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H.O. Wilbur & Sons, chocolate & cocoa manufacturers, Philadelphia, Pa.

Choice Bohsemeem, the best and purest spices. Weikel & Smith Spice Co., Philadelphia.

The West End Shoe Store, custom work and repairing, Geo. E. Bissex, agt. 3612 Market Street.

Albert L. West, with Russell & Armstrong, manufacturers of paper and bags, branch store, S.E. cor. Third and Vine Sts., Philadelphia.

Go to the West Philadelphia Card Depot, 3718 Market St., for chromo cards by set, 100 or 1000,

Compliments of J. Westney, agt. Manufacturers of baby carriages, velocipedes, &c. No. 226 Dock Street.

[Geo. G. Burbank, druggist and apothecary, 235 Main St., Worcester, Mass.]

B.M. Weld, drugs & medicines, also boots, shoes, slippers, etc. Bradford, Vermont.

Wm. Idler, 109 South Eleventh Street, watchmaker & jeweler, over 20 years experience in repairing fine watches.

Indian Queen perfume. Bean & Brother, 47 & 49 North Second Street, Philadelphia.

Inscho, manufacturer of best 25 cent confectionery in the city. No. 1317 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia.

John Jackson, wholesale and retail mutton, lamb & veal butcher, stalls, 188 & 189 Oxford Market, 20th and Oxford Sts., Phila.

H. Jahke, wholesale & retail dealer in all descriptions of fresh & salt pork, hams, lard, tongues, &c. 130, 131, 132 & 133 Nineteenth St. market, residence, cor. Baring & Sloan Sts., West Phila.

[Dr. Jayne's medications trade cards]

Use Hovey's pure dye spool silk.

H.D. Druckenmiller, dealer in musical instruments. Kutztown, Pa.

John M. Howland & Son, 1203 Market St., Philadelphia.

Wm. H. Hoskins, 913 Arch St., Philad'a. Lithographer & engraver. Stationer & blank book manufacturer. Steam power printer.

D. Landreth & Sons, 21 and 23 South Sixth Street, Philadelphia. Seeds & bulbs, implements and tools for farm, garden, greenhouse

Geo. W. Flagg, banker and broker, 255 Thames St., Newport, R.I.

[Wm. T. Hopkins trade card]

C. Hughes, dry goods and trimmings, No. 1128 Pine Street, Philadelphia. Dress making and knife pleating done at short notice.

[P.R. Hansbury & Co. trade cards]

[H. N. Harbach trade cards]

Nolan & Counsellor, fruits, flowers, &c. 1146 Broadway, bet. 26th and 27th Streets, New York.

I. Oakford & Son, hatters, 28 South Eighth Street, Philadelphia.

Newgarden's up town ribbon box, 1224 Columbia Avenue, Philadelphia.

Niagara corn starch, Wesp, Lautz Bros. & Co., Buffalo, N.Y.

[John Mustin trade cards]

Smith Brothers chemically pure Borax.

[S.D. Sollers & Co. trade cards]

[Sooy's trade cards]

B.M. Singley & Co., dealers in coal, yard, N.E. cor. Ninth and Master Sts., Philadelphia, Pa.

[Samuel F. Simes trade cards]

Jas. K. Simon, 29 South Sixth Street, above Chestnut, old established book store.

[Simpson's millinery, laces and trimmings' store trade cards]

Mrs. H. Steward, London & Paris Millinery, No. 435 North Second St., Philadelphia.

L.W. Stewart, agt. wholesale and retail manufacturer and dealer in trunks, bags, satchels, ladies' & gents' traveling trunks, pocket books, &c. 29 South Tenth Street, Philadelphia.

Edward A. Smith & Co., 219 and 221 N. Eighth Street, Philadelphia.

Campuzano Bros., Malaga.

View, on other side, of Washington's Headquarters, at Valley Forge, Pa. Sold for the benefit of the Valley Forge Memorial Chapel. One brick.

"Queen Bess" corset and skirt supporter. This is by far the best corset and skirt supporter ever made and is warranted in every particular. Manufactured only by the Worcester Corset Co., Worcester, Mass.

Presented to each purchaser of either of our following specialties. Manufactured expressly for Sharpless & Sons, Philadelphia.

Shirrell's Kulliyun washing crystal, Shirrell & Co., Buffalo, N.Y.

Fresh deviled crabs. McMenamin & Co., Hampton, Va.

Compliments of E.M. Bruce & Co., general managers for the Estey Organ, 18 North 7th St., Phila.

Photography under a cloud.

The Doan, under the management of the Philadelphia Dairy and Cafe.

B. F. DuBois, jeweler, No. 12 N. Second St., Philadelphia.

The cheapest place in town! Fechner Bros., auctioneers, No. 490 State Street, New Haven, Conn.
