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C.J. Fell & Brother, 64 Sth. Front St. Philadelphia

Wm. F. Scheible, No. 49 South 3rd St. ab. Chestnut, Philadelphia.

L.N. Rosenthal. Lithographic office, removed to N.W. cor. of Fifth & Chestnut Sts. Philadelphia.

Thos. S. Wagner, formerly Wagner & McGuigan lithographers, Franklin Place, no. 38. Lithography in all its branches.

A. Hawley & Co., perfumers and chemists, no. 39 North Fourth Street, above Arch, Philadelphia.

Fire, marine and inland insurance by the Great Western Insurance & Trust Company, office in company's building, 403, Walnut, corner of Fourth Street, Philadelphia.

Harrison's Columbian hair dye [graphic] : Manufactured by Apollos W. Harrison, 8 1/2 South 7th St.

Duval, Williams & Duval late P. S. Duval & Son lithographers, 22 & 24 South 5th St., ab. Chestnut Philada.

Pennsylvania State Agricultural Society [diploma]

Interior view of George G. Evans' original gift book establishment. 439 Chesnut [sic] Str. Philadelphia.

Pennsylvania State Agricultural Society [diploma]

Neall, Matthews Y Moore, maquinistas y fundidores, de hierro en Bush Hill, esquina de las galles de Fairview y la septima de Schuylkill, Filadelfia = Neall, Matthews & Moore, iron founders and machinists, Bush Hill Iron Works.

T. Sinclair & Co. lithographers Philadelphia.

S. Griffiths, manufacturer of wrought iron tubes and fittings for gas, steam and water. Works in Vine st: betw: Schuylkill 2d and 3d Streets. A constant supply at warerooms no. 15 Nth. Del. 7th St, Philadelphia.

Chemical laboratory of Crew, Rogers & Crew Philadelphia Penna.

Harrison's Handkerchief Extracts

Independent Order of Odd Fellows [membership certificate]

Pennsylvania State Agricultural Society. [life membership certificate]

Roussel's premium perfumery

Certificate of Honorary Membership of the Weccacoe Fire Company. Philadelphia.

Harrison's Columbian perfumery

Scott Legion of the City of Philadelphia [certificate]

Mount Joy Car Manufacturing Co.

Richard Norris & Son builders Philadelphia

The Delaware County Society, for the Promotion of Agriculture, Horticulture, Manufactures, and the Mechanic and Household Arts.

Kimball & Gorton Philadelphia R. R. Car Manufactory, 21st. & Hamilton streets Philadelphia.

Continental Schottisch. Composed by O. P. Perry and respectfully dedicated to S. E. Stevens, Esqr. Continental Hotel Philadelphia. [graphic] / T. Sinclair's Lith, Phila.

Sewing Machine Polka

Sewing Machine Polka [graphic] / Ehrgott, Fobriger & Co., lith. Cincinnati.

No. 1 The Empire Hook & Ladder polka

P. S. Duval & Son lithographers, 22 & 24 South 5th St., ab. Chestnut Philada.

W.W. Knight Son & Co. 509, Commerce St. between 5th. & 6th & Market and Arch Sts. Formerly 619, Market St. Philadelphia.

An evening at Oakland, romance, composed & respectfully dedicated to the senior class of 1860, of Oakland Female Institute by Thomas O'Neill.

Philadelphia as it is in 1852.

East Pennsylvania Agricultural & Mechanical Society.

Second Reformed Dutch Church [commemorative print]
