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National Union ticket. 14th Ward. 14th Ward.

Sixth Ward Union men assemble to-night! : October 8th, 1864 in Cherry St. bet. Third and Fourth, to join the great Union parade! Lanterns and badges will be furnished. / By order of John G. Butler, chief marshal.

Union ticket! Protection to American industry.

Vote for representative, Fourteenth District, Alex'r Cummings.

National Union Candidat für Congress Dritter Distrikt Leonard Myers.

Congress, 3d district, Leonard Myers!

15th Ward National Union ticket : For president, Abraham Lincoln For vice president, Andrew John Electors. Morton McMichael ... Be careful and examine you tickets.

National Union nominees. : For Congress, Chas. O'Neill. For Representative, first district, Wm. Foster.

Freeman, Chapman

Read, John M., 1797-1874

National Union ticket 13th Ward! : For president, Abraham Lincoln. For vice-president, Andrew Johnson. Electors. Morton McMichael, ...

Lincoln, Johnson and victory! Rally! Rally! : Grand Union mass meeting! At Oxford, Chester Co., Pa.

For president: Abraham Lincoln. For vice president: Andrew Johnson. : For presidential electors: C. Ben Darwin, of 1st congressional district. ... Free bridge. For. Against. The appropriation of seven thousand dollars out of the Swamp Land Fund of Polk Co

National Union ticket : For president, Abraham Lincoln For vice president, Andrew Johnson. Be careful and examine your tickets. Electors. Morton McMichael, ...

Stand by the Union. : In Union there is strength. No "rats" of any "age" for sheriff. Printers' tracts, No 1. "The time has come."--Lincoln. ... Printed in the line of the Grand Union Procession, on Saturday evening, October 8th, 1864; in favor of the ele

Grand gathering of patriots! : All friends of Lincoln and Johnson! All gallant veterans who have fought for our glorious Union; all who honor our brave soldiers; all who are determined that the majority shall rule, all who would negotiate an honorable pea

National Union ticket : Für Präsident: Abraham Lincoln von Illinois. Für Vice-Präsident: Andrew John von Tennessee. Man untersuche vorsichtig das nachstehende Ticket. Wähler.--- Electors. Morton McMichael, ...

The rail candidate. [graphic]

"The nigger" in the woodpile. [graphic]

To a Black Republican.

The black Republicans at their devotions. [graphic]

The two platforms. [graphic]

National Union ticket 20th Ward! : Lincoln, Johnson. Congress, Wm. D. Kelley Assembly, Franklin D. Sterner, 1st and 2d divisions. George De Haven, Jr., 3d and 11th divisions. Francis Hood, 4th, 5th, 6th, 7th, 8th, 9th and 10th divisions. Common Council, J

Lincoln and Johnson! Rally! Rally! : Grand Union mass meeting, barbecue and public dinner! At Elkton, Md. Wednesday, November 2d. The following distinguished speakers will be present to address the meeting: Hon. Thomas Swann, Dr. C.C. Cox, Hon. E.H. Webst

No party but our country 9th Ward! 9th Ward! : State officers. Governor, Andrew G. Curtin Judge of Supreme Court, Hon. Daniel Agnew Assembly, sixth district, Isaac H. O'Harra City officers. City treasurer, Henry Bumm, city commissioner, Philip Hamilton Re

The great Republican reform party, calling on their candidate. [graphic]

How free ballot is protected. [graphic] / J.E. Baker, del.

Republican platform, or the political montebank. [graphic]

The precarious situation. [graphic]

The precarious situation. [graphic]

Red hot Republicans on the Democratic Gridiron. "The San Domingo war dance." [graphic] / J. Cameron.

The Salt River gazette---extra, Wednesday, Oct. 9, 1867. [graphic]: The Great Negro Party--born, 1856--died Oct. 8, 1867.

"Your plan and mine." [graphic]

"The irrepressible conflict" or the Republican barge in danger. [graphic]

An heir to the throne, or the next Republican candidate. [graphic]

Fate of the radical party. [graphic] / JAL; Am. News Co. Agent N.Y.

The man that blocks up the highway [graphic].

The great November contest. Patriotism vs bummerism. [graphic]

Political caricature no.3. The abolition catastrophe, or the November smash-up. [graphic]