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[Half-length portrait of an unidentified, seated woman] [graphic].

[Portrait of an unidentifed woman] [graphic]

[Portrait of an unidentifed woman] [graphic]

[Portrait of an unidentifed woman] [graphic]

[Portrait of an unidentifed woman] [graphic]

[Portrait of an unidentifed woman] [graphic]

[Portrait of an unidentifed woman] [graphic]

[Portrait of an unidentifed woman] [graphic]

[Portrait of an unidentifed woman] [graphic] Van Loan & Co's Gallery 118 Chesnut St. Philada.

[Unidentified African American woman] [graphic] / J. Fenton's photograph, ambrotype, ferrotype and photo miniature gallery, No. 729 South St., below 8th, north side, Philadelphia. N.B. Formerly of Ninth & Market Streets.

[Three-quarter length portrait of Frances W. Bruce] [graphic].

[Portrait of an unidentifed woman] [graphic]

[Portrait of an unidentifed woman] [graphic]

[Portrait of an unidentifed woman] [graphic]

[Portrait of an unidentifed woman] [graphic]

[Portrait of an unidentifed woman] [graphic]

[Portrait of an unidentified young woman holding a daguerreotype.]

[Unidentified young African American woman]

[Unidentified young African American woman]

[Unidentified young African American woman]

Amy Smith, April 17, 1876. [graphic] / Photographed by B.F. Reimer, nos. 613, 615 and 617 Nth. Second St. Philad'a.

Life in Philadelphia. "Good evening Miss..." [graphic] / Monsr. [Clay], fec.

Life in Philadelphia. Fancy Ball. [graphic] / [Clay], fecit.

Life in Philadelphia. "Good evening Miss..." [graphic] / Monsr. [Clay], fec.

Promenade in Washington Square. [graphic].

[Unidentified African American woman and boy]

[Unidentified young African American woman]

[Unidentified young African American woman]

Life in Philadelphia. "Good evening Miss..." [graphic] / Chas. Hunt, Sc.

Life in Philadelphia. "Behold thou art fair Deborah,..." [graphic].

Life in Philadelphia. "Behold thou art fair Deborah,..." [graphic].

Old Lutheran Church, in Fifth Philadelphia [graphic] / Drawn, Engraved & Published by W. Birch & Son; Sold by R. Campbell & Co. No. 30 Chesnut [sic] St. Philada.

[Millie and Christina, the "North Carolina twins"]

[Millie and Christine McCoy] [graphic] / W.L. Germons, Temple of Art, 914 Arch Street, Philadelphia.

[Gutekunst and Haldt family cased photograph collection] [graphic].

[Mary Ann C. Shadd?, Washington, D.C.] [graphic] / Henrici & Garns, photographers. No. 709 South Second Street, Philadelphia.

Life in Philadelphia. "Behold thou art fair Deborah,..." [graphic] / Chas. Hunt, Sc.

Life in Philadelphia. "Have you any flesh coloured silk stockings...?" [graphic] / C.

Illustrations of Philadelphia. Vol. IX. [graphic] / Vincit qui se vincit. Collected by Chas. A. Poulson.

Sketches of character. Plate 2. At home. Plate 3. Abroad. [graphic] / Drawn on stone by E. W. Clay; C. G. Childs lithy.

Sketches of character. Plate 2. At home. Plate 3. Abroad. [graphic] / Drawn on stone by E. W. Clay; C. G. Childs lithy.

Life in Philadelphia. "Have you any flesh coloured silk stockings...?" [graphic] / C.

Life in Philadelphia. "Have you any flesh coloured silk stockings...?" [graphic] / C.B.G.

Life in Philadelphia. The lub letter. [graphic] / Designd & drawn by W. Summers; Hunt sculpt.

Life in Philadephia [sic]. The valentine. [graphic] / Designd & drawn by W. Summers; Hunt sculpt.

Life in Philadelphia. Romeo and Juliet. [graphic] / W.S.; C. Hunt, Sc.

Life in Philadelphia. Sketches of character: At home. Abroad. [graphic] / Drawn on stone by H. Harrison; C. Ingrey, lithog. 310 Strand.

Tregears black jokes. The Lady Patroness of Alblacks. [graphic] / W. Summers, del.; Hunt, scul.

The Philadelphia dandies. A group of fashionables. "Shoot folly as it flies." [graphic] / Kensett, sculp.

Testimonial banquet to Ms. Eugenia M. Neal. Daughter Ruler Keystone Temple, No. 448 I.B.P.O.E.W., Dec. 8, 1930. O. V. Catto Elks Home, Philadelphia. [graphic] / Standard Photo Service, 1357 South St., Phila., Pa.
