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[Moss Upholsterer, 127 Walnut Street, Philadelphia] [graphic].

[George Mecke cabinet maker and upholsterer, No 355, North 2nd St. nearly opposite Tammany St. Philadelphia.] [graphic].

[F. Fisher. Upholstery, No 31. Cheap bedding and feather warehouse.] [graphic].

Specialties in curtains and furniture , Walraven, 1105 Chestnut Street.

Moss, upholsterer, No. 127 Walnut Street, Philadelphia.

Thos. Thompson, Sons & Co., manufacturers and importers of upholstery materials, curtains, decorations and novelties. Retail department, Nos. 1430 and 1432 Chestnut Street, (Young Men's Christian Association building.), Philadelphia.

[F. Fisher. Upholstery, No 31. Cheap bedding and feather warehouse.]

Blanchard & Rock, manufacturers & importers of paper hangings. No. 227 Chestnut Street, North side below 8th [billhead]


Thos. N. Miller, fine cabinet ware & upholstery, 1005 Arch Street, Philadelphia.

[Dell & Joseph C. Noblit & Co. trade cards]

Aromatic Pino-Palmine Mattress. 915 Arch St., 113 N. Front Street, Phila. and 115 Water St., Boston, Mass.

[Hartley & Knight's bedding warehouse, 148 South Second Street, Philadelphia]

[George Mecke cabinet maker and upholsterer, No 355, North 2nd St. nearly opposite Tammany St. Philadelphia.]