Lists the order of the procession., Printed area, including ornamental border, measures 36.2 x 21.0 cm., Digitized by Alexander Street Press for Images of the American Civil War.
Fire Department of Philadelphia
Library Company of Philadelphia | Books & Other Texts | Rare #Am 1864 Fire 8930.F (Bren- ner)
Two of the certificates contain manuscript notes about prices., Originally part of a McAllister scrapbook of Civil War miscellanies., Includes military enlistment certificates, a hospital discharge certificate, and a certificate of donation printed by Philadelphia printers King & Baird and Mclaughlin Brothers. Designs depict soldiers, the figure of Liberty, and the Constitution. Companies include Pennsylvania Volunteers; Philadelphia Fire Zouaves (72nd Regiment, P.V.); the 119th Regiment, P.V.; and First Regiment Reserve Brigade, P.V. Other organizations include Church of the Evangelists and Chesapeake General Hospital.
1861-ca. 1863.
Library Company of Philadelphia Print Dept. Philadelphia certificates - Civil War [5786.F.65e&f;77b;128b&c;180a]
Performers, many of whom appeared in Philadelphia in April 1863 with the Rose and Burr Opera Troupe, include: W. Archibald, F. Anthony, N.J. Bark, A. Fisk, R.J. Harrison, H. Kirk, S. Lane, W. Lynch, the Marion Brothers, C. Renz, Billy Rose, and R.L. Sanford., Illustration signed: Strong., Library Company copy cropped at foot, possibly removing imprint; originally part of a McAllister scrapbook., Digitized by Alexander Street Press for Images of the American Civil War.
Library Company of Philadelphia | Books & Other Texts | Rare PB 1863 Grand (25)5761.F.50a (McAllister)