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Potts, Linn & Harris

Adams & Co.'s American Express

Reliance Portable Boat Company's line of portable iron boats for the transportation of goods between Philadelphia and Pittsburgh.

United States Hotel, Philadelphia

[Storefronts on Market Street, 300 block, south side, Philadelphia]

Richmond Chemical Works near Philadelphia.

Hoffy's lithographic & painting establishment. 88 Walnut St. Philadelphia.

Merrick & Hijo, Succesores De Merrick & Towne, Filadelfia. = Merrick & Son, successors to Merrick & Towne, Philadelphia. = Merrick & Fils, Successeur De Merrick & Towne, Philadelphie.

[Southwark Coffee & Spice Mills. J. O. Thornley.]

Williams Ogle coach and harness maker, no. 280, Chestnut Street, above 10th.. south side, Philadelphia.

Augs. Koellner : engraver and lithographer. No. 6 Bank Alley opposite the Exchange Philadelphia.

A. Koellner No. 6. Bank Alley Philadelphia respectfully offers his services to the public in drawing of figures landscapes & animals from the rough sketch to the most finished drawing in every manner and in a style which will be especially useful to publi

Lithography 120 South Second Street (entrance Elmslies Alley) Philadelphia.

Augs. Koellner : engraver and lithographer. Phoenix block Philadelphia.

William W. Cansler's Paper-Hanging Warehouse N.E. corner of Arch & Seventh Sts. Philadelphia.

Augs. Koellner : engraver and lithographer. No. 6 Bank Alley opposite the Exchange Philadelphia.

Jules Hauel's eau lustral hair restorative

Eugene Roussel's celebrated mineral waters in glass botttles for hotels, families & shipping

Sweet Briar Farm and Ice Compy. houses

Henry Simons Philadelphia wheelwright-works on Second Street 2 miles north of Market Street County of Philada.

W.H. Rease. Lithographic artist. No. 17 South Fifth Street, Philadelphia

Franklin Iron Works. Sutton & Smith's iron foundry, Franklin Street between Second and Front Streets, Philadelphia

[John Horn, drugs and chemical store, N.E. corner of Third & Brown Streets, Philadelphia] [graphic] / Drawn on stone by W. H. Rease, 17 1/2 S. 5th. St.

Specimen of chromo-lith. from P.S. Duval & Co.'s lithographic establishment, drawing on stone plain & color printing, Ranstead Place, west from 26 South 4th Street, Phila.

Chromo lithography,

Philadelphia fashions fall & winter 1847 by Samuel A. Ward & Asahel F. Ward, no. 62 Walnut St.

Philadelphia fashions, spring & summer 1845, by S. A. & A. F. Ward no. 62 Walnut St.

Fashions for spring and summer 1847 by S.A. & A.F. Ward, no. 62 Walnut Street Philada.

Philadelphia fashions, spring & summer 1844, by S.A. & A.F. Ward, No. 62 Walnut St.

S.F. Jacoby & Co. Importers & dealers in foreign and domestic marble in all their varieties. J.K. & M. Freedley dealers in American marble.

Wakefield Manufacturing Company. Hosiery. Germantown, Philada. County.

Wm. H. Richardson steam manufactory

[F. Fisher. Upholstery, No 31. Cheap bedding and feather warehouse.]

Charles Oakford's 1848 & 49 fashions for hats, caps & furs, wholesale & retail establishment, no. 104 Chestnut St., Philadelphia.

[Shankland's American fashions]

[Fashion plate for Samuel A. & Asahel F. Ward]

Philadelphia fashions, spring & summer 1843, by S. A. & A. F. Ward, no. 62 Walnut St.

Philadelphia fashions, fall & winter 1845, by Samuel A. Ward & Asahel F. Ward, no. 62 Walnut St.

Jas. B. Smith & Co.'s Philada. blank book manufactory. Jas. B. Smith & Co. booksellers and blank book manufacturers. 207 Market St. above 5th Philadelphia.

Lithography, engraving and printing establishment. Augs. Kollner designer, engraver & lithographer. Henry Camp copperplate & lithographic printer. Phoenix Block corner of Second & Dock streets Philadelphia

Fashions by S.A. & A.F. Ward, spring & summer 1850, no. 62 Walnut St. Philad.

Fashions, fall & winter, 1850-1, by S.A. & A.F. Ward, No. 62 Walnut St., Philadelphia.

Fashions for fall and winter 1848-9 by S.A. & A.F. Ward, no. 62 Walnut Street, Philadelphia, Pa.

Philadelphia fashions, fall & winter 1844, by S. A. & A. F. Ward, no. 62 Walnut St.
