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The girl students, [Hampton Institute, Va.] [graphic].

Tobacco - Virginia

Virginia Hall before dinner, [Hampton Institute, Va.] [graphic].

Virginia Hall, [Hampton Institute, Va.] [graphic].

Mount Vernon, the seat of the late Genl. Washington [graphic] / Drawn by W. Birch; Engraved by S. Seymour; Philadelphia, Published March 15, 1812.

"Father, I cannot tell a lie: I cut the tree" [graphic] / Painted by G.G. White; Eng[raved by] John McRae.

Girls passing Mansion House, [Hampton Institute, Va.] [graphic].

Band playing for march, [Hampton Institute, Va.] [graphic].

Whittier School children, [Hampton Institute, Va.] [graphic].

Inspection for dinner, [Hampton Institute, Va.] [graphic].

Girls passing Mansion House, [Hampton Institute, Va.] [graphic].

The (Fort) Monroe doctrine. [graphic]

Band leading students to dinner, [Hampton Institute, Va.] [graphic].

Death of Washington. Dec. 14. A.D. 1799

Mount Vernon--Washington's Residence. [graphic].

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