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- Title
- Joseph Waterman's Western Exchange Hotel, 15th & Market streets
- Description
- Exterior view of the hotel patronized by farmers and used as the western terminus of several omnibus lines. Also shows, in the foreground, vendors and a horse-drawn wagon parked in front of the market sheds above Fifteenth Street. The market sheds were removed April 1859 following the completion of the Western Market House at Sixteenth and Market streets. Hotel removed circa 1860., Title and date from transcribed scrapbook inscription., Photographer's imprint blindstamped on mount., Originally part of a McAllister scrapbook of views of Philadelphia., Retrospective conversion record: original entry, edited., Reproduced in The Print and Photograph Department of the Library Company of Philadelphia's Center City Philadelphia in the 19th century (Portsmouth, N.H.: Arcadia Publishing, 2006), p. 112., Arcadia caption text: In 1830, a western branch of sheds on Market Street was built between Fifteenth and Seventeenth streets. Known as the Western Market, the stalls stood near the Western Hotel, a resting spot for many of the farmers who rented at the market. The hotel also served as a western terminus for several omnibus lines. The market sheds were removed soon after this 1859 photograph was taken and replaced by the Western Market House at Sixteenth and Market streets. A year later, the hotel met the same fate as the sheds., Published in Robert F. Looney's Old Philadelphia in early photographs 1839-1914 (New York: Published in cooperation with The Free Library of Philadelphia by Dover Publications, Inc., 1976), plate 94., McClees, a prominent Philadelphia photographer and daguerreotypist, produced some of the earliest paper photographic views of Philadelphia between 1853 and 1859.
- Creator
- M'Clees, Jas. E. (James E.), photographer
- Date
- April 19, 1859
- Location
- Library Company of Philadelphia | Print Department photo - McClees - Hotels, Inns, and Taverns [(9)1322.F.49b]
- Title
- Western Exchange Hotel, Market Street, west of Penn Square, Philadelphia Joseph Waterman, proprietor. The proprietor of this hotel, respectfully announces to the public, that he has refitted his hotel and is now prepared to receive his friends and patrons in a manner which he flatters himself they will find that attention to their comforts which will give entire satisfaction. -- This hotel embraces many advantages to the travelling public being contiguous to the great Central and Pennsylvania Rail Road Depot, and in immediate vicinity of the depots of the Baltimore, Wilmington, Pottsville and Reading Rail Roads. The Westchester cars leave the hotel morning and afternoon. -- Terms, one dollar per day
- Description
- Advertisement showing Joseph Waterman's stately six-story hotel building and adjacent properties on the north side of the 1500 block of Market Street. Gentlemen mingle on the second-story, arcaded balcony overlooking the street. A large cupola and weathervane surmount the penthouse. Horse-drawn carriages and carts labeled "Exchange Wagon," "Waterman's Hotel," and "Western Exchange," congest the street and transport patrons to and from nearby railroad depots. The hotel was patronized by farmers and used as the western terminus of several omnibus lines. Hotel removed circa 1860., Artist probably Frederick J. Pilliner who worked as a lithographer first in Boston in 1853-54 and in Philadelphia between 1856 and 1860., Philadelphia on Stone, Atwater Kent Museum: 56.25.7, Pilliner worked from the address of the Lithographic Institute, which included lithographers Maurice H. Traubel, Theodore Leonhardt, Edward Schnabel, John F. Finkeldey, and William Demme in 1856 and 1857.
- Creator
- Pilliner, E, artist
- Date
- [ca. 1857]
- Location
- Atwater Kent Museum | Print Department AKM AKM 56.25.7
- Title
- [Market building, Market and Fifteenth Streets]
- Description
- Street view of the market sheds at 15th and Market Streets, Philadelphia. Depicts men vendors selling their goods, including meats and produce, under covered stalls and from a wagon as customers, primarily women, walk and shop along the market. Also shows a Conestoga wagon parked by the market in the right, barrels and baskets of goods displayed near some of the stalls, and a fire hydrant at the corner. In the left foreground, a horse-drawn omnibus travels down tracks in the street. In the background, a row of building, including the Western Exchange Hotel is visible. The market sheds were removed April 1859 following the completion of the Western Market House at Sixteenth and Market Streets. The Western Exchange Hotel, a resting spot for many of the farmers who rented at the market, was demolished circa 1860., Title from print in the series., Date inferred from content and active dates of the artist., Signed by the artist in the lower right., Manuscript note written on recto: Masonic. Show to Masonic Hall get label., Inscribed in lower right corner: 5.00, Manuscript written on verso: The market sheds, extending two squares West of fifteenth street, were removed in 1862. The old Western Exchange building and the row of dwellings west from it were removed in 1880 to make room for the Pennsylvania R.R. first terminal. The arched front of the Western Market house is shown in the back ground., Contains series number written on sticker label in upper left corner: 336. Written in manuscript on the bottom left corner: 336. Number corresponds to the series, Old Philadelphia: Artistic reproductions from drawings by Frank H. Taylor depicting old structures and scenes of historic interest., See also: photo - McClees - Hotels, Inns, and Taverns [(9)1322.F.49b], Gift of David Doret and Linda G. Mitchell, 2019.
- Creator
- Taylor, Frank H. (Frank Hamilton), 1846-1927, artist
- Date
- [ca. 1920]
- Location
- Library Company of Philadelphia | Print Department *Doret and Mitchell Collection – Drawings & Watercolors [P.2019.62.22]