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French spy.

[Charity and the Devil trade cards]

Thompson Black's Son & Co., tea dealers, n.w. corner Broad & Chestnut sts., Philada. [graphic].

William Heaton, rubber goods of every description, 503 Chestnut St., Philad'a.

First annual prize exhibition of the Philadelphia Sketch Club held at the Pennsylvania Academy of Fine Arts December 1865.

First annual prize exhibition of the Philadelphia Sketch Club held at the Pennsylvania Academy of Fine Arts December 1865. [graphic] / WEC.

First annual prize exhibition of the Philadelphia Sketch Club held in New York January 1866. [graphic].

Philadelphia Sketch Club [graphic]

McKeone, Van Haagen & Co. Manufacturers fine toilet soaps, Philadelphia. [graphic].

Raspberryade [graphic].

Fairbanks' standard scales. Buy only the genuine.

Fairbanks' standard scales. Buy only the genuine. [graphic].

[Trade cards for Ehrgott, Fobriger & Co.]

[Trade cards for Ehrgott, Fobriger & Co.] [graphic].

[Proofs after plates from McKenney and Hall's "History of the Indian Tribes of North America"]

[Proofs after plates from McKenney and Hall's "History of the Indian Tribes of North America"] [graphic].

John H. Pray, Sons & Co. Importers of and dealers in carpetings oil cloths, &c. Nos 192 Washington, 23 Franklin & 63 Hawley sts. [graphic] : French & English carpets of the choicest style and manufacture constantly on hand. Best American goods viz: "Lowel

[Biblical animal collecting cards] [graphic].

[Label specimens]