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Philadelphia Sketch Club [graphic]

[Interior and exterior of the Union Volunteer Refreshment Saloon hospital, southwest corner of Washington and Swanson Avenues, Philadelphia]

McKeone, Van Haagen & Co. Manufacturers fine toilet soaps, Philadelphia. [graphic].

Raspberryade [graphic].

Second grand ball of the Lithographic Printers Union.

Freiheit Edelmuth & Bruderliebe, Unabhangiger Orden der Rothmaenner [membership certificate]

Fairbanks' standard scales. Buy only the genuine.

Fairbanks' standard scales. Buy only the genuine. [graphic].

Independence Square recruiting camps.

Schlichter & Zug, Proprietors. 929 Market Street, Philadelphia. :

Thos. S. Dixon & Sons, 1324 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia. Manufacturers of low-down & elevated grates, furnaces, ranges, &c.

Citizens Volunteer Hospital. Corner of Broad St. and Washington Avenue.

Yankee volunteers marching into Dixie. "Yankee Doodle keep it up, Yankee Doodle Dandy." [graphic] / J.H. Bufford's Lith, Boston.

Concentrated leaven or bread powders.

Leadbeater's renouned [sic] stove polish.

Maennerchor carnaval [sic]. Mardi Gras. Tuesday, Febry 29th, 1876. Academy of Music [graphic] / Th. Bosin.

Buy the light running Domestic sewing machine [graphic].

Robinson's sura cura for rheumatism, &c., &c. Dr. Prior's cough balsam. [graphic].

E. Schoeneck, dealer in choice groceries, provisions, flour, etc., 359 W. Lake Street, Chicago. [graphic].

Martyrdom of John Brown.

T. Sinclair's lithographic establishment removed from 311 Chestnut to 506 & 508 North St. bet. Market & Arch

[Marriage certificate]

F. Moras' Lithographic Establishment, Philadelphia. 610 Jayne Street.

Office of Thomas Sinclair's Lithographic Establishment, 506 & 508 North Street, Philadelphia. [billhead]

[Medley of Soaps]. Manufactured by McKeone, Van Haagen & Co. Philada. & N. York.

John Brown - the martyr. Meeting a slave mother and her child on the steps of Charlestown jail on his way to execution. Regarding them with a look of compassion Captain Brown stooped and kissed the child then met his fate.

Great Central Fair for the Sanitary Commission [certificate]

Unabhangiger Deutscher Orden der Harugari. Dieses diploma [certificate]

Cut outs of firefighting scenes from The Fire Insurance Company of the County of Philadelphia advertisement

Cut outs of firefighting scenes from The Fire Insurance Company of the County of Philadelphia advertisement

Washington's triumphal entry into New York, Nov. 25th, 1783

Bann[er of] the sea. National song and chorus. [graphic].

Union and Liberty [graphic] / H. Whateley; [T. Sinclair's Lith. Phila.]

Great Central Fair buildings, Philadelphia.

[Trade cards for Ehrgott, Fobriger & Co.]

[Trade cards for Ehrgott, Fobriger & Co.] [graphic].

Abraham Lincoln

P.S. Duval, Son & Co. Designers & lithographer Philadelphia

[Advertisement calendar for printer]

Hall & Carpenter. Tin plate & metals. 709 Market St. Philadelphia.

Entered apprentice. Fellow-craft. Master mason.

[Proofs after plates from McKenney and Hall's "History of the Indian Tribes of North America"]

[Proofs after plates from McKenney and Hall's "History of the Indian Tribes of North America"] [graphic].

John H. Pray, Sons & Co. Importers of and dealers in carpetings oil cloths, &c. Nos 192 Washington, 23 Franklin & 63 Hawley sts. [graphic] : French & English carpets of the choicest style and manufacture constantly on hand. Best American goods viz: "Lowel

[Biblical animal collecting cards] [graphic].

Jacob Haehnlen's lithographic and steam power letter press printing rooms. Goldsmith's Hall, Library Street, opposite post office, Philadelphia. 1867-1868.

[Label specimens]

Atlantic Petroleum Storage Company for refined oil. Empire stores for crude oil.

Birds-eye view of property on Alleghany Avenue Philadelphia 25th Ward formerly 19th looking S.E. from Frankford Road.

Buildings of the Great Central Fair, in aid of the U. S. Sanitary Commission Logan Square, Philadelphia, June 1864.
