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[Duryeas' Glen Cove Manufacturing Co. trade cards]

Elliott's fine millinery. 54 N. Eighth Street, Philadelphia. Entrance also, wholesale dep't, 808 Arch Street.

[Eagle Starch Enamel Manufacturing Co., Frankford, Phila., Pa.]

Found at last! The cheapest shell store in Atlantic City. Rare and beautiful sea shells, corals, toys, curiosities, etc. East India Shell Store, No. 1120 Atlantic Avenue, above post office.

A. Erkenbrecher's St. Bernhard Starch Works, Cincinnati, O.

The Dueber watch case factories at Newport, Ky. The Dueber Watch Case Manufacturing Co. branch offices. Cincinnati, O., New York & Chicago.

M.T. Hess, successor to D.L. Page, manufacturer of fine confections, no. 918 Arch Street, Philad'a.

Compliments of L.A. Heyer & Son, the new headquarters for toys, fancy goods and dolls, "Rhoda" baby carriages, wagons, velocipedes, etc., and fireworks, 812 Arch St., Philad'a, Pa.

J. Holly, fine clothing, ready-made and to order, 1312 South St., Phila.

We bake our own pies, rolls and bread for the Home Coffee House, 1109 Market St. 5 cents for each article. Side entrance for ladies.

[Higgins' German laundry soap trade cards]

Henry H. Holloway, bookseller, old and new books, in all languages, No. 7 S. Tenth St., Phila.

Illustrations for the Berlitz Method [graphic].

Finale of a breakfast on biscuits made of Heckers' self-raising flour.

H.R. Henry, produce dealer, stalls, No. 106 & 108 Fourth Ave., Fifth St. market, Philadelphia.

Jacob E. Herbert, general house furnishing goods, lamps and oils. 1114 Columbia Ave.

E. Fonteneau, ladies' French hair dresser, maker of wigs, braids, curls, &c., shampooing a specialty, removed to 102 South Eleventh St. Three doors below Chestnut, Philadelphia.

Greenfield's candies. 909 Broadway.

Books, banners, bibles, cards, full assortments. B. Griffith, sec'y, 1420 Chestnut St.

Globe billiard parlors, and palace luxury, 321 Federal St., Camden, N.J. Albert Crump.

[J. Peter Gohl trade cards]

Goodwin Bros., manufacturers of fine confections, 649 North Eighth Street, Philadelphia.

R.L. Shute, 695 Broadway, below 4th St., west side, New York.

[Julius Sichel trade cards]

Compliments of Sichel & Meyer, 50, 52 and 54 N. 8th St., Philadelphia.

[Louis J. Selliez trade cards]

I use celluloid eye glasses. S.O.M. Co. pat. Mar. 13, '77 on each pair.

Schomacker Gold String Piano Co., Philadelphia.

[G.A. Schwarz trade cards]

Peter Schwindt, ladies' and gents' fine shoes, No. 1208 Columbia Avenue, Philadelphia.

William Seefeldt, brass and German silver musical instruments, No. 731 Race St., Philad'a.

[Shoneman Bros. trade cards]

Wm. H. Shuster, manufacturer of confectionery, 58 North Eighth Street, Philadelphia.

I am Salisbury's Troubadours' turtle, 1874.

Geo. C. Brotherton, prop'r. Sample and lunch room, No. 130 South Ninth Street, Philadelphia, Pa.

Joseph Ruf, importer and manufacturer of human hair, Nos. 950 & 952 N. Second Street, Philad'a.

Charles Rumpp, manufacturer of fancy leather goods, portemonnaies, pocket books and satchels, No. 47 North Sixth Street, Philadelphia.

Shafer's pure fruit syrups.

Master of ceremonies, Frank Shantz.

Peter E. Sheetz, florist, S.W. cor. 12th and Spring Garden Sts., also 1553 Palmer Street.

Regine. I.S. Custer, Son & Co. Philadelphia.

Darlington, Runk & Co., Philadelphia.

[Powers & Weightman, chemical manufactory, Philadelphia]

The great American Centennial Exhibition puzzle blocks, in sectional parts

Washington Steam Mills, Gloucester N.J. near Philadelphia.

[Views of four prominent buildings at the Centennial Exhibition, Fairmount Park, 1876]

[Uncut sheet of four chromolithographs of children and animal scenes]

Hotel Lafayette. Situated on Broad St. betw. Chestnut & Walnut sts. Philadelphia Pennsylvania.

Compliments of Burk & M'Fetridge, printers & lithographers, 304 Chestnut, Philadelphia.

Coughlin & Eldredge, book store, Binghamton, N. Y. 60. 60. 60.
