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When Johnny comes marching home.

Oh! Bury the brave where they fall : song & chorus / written & composed by Lieut. Henrie L. Frisbie of the 113th Ills Infy Vols.

The two pickets: dedicated to the Union League of New England. Words and music by Ossian E. Dodge; and sung by him and Wm. Hayward, with immense success at their monster concert at Tremont Temple, Fast Evening, Boston, April 2d 1863.

Columbia's guardian angels / words and music by Henry C. Work.

Beadle's dime Union song book no 2 for sale here price 10 cts.

Weeping, sad and lonely, or, When this cruel war is over; words by Charles Carroll Sawyer; music composed and arranged by Henry Tucker.

Dear mother I've come home to die : song and chorus / words by E. Bowers ; music by Henry Tucker.

Tramp! Tramp! Tramp!, or, The prisoner's hope. : Song and chorus. / By Geo. F. Root.

Raw recruits, or, Abraham's daughter. / As sung with great applause by Bryants Minstrels of New York. ; Words by Charley Fox, ; arranged by W.L. Hobbs.