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[Climbing flagpole ladder, Sea Girt] [graphic].

C[harles] B. Wright's new house at Sea Girt, [NJ] from N.E. [graphic].

[Charles & Phoebe] Wright's house from the back by the stable. Men putting on shutters. [Sea Girt, NJ] [graphic].

[Phoebe & Charles] Wright's stable from Mother's room porch, [Sea Girt, NJ] [graphic].

[Charles & Phoebe] Wright's new house from road in Park at Sea Girt near tennis court [graphic].

[Charles & Phoebe Wright's Cottage and Avocado, Sea Girt, NJ] [grapihc].

Our house [Avocado] and C[harles] B. Wright's new house from N.E. [Sea Girt, NJ] [graphic].

[Charles & Phoebe] Wright's cottage & ours [Avocado] from South, [Sea Girt, NJ] [graphic].

Our cottage [Avocado] and [Charles & Phoebe] Wright's from Park, at end of tennis court. Bess in foreground. [Sea Girt, NJ] [graphic].

Aunty [Phoebe] Wright's house from Avocado 3rd fl[oor] window, [Sea Girt, NJ] [graphic].

[Phoebe Wright's house from porch of Avocado, Sea Girt, NJ]

[Line of Victorian residences including Charles & Phoebe Wright's Cottage, Avocado, and Oglesby's, Sea Girt, NJ] [graphic].