of digital collections catalog through a grant from the Institute of Museum and Library Services as administered by the Pennsylvania Department of Education through the Office of Commonwealth Libraries, and the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, Tom Corbett, Governor, 2013-2014.
Robin, Augustus, engraver
[ca. 1874]
Library Company of Philadelphia | Print Department portrait prints-S [P.2013.58.13]
Periodical illustration depicting a bust-length portrait of the Massachusetts senator, abolitionist, reformer, and civil rights advocate. Sumner, attired in a white collared shirt, a black bowtie, and a black jacket, slightly faces right. Sumner, a leading radical Republican during Reconstruction, was the author of the Civil Rights Act of 1875., Title from item., Date inferred from inscription on recto., Originally part of a McAllister scrapbook of portraits., McAllister Collection, gift, 1886., Description revised 2021., Access points revised 2021.
Library Company of Philadelphia | Print Department Portrait Prints - S [(3)5750.F.67a]
Bust-length portrait of the Massachusetts senator, abolitionist, reformer, and civil rights advocate. Sumner, attired in a white collared shirt, a patterned bowtie, a black waistcoat and jacket, faces slightly right. Sumner, a leading radical Republican during Reconstruction, was the author of the Civil Rights Act of 1875., Title from item., Printed signature of sitter below image., Date from variant published as frontispiece in C. Edward Lester's Life and Public Services of Charles Sumner (New York: United States Publishing Company, 1874). (LCP Am 1874 Les, 19880.0)., Gift of Dr. Milton and Joan Wohl, 1991., Description revised 2021., Access points revised 2021., Part of digital collections catalog through a grant from the Institute of Museum and Library Services as administered by the Pennsylvania Department of Education through the Office of Commonwealth Libraries, and the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, Tom Corbett, Governor, 2013-2014.
Robin, Augustus, engraver
[ca. 1874]
Library Company of Philadelphia | Print Department Portrait Prints-S [P.9363.97]