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I cannot sing the old songs. Or, the late home of a Union soldier. [graphic] / Designed and published by N. Monroe, M.D., Philadelphia.

[Syrian American woman named Selina holding knitting, looking at camera] [graphic].

The Widow.

Motte, Rebecca Brewton, 1737-1815.

A Bargain Second Hand

"In Union there is strength." : Grand complimentary concert! for the benefit of the widow of an old soldier to be given at Franklin Hall, Sixth Street, below Arch, on Saturday evening, April 2d, '64 on which occasion a host of talent will appear, George M

A Grand concert! of vocal and insturmental music, : to be held at the Assembly Buildings for the benefit of the widow of the late Prof. John A. Janke on which occasion a number of ladies and gentlemen will appear, all having in the kindest manner voluntee

A Widow.

Poor Widow Wooding

Republican platform, or the political montebank. [graphic]