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United we stand. Divided we fall [graphic].

Buy the light running Domestic sewing machine [graphic].

Robinson's sura cura for rheumatism, &c., &c. Dr. Prior's cough balsam. [graphic].

E. Schoeneck, dealer in choice groceries, provisions, flour, etc., 359 W. Lake Street, Chicago. [graphic].

Star Clothing House, 808 Elm St. [graphic].

Do they miss me at home? [graphic].

Mrs. O'Toole- Give it to im Mickey, t'was for de loikes of sich as him, yer fayther got kilt in the war [graphic].

United we stand. Divided we fall [graphic].

Frank Miller's crown dressing. [graphic] : Yes missus dat am de Crown of Dressing shua!

Frank Miller's blacking. [graphic].

Frank Miller's crown dressing. [graphic] : Yes missus dat am de Crown of Dressing shua!

Frank Miller's crown dressing. [graphic] : Yes missus dat am de Crown of Dressing shua!