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Arms & Trophies, Grand Central Fair.

Large dining room.

[Relics and Curiosities] Dept.

Union Avenue.

[Gent's collars exhibit.] Union Avenue.

Horticultural Department.

St. Mark's Church, Locust Street above 16th, Phila.

Mount Pleasant, Arnold House, East Fairmount Park, Philadelphia

Broad St.

Broadway near Broome, N.Y.

Tomb of President James K. Polk, corner of Union & Vine St., Nashville, Tenn.

Chew Mansion, Germantown.

Eastern Penitentiary, Philadelphia.

View at Sedgley.

Beth-Eden Church, Broad and Spruce, Philad'a.

[Framed relief carving, Fine Art Gallery, Great Central Fair, Philadelphia, 1864]

Fine Art Gallery.

Fine Art Gallery.

[Dr. Kane's boat, Relics & Curiosities Department, Great Central Fair, Philadelphia, 1864]

John Stevens' first steamboat.

[William Penn Parlor, Great Central Fair, Philadelphia, 1864]

The $1,000 baby house.

The contested sword.

[Sewing machines, stoves, ranges and cast and wrought iron, and hollow ware displays, Great Central Fair, Philadelphia, 1864]

[Unidentified residence and outbuildings]

[Steamboat Thomas A. Morgan, Delaware River, near Philadelphia]

Orphan's home at York.

[Howell & Bourke,] Union Avenue.

[Dr. Barnum's Self Sewer display, Great Central Fair, Philadelphia, 1864]

[Fine Art Gallery, Great Central Fair, Philadelphia, 1864]

[Sewing machines and stoves, ranges, cast & wrought iron displays, Great Central Fair, Philadelphia, 1864]

[Fine Art Gallery, Great Central Fair, Philadelphia, 1864]

Delaware Dept.

Photograph Dept.

[Relics and Curiosities Department, Great Central Fair, Philadelphia, 1864]

Horseshoe machine.

Arms and Trophies.

Entrance to Monument Cemetery.

Mount Vernon Cemetery, Phila.

Entrance to Mt. Vernon Cemetery, Phila., Pa.

Interior of Carpenter's Hall.

The Penn Parlor.

New York, Union Square [sic], Gen. Worth's Monument.

Fountain at Brown St. entrance.

Grant's Cabin.

Play ground at Sweet-Brier.

Union Avenue.

The dune, Lemon Hill.

Pleasure yacht, Flirt.

Entrance lodge to Egglesfield.
