Panoramic view showing businesses marked with pre-consolidation addresses on the south side of the 400 block of Chestnut Street (134-140, i.e., 420-428). Signage and ornaments adorn the buildings. Includes L. J. Levy & Co., dry goods store (420); Bailey & Kitchen, jeweler, and Broadbent & Co. daguerreotype rooms (422); W. F. Warburton late W.H. Beebe & Co., hatter and C. Stinger, dressmaker(424); James E. Caldwell & Co., jeweler (426); Root Gallery of Daguerreotypes, Wriggens & Warden, jeweler, and S. Marot, engraver (428). Also shows heavy street and pedestrian traffic, including horse-drawn carriages and an omnibus. Part of the old City Hall at Fifth and Chestnuts is also visible. A crowd of people stands at the tree-lined street corner near the building., Philadelphia on Stone, POS 541.1, Historical Society of Pennsylvania: Bb 856 Sc 57, HSP copy inscribed on recto: Prest by J. C. Browne., Free Library of Philadelphia: Philadelphiana - Streets - Chestnut Street - 4th-5th (2 copies), Athenaeum of Philadelphia: General Prints Collection - PRM071, Gift of David Doret.
Collins & Autenrieth, artist
Library Company of Philadelphia | Print Department *W263 [P.2007.21.18]