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[Marriage certificate]

Midway Plaisance-Cairo Street-Outrunners of Wedding Procession [graphic].

[Marriage certificate]

Views of a wedding ceremony.

[Unidentified May Day Celebration] [graphic].

[Four unidentified 35 mm snapshots depicting a view of a river; a gardner; an inn-like building; and a wedding]

Bessie in her bridesmaid dress worn at Mary Ecroyd's wedding [graphic].

[Bessie in her bridesmaid dress worn at Mary Ecroyd's wedding] [graphic].

The broomstick wedding [graphic] / H.H.

"The coon" wedding march

[Van Stan's Stratena and Emulsion of Cod Liver Oil trade cards]

[Wedding party] [graphic].

Bride and Groom, [Sara W. Perot & Richard Lea, at 254 W. Walnut Lane, Philadelphia] [graphic].

Wedding Group. [Sarah W. Perot & Richard M. Lea's wedding group at 254 W. Walnut Lane] [graphic].

Bride and Groom, [Sarah W. Perot & Richard M. Lea, at 254 W. Walnut Lane, Philadelphia] [graphic].

[Group of Frank Huston's & Alice Calley's wedding company at 3926 Chestnut St.] [graphic].

[Group of Frank Huston's & Alice Calley's wedding company at 3926 Chestnut St.] [graphic].

Europe 1931 – March – April

Paul Lee & bride [graphic].

[Wedding company at Mary Ecroyd's & Shober Kimber's wedding at Muncy, PA] [graphic].

[Wedding company at Mary Ecroyd's & Shober Kimber's wedding at Muncy, PA] [graphic].

[Wedding company at Mary Ecroyd's & Shober Kimber's wedding at Muncy, PA] [graphic].

Group of bridesmaids, groomsmen, &c on porch at Sunnyside after departure of bride & groom, [Muncy, Pa.] [graphic].

[Group of bridesmaids, groomsmen, &c on porch at Sunnyside after departure of bride & groom, Muncy, PA] [graphic].

Wedding company at Mary Ecroyd's & Shober Kimber's wedding at Muncy, [PA] [graphic].

Wedding Group. [Sarah W. Perot & Richard M. Lea's wedding group at 254 W. Walnut Lane] [graphic].

A darktown wedding, the ceremony

Marriage certificate. This certifies that [blank] of [blank] and [blank] of [blank] united in holy matrimony according to the ordinance of God and the laws of [blank] at [blank] on the [blank] day of [blank] A.D. [blank]. Witnesses [blank] [blank] [graphi

Wedding of the twins [graphic] : Universal, perfect and elegant stoves and ranges. Manufactured by Cribben, Sexton & Co., Chicago, Ill.

"Creme" oat meal toilet soap. [graphic]

Marriage of Tom Thumb.

No. 6 The wedding [graphic] / McGreer.

[Photographic reproductions of the Cartoon Printing Co. series after the 1878 Harper’s Weekly "Blackville" series “The Twins”] [graphic]/ McGreer.

The Fifteenth Amendment. Celebrated May 19th 1870. [graphic] / From an original design by James C. Beard.

[Series of Clarence E. Brooks & Co. Fine Coach Varnishes, cor. West & West 12th St. N.Y. racist 1880 calendar illustrations after the "Blackville" series] [graphic].

Georgine E. Upshur Willis collection