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[American Sunday-School Union trade card]

J.M. Armstrong, music typographer, music of every description electrotyped, 441 Chestnut St., Philadelphia.

William Allen's dining rooms, No. 130 Market Street,

[B.T. Babbitt's Best trade cards]

Aromatic Pino-Palmine Mattress. 915 Arch St., 113 N. Front Street, Phila. and 115 Water St., Boston, Mass.

J. Ashbrook, Jr. Successor to J. Ashbrook & Son, fine family groceries, S.W. cor. 2nd & Queen Sts., Philad'a.

Atkinson & Bair, manufacturers of fine harness, N.W. cor. 10th and Arch Sts., Philadelphia.

Atmore's mince meat and genuine English plum pudding.

G. & H. Barnett, Black Diamond File Works, 39, 41 & 43 Richmond Street, Philadelphia.

[A. & J. B. Bartholomew trade cards]

American Machine Co. manufacturers of hardware specialties, N.E. cor. Lehigh Ave. amd American St., Philadelphia.

The truant boys.

T. Gorham, carpenter and builder, No. 3852 Lancaster Ave. or No. 3707 Haverford St.

M. Gould's Sons & Co. No. 8 N. Sixth St. Phila. Pa.

[Lu Lu, the man bird]

[John A. Haddock trade cards]

Hall's vegetable Sicilian hair renewer. Prevents gray hairs and baldness.

The largest retail shoe store, Hallahan's, 35 & 37 North 8th Street, cor. Filbert.

Garber & Bro., Lehigh and Schuylkill coal, N.E. cor. Thirteenth & Noble Sts., Philadelphia.

Gay's China Palace, No. 1109 Chestnut St., Philadelphia.

Friedberger & Strouse, ribbons, silks, hats, feathers, &c., Nos. 113 and 115 North Eighth, and 733 Arch Street.

[M.A. Fritsche trade cards]

I'se a dude!

The Rivals embrace [graphic] : Clarence Brooks & Co. Manufacturers of fine coach varnishes, cor. West 12th Sts. New York.

The lovers quarrel. "Now, Blanche, don't!" [graphic] : Clarence Brooks & Co. varnishes. Clarence Brooks & Co. fine coach, railway & pianoforte varnishes, cor. West & West 12th St. N.Y.

Spoiling the slide [graphic] : Clarence Brooks & Co. fine coach varnishes cor. West & West 12th Sts. New York.

Clark's trademark O.N.T. spool cotton [graphic].

Clark's mile-end 60 spool cotton [graphic].

Go to Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart's for the lowest prices in dry goods & notions, 442 & 444 Penn Street, Reading, Pa. [graphic].

Compliments of the Domestic Sewing Machine Co. [graphic].

Compliments of Bechler's notion and variety store, 44 Irving Street, Rahway, N.J. [graphic]

P.J. Brankin, artistic painter, no. 1815 N. Fifth Street, Philadelphia [graphic].

Edwin C. Burt, fine shoes. Presented by Chas. T. Croft, Little Falls, N.Y. [graphic].

Keuchen Cura. An old Dutch remedy for coughs and colds [graphic].

Carr & Murray, carpets, furniture & bedding, 61 & 63 Myrtle Avenue. Three doors from Jay Street, B[rooklyn] [graphic].

Bissell & Underwood, wholesale and retail dealers in staple and fancy groceries, provisions, flour, fruit, canned goods, choice teas, spices, &c., &c., Turner's block, Church Street, Willimantic Conn. [graphic].

The best, ask for it again: Star Braid. [graphic].

My boss sells the New York sewing machine. The brightest diamond of them all. [graphic].

Buy the Universal plow. Made at Canton, Ohio. [graphic].

Every body uses Scull's champion coffee [graphic].

Willard & Lane's improved Eagle Stove Polish better than any made [graphic] / Carroll.

The wooing of the twins [graphic] : Universal, perfect and elegant stoves and ranges. Manufactured by Cribben, Sexton & Co., Chicago, Ill.

The duel about the twins [graphic] : Universal, perfect and elegant stoves and ranges. Manufactured by Cribben, Sexton & Co., Chicago, Ill.

Wedding of the twins [graphic] : Universal, perfect and elegant stoves and ranges. Manufactured by Cribben, Sexton & Co., Chicago, Ill.

Compliments of the Domestic Sewing Machine Co. [graphic].

Bissell & Underwood, wholesale and retail dealers in staple and fancy groceries, provisions, flour, fruit, canned goods, choice teas, spices, &c., &c., Turner's block, Church Street, Willimantic Conn. [graphic].

Bloch. Bros. West Virgina mail pouch tobacco. I tell you breddern, it pays you to read erbout W.V.A Mail Pouch terbacker on de oder side dis yer card [graphic].

James Boyd's fine shoes. Presented by Irving J. Brown [graphic].

Buckley's 3950 Market Street, West Philad'a [graphic].

Edwin C. Burt, fine shoes [graphic].
