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"I, Philip Kearney, an old soldier, : enter my solemn protest against this order for retreat. We ought, instead of retreating, to follow up the enemy, and take Richmond. And, in full view of all the responsibility of such a declaration, I say to you all,

Lincoln! Grant! Sherman! Meade!

Grand musical festival at Engel & Wolf's farm, for the benefit of the regiment "Forward," this day!

Friends of the Union Rally!! : A mass meeting of all the friends of the Union will be held on Saturday night Sept. 19, in front of Yohe's Eagle Hotel. Hon. Chas. Gibbons of Philadelphia, and other distinguished speakers, will be present, and address the m

Ho! for the ironclad ship! : The yard will be open for visitors on Friday & Saturday. The launch will take place at noon, Saturday, May 10th, 1862. Passengers can take the 2d & 3d Street passenger cars. Exchange tickets are sold by all connecting roads.

Sixth Ward Union men assemble to-night! : October 8th, 1864 in Cherry St. bet. Third and Fourth, to join the great Union parade! Lanterns and badges will be furnished. / By order of John G. Butler, chief marshal.

State of Rhode Island, &c. Adjutant General's Office, Providence, April 7, 1863. General orders no. 8. : Whereas, the act passed by the General Assembly at its August session, A.D. 1862, entitled "An act to repeal title XXXIV, of the revised statutes, and

Our country for ever : A grand Democratic mass meeting will be held at Village Green Hotel Delaware County, on Saturday evening, Oct. 3 Delegations from all parts of the county are expected to be present. Chas. Buckwalter, Esq., of Phila., Chas. D. Manley

23d Ward Troop attention! : The troop will meet for drill, mounted, at 4 o'clock, p.m., on [blank] the [blank] of [blank] at the head quarters, Jolly Post Hotel A full attendance is requested, as business of importance will be laid before the troop. / By

Fair The children of Mount Vernon, : intend opening a fair on Monday, November 3d, 1862, in the Manayunk Engine House for the benefit of the sick & wounded soldiers.

Union tent of the Young Men's Christian Association, : Broad & Green Streets. Services every evening, except Saturday, commencing at 8 o'clock, also on Sunday, at 4 o'clock P.M.

Hundreds of our Iowa soldiers have been wounded at Vicksburg! : They need sanitary supplies We must help them immediately! A public meeting will be held this evening, Wednesday, May 27, 1863, at 8 o'clock, at Metropolitan Hall to arrange for obtaining and

Don't unchain the tiger! : When the traitors of South Carolina met in Convention in Charleston, and passed their ordinance to abolish the American Union, to crush out the democratic principles of free government in America, ... Workingmen! when any man as

Fruit festival for the benefit of disabled soldiers : to be held at Citizens' Hall, Saturday, August 30th, / by the ladies of "The Bethlehem Mite Society." Donations of cakes, fruit, and flowers, will be thankfully received. They can be left at the hall o

Captain A.R. Calhoun will deliver a lecture on "Prison life in the land of chivalry," : on Thursday evening, the 13th inst., at the hall of the "Ladies' Soldiers' Aid," of Weldon, Montgomery Co., in aid of the sick & wounded soldiers. Admission, 25 cts. A

The Road to peace through Pennsylvania via Washington, as engineered by Southern Rebels and their Democratic allies. : From the Richmond enquirer, (Jeff. Davis' organ,) Sept. 7, 1860 [sic]. The road to peace. ... Men of Pennsylvania! Are you prepared for

Mammoth ox "Pride of Livingston," : weighing the enormous weight of 3,602 lbs being the heaviest animal of this species on record, is now on exhibition, with other fine animals, &c., &c., at the building erected for the cattle show, on 15th St., adjacent

23d Ward McClellan Troop! Attention!. : The troop will assemble at Jas. Mullen's, Frankford on Saturday evening, Oct. 1st, 1864, at half-past 6 o'clock, for the purpose of attending the Democratic mass meeting at Branchtown. The Democracy are invited to p

Attention!! Citizens of the second precinct of the 24th Ward : will meet at the precinct house of B. Sharp, Market Street, west of 43d Street, in obedience to the proclamations of Gov. Curtin and Mayor Henry, on Wednesday evening, the 10th instant, at hal

National Hall! Market Street above Twelfth. George Francis Train will speak this evening! : October 22d, at 8 o'clock, and give his reasons why Gen. McClellan should not be elected president. All are invited to attend!

Grand celebration of the organization of the National Union Club of Philadelphia! : The executive committee of the National Union Club having directed the Committee on Meetings to make arrangements for celebrating the anniversary of the organization of th

Children's fair in aid of the sick & wounded soldiers. : Tickets, five cents

Something new! The Copperhead will be dissected by scalpel at Chamberlin's Hall, Moline, on Wednesday evening, March 30, '63. : Tickets 25 cts., to be had at the door.

To the people of Tennessee! : The constitution of Tennessee requires the qualified voters of the state to elect a governor, members of the General Assembly, and representatives in Congress on the first Thursday in August next. This duty can be performed w

The True issues. What leading Democrats and conservatives say. : I.--From slave states. ... II.--From free states. ... / Issued from the Office of the Rebellion Record, 532 Broadway, N.Y. The 1st vol. of the Record will be ready October 1, containing abou

First Regiment, Gray Reserves. Co. G. : Philadelphia, [blank] 186[blank] Parade in [blank] uniform, on [blank] the [blank] inst. at [blank] o'clock, [blank]m., at the armory, provided with [blank] rounds [blank] cartridge. / By order of the captain, H.J.

Company A, (Gray Reserves.) : Company, First Regiment, R.B. having completed the roll of 100 muskets ready for the field at one hour's notice, and as there are a large number of members who are anxious to aid in the cause of defending their state and city

First Regiment (Grays) Reserve Brigade. Company F. : Philadelphia, [blank] 186[blank] The company will assemble at the armory, on [blank] at [blank] for parade in [blank] Punctual attendance is required. / By order of Jos. N. Peirsol, Captain. Chas. H. Fe

Notice. : All persons having in their possession guns or equipments belonging to the 4th Regiment, P.V.M. are requested to deliver them at the Spread Eagle Hotel Radnor, Delaware Co., on or before Saturday evening, August 13th, 1864. / By order of Capt. B

General order no. 22. : The public exigency requires that there should be a large and immediate increase of the military force. Captains of companies will forthwith take the necessary measures to fill their respective commands to the required number of on

The "Bounty," should it be increased? : Will be the subject before the Providence Eclectic Conference at Liberty Hall 55 Weybosset St. next to the arcade, on Sunday 24th, at 10 1/2 a.m. Ladies and gentlemen are respectfully invited to take part in the con

Notice. : The undersigned, having been appointed one of the surgeons of Norfolk County, to examine persons claiming to be exempt from draft by reason of disability, hereby gives notice that he shall be at his office, (Percival Avenue, Dorchester, near Mee

Mass meeting of the citizens of Johnson County, at the court house in Iowa City, : at one o'clock p.m., on Saturday the 30th inst. for the purpose of raising the quota of Johnson County, under the late call for 10 regiments to serve 100 days. Let every on
