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Ritchie, Anna Cora Ogden Mowatt, 1819-1870.
In Hale, S.J. Woman's record (New York, 1853), p. 754. "Illustrated by two hundred and thirty portraits, engraved on wood by Lossing and Barritt.", Bust-length portrait of the writer, Other portraits appear in: Gleason's pictorial drawing room companion, v. 1 (1851), p. 300 and p. 348.
Assist the volunteers. Unequalled attraction By special request, the great musical & literary festival, in aid of the volunteers! given at the Odd Fellows' Hall, on Monday evening last, will be repeated at the same place, on Tuesday evening, June 25, 1861, look at the names. By kind permission of Mrs. Garretson, of the Walnut Street Theatre, Mrs. Anna Cowell, ... Ex-Gov. James Pollock, ... Dr. R. Shelton Mackenzie, ... Mr. George H. Haselwood, ... Miss Henrietta Shaw, ... Mr. W.J. Hill, ... The Washingtonian Glee Club of Philadelphia, and the Union Glee Club of Frankford, ... George Felix Benkert, Esq., professor of music, will preside at the piano, assisted by Mr. S. Behrens. The whole forming a combination of talent that will insure such an entertainment as the citizens of Frankford have never before had the opportunity of enjoying. Tickets, twenty-five cents.---Children half-price. To be had at Wright's Hardware Store, and Sheard's Book Store, Frankford, Taylor's Store, White Hall, and at the door [on the] evening of the entertainment. Doors open at half-past 7 o'clock, performance to commence at 8 o'clock
Originally part of a McAllister scrapbook; torn, affecting some text., Digitized by Alexander Street Press for Images of the American Civil War.
Library Company of Philadelphia | Books & Other Texts | Rare 3# Am 1861 Assist (6)5777.F.85a (McAllister)
Ford's Theatre Tenth Street, above E. Season II. Week XXXI. Night 196 Whole number of nights, 495 John T. Ford proprietor and manager (also of Holliday St. Theatre, Baltimore, and Academy of Music, Phil'a.) Stage manager J.B. Wright Treasurer H. Clay Ford Friday evening, April 14th, 1865 Benefit! and last night of Miss Laura Keene the distinguished manageress, authoress and actress, supported by John Dyott and Harry Hawk. Tom Taylor's celebrated eccentric comedy, as originally produced in America by Miss Keene, and performed by her upwards of one thousand nights, entitled Our American cousin ... Patriotic song and chorus "Honor to our soldiers." ... Words by H.B. Phillips; music composed and arranged by Prof. William Withers, Jr.; ... Saturday evening, April 15, benefit of Miss Jennie Gourlay when will be presented Bourcicault's great sensation drama, The octoroon Easter Monday, April 17, engagement of the young American tragedian, Edwin Adams for twelve nights only
Playbill for Our American cousin the night of Lincoln's assassination., Library Company copy imperfect: wanting all before "Season II."; inscribed: This programme was picked up by me in the private box of Mr. Lincoln, on the night of the assassination. F.L. Sarmiento; originally part of a McAllister scrapbook., Digitized by Alexander Street Press for Images of the American Civil War.
Ford's Theatre (Washington, D.C.)
Library Company of Philadelphia | Books & Other Texts | Rare PB Wash Ford 1865 5792.F.95b (McAllister)