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[Architectural drawing depicting a tower, possibly a standpipe for a Philadelphia water works] [graphic].

ASSU Illustration 7854

ASSU Illustration 7875

Ansicht von Fairmount in Philadelphia.

Tower view, at Water Gap House.

Turbine wheel house Fairmount.

Views of Fairmount Park, Philadelphia. Part 1st

Landscape. Evening [graphic].

Springfield Water Supply Co. of Philadelphia advertisement postcards.

ASSU Illustration 7701

Stand pipe. For West Philada. Water Works. [graphic] / On stone by Rease & Shell, No. 17 So. 5th. St.

[New Jersey coastline from Margate City to Brigantine.]

Soldiers your health, comfort, and usefulness, and your country's welfare, will in a great measure depend on your keeping your feet dry, : many are now lying in hospitals, but for wet feet might be rendering their country good service. One box of Frank Mi

Views of the Delaware Water Gap.

[Unidentified marinescape]

Bark under full sail [graphic].

 Fairmount Water Works, Philadelphia. [graphic].

[Forebay at Fairmount Water Works, Philadelphia]

Fairmount Waterworks. From the forebay.

Pumps Fairmount Water Works

[Fairmount Water Works forebay during the winter.] [graphic].


Proposed stand pipe for Delware Water Works, Water Department, Philada. [graphic] / Henry P.M. Birkinbine

Northern Liberties & Spring Garden Water Works.

ASSU Illustration 7237

ASSU Illustration 4157

Van Bibber Water Station

Fairmount Waterworks. From the Forebay. [graphic] / From nature & on stone G. Lehman; Childs & Inman Lithrs.

[Fairmount Waterworks. Pictorial Embellishment of the Philada. Saturday Courier a family paper of the largest size published at two Dollars a year in advance including two Engravings of this Kind yearly.] [graphic].

Fairmount [graphic] / Lith of J.T. Bowen.

[A view of the Fairmount Water-Works with Schuylkill in the distance. Taken from the mount.] [graphic].

View of the Fairmount Waterworks with Schuylkill in the distance. Taken from the mount. [graphic].

Fairmount from West Philada


Engine house of the Twenty-fourth Ward Water Works. Designed and constructed by Birkinbine & Trotter, engineers and contractors, Philadelphia. [graphic].

Fairmount Waterworks.

Grand-stand baseball

Barnegat Bay, New Jersey.

Residential area, Absecon, New Jersey.

View of Fairmount, Phila. PA

Salt Kettle from road, Paget short of Hamilton Harbor, [Bermuda] [graphic].

Small bay on road (N. road) in Southampton Parish, [Bermuda]. Bradley in foreground [graphic].

View from head of bay at the Flatts, [Bermuda] [graphic].

Hamilton from hill, N. half, [Bermuda] [graphic].

St. George's from Fort George, French & his big gun, [Bermuda] [graphic].

Glacial scratches on rocks under Kittatinny House, [Delaware Water Gap] [graphic].

Hamilton, the harbor & [Possibly] S.S. Orinoco, [Bermuda] [graphic].

St. Georges from harbor, [Bermuda] [graphic].

Bay on south Shore below Gibbs Hill Lighthouse, [Bermuda] [graphic].

View of Hamilton Harbor from Avocado Bridge, [Bermuda] [graphic].
