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E.A. Yarnall, successor to P. Madeira, choice cutlery, &c. 115 S. 10th St., Philad'a.

E.L. Whitney, bookseller and stationer, Milton, Vt.

Compliments of the West End Clothing House, 1634 Market Street, Philadelphia. J. Kuh; prop'r.

Compliments of J.C. Williams & Son, Central Pharmacy, 50 South Salina St., Syracuse, N.Y.

With H. A. Bartlett & Co., Philadelphia & Boston..

[Household Sewing Machine trade cards]

[Joseph Hoover trade cards]

Use ideal quinine and sulphur soap.

[Hoyt's German cologne trade cards]

Forney's ladies and gent's new dining rooms, 1405 Filbert Street, opp. Penn. elevated R.R. depot, Phila.

[Wm. H. Oakford trade cards]

Summit Water, from Harrison, Maine, the invaluable tonic that builds up the debilitated.

Compliments of Nice & Rau, varnishes, paints, oils, etc. 328 & 330 S. Second St. Philadelphia.

[Charles W.R. Smith trade cards]

Solar Tip Shoes

[Drs. Starkey & Palen's Compound Oxygen, 1529 Arch Street, Philadelphia]

A. Singer, gent's, ladies', misses' and childrens, fine shoes, 104 N. Second St., Philadelphia.

E.R. Smiley, pharmacist, N.W. cor. 12th & Jefferson, Philadelphia.

[Wm. F. Simes & Son trade cards]

Anniversary greeting. Stern Brothers, Frankford, Philadelphia, Pa.

[Sternberger's old reliable feather, mattress and bed clothing depot trade cards]

The celebrated Sohmer Pianos are at present the most popular and preferred by the leading artists.

"And Ruth said, intreat me not to leave thee, or to return from following after thee: for whither thou goest, I will go; and where thou lodgest, I will lodge: Thy people shall be my people, and thy God my God." Ruth 1-16.

Thomas Patton, steam dyeing & scouring. Principal office, No. 1622 Pine Street. Works: 510 S. Thirteenth Street. Offices: 1704 Fairmount Ave., 4012 Market Street, 1622 Pine Street.

Dixon's carburet of iron stove polish.

The eureka poisoned fly-plate will kill every fly in the house.

[D.S. Ewing trade cards]

Use Eavenson's diamond soap.

The coming power. "Swiftsure soap." Compliments of Ecker & Co., Otis & Holman Sts., Phila., Pa.

Cloaks & Dolmans in every style at Ehrichs' Eighth Avenue & 24 th St. The largest assortment and the lowest prices in the city.

[Estes & Lauriat trade cards]

[Haverly's Theatre, "The World," trade cards]

Herr's book store, 53 and 55 North Queen St., Lancaster, Pa.

Book of cabinet chromos 1881 [graphic].

[Hassler's trade cards]

A. Heinman men's furnishing goods, No. 140 No. Eighth Str. Philadelphia.

[Fitzgerald & Sons trade cards]

Compliments of Charles E. Ford's English Comic Opera Co. St. Valentine's Day, 1882.

Greer & Son, N.E. cor. Tenth and Walnut Sts., Philadelphia.

John Griffeth, furniture warerooms, 119 N. Second St., Philadelphia, Pa.

"Palais Royal." Siedenbach & Cohen, fancy goods, laces, gloves and trimmings, S.W. cor. Eighth and Filbert Streets, Philad'a.

Smoke "Virginia" cigars. J.S. Semon, "Virginia Tobacco Store" No. 6 South Eighth St., Philadelphia.

Hammocks, hammock ropes, hammock spreaders, Saratoga hammock, pat'd July 19th, 1881.

[Hunter's handsome drug stores, cor. Pacific & New Jersey Aves., cor. Atlantic & Indiana Aves., Atlantic City, N.J. and cor. Fifteenth and Wharton Sts., Philadelphia]

Reed's, for clothing, furnishings, hats, shoes, 918-920-922 Chestnut St., Philadelphia.

T. Sinclair & Son. Lithographic establishment. Philadelphia.

The Bergner & Engel Brewing Co., Philadelphia.

Geo. S. Harris & Sons, printers, engravers, lithographers, 718, 720, 722 & 724 Arch Street, Philadelphia.

Mr. & Mrs. Jay Rial with Rial & Draper's Ideal Uncle Tom's Cabin. [graphic].

[Tradecard for S. Drapers' Uncle Tom's Cabin]
