(301 - 350 of 473)
- Title
- C.L. Jones & Co. tulip soap
- Description
- Trade card promoting soap manufacturers C.J. Jones & Co. and depicting a racist genre scene of an African American man being teasingly awoken by African American children. Figures are caricaturized and portrayed with exaggerated features. Shows a man, attired in a red, checkered shirt, blue pants, and one black boot, lying on his back, his right knee up, atop a large, white bundle. The boot on his left foot has fallen to the ground near his hat lying in front of the bundle. His left foot is bare. In the right, two mischievous boys peer around and over the bundle. The former, attired in a blue shirt, crouches to the ground from behind the bundle while the latter, attired in a yellow shirt with orange polka dots and orange pants, stretches out his right arm to poke the man’s face with a piece of straw. In the background is a steamboat on a river. Charles L. Jones founded the soap manufacturing firm C.L. Jones & Co. in 1845 in Cambridge, Massachusetts, with meat packer Charles Valentine, who wanted a way to use tallow. Valentine died in 1850, and Jones took charge of the business until his death in 1879. His brothers, Henry E. and Frank H. Jones, carried on the company until 1903., Title from item., Place of publication deduced from place of operation of advertised business., Date deduced from the history of the advertised business and visual content., Gift of David Doret.
- Date
- [ca. 1880]
- Location
- Library Company of Philadelphia | Print Department Goldman Trade Card Collection - C.L. Jones [P.2017.95.21]
- Title
- Ole zip coon. Use kitchen and hand, mineral soap
- Description
- Trade card promoting soap manufacturer Chas. F. Bates & Co. and depicting a racist scene of an African American man stealing a chicken in the countryside. He hangs suspended on a wooden fence, snagged by the seat of his pants. He is attired in blue pants, a blue and white plaid shirt, and black boots. He holds two squawking chickens by the legs in his right hand as another squawking chicken runs away in the left. The man is portrayed with exaggerated features and a look of fear. His mouth is open and the corners turned down. His wide eyes look to the right. In the background in the right, a white man, holding a rifle, runs with a dog towards the fence. A house is visible in the center background. Charles F. Bates (1842-1925) founded the soap manufacturing company Chas. F. Bates & Co., which operated from the 1870s to the 1920s., Title from item., Date deduced from history of the advertised business., Name of the publisher from copyright statement: Copyrighted Bufford, Boston., Advertising text printed on verso: Notice. To Mechanics, laborers, workingmen, clerks, book-keepers, and others, who are engaged in using ink, this soap is of the greatest benefit. [For] removing ink, pitch, cement, varnish, paint, wheel grease, and all impurities and stains, from the hands, it is excellent and unequalled. It is the best that can be used in the counting-house, office, workshop, or kitchen. Try it, and you will be satisfied that it is the "Ne Plus Extra" for washing hands, and no one should be without it. Any quantity of references and recommendations can be given by persons who have used it, but as all will wish to try it, we now offer it to the public on its merits. Every house-keeper should be certain to use it, as it is of great benefit for all kitchen purposes. Beware of imitations which may be offered. For sale by all grocers. Chas. F. Bates & Co. Proprietors and [Ma]nufacturers, 44 Broad Street, Boston, Mass. Factory at Wollaston, Mass., Gift of David Doret.
- Date
- [ca. 1880]
- Location
- Library Company of Philadelphia | Print Department Goldman Trade Card Collection - Chas F. Bates [P.2017.95.24]
- Title
- Standard java, Chase & Sanborn, Boston
- Description
- Trimmed metamorphic trade card promoting Chase & Sanborn's coffee. Depicts a quirky, racist scene with a trompe l’oeil aesthetic and including the oversized head of a Black man with exaggerated features in a North African setting. Shows an African man attired in a yellow hooded robe on a white horse and holding a long spoon to an enormous face of an African man. His head covered in a green and red turban has torn through a wall. He purses his lips out to the spoon. In the center of the image is a white coffee cup with a blue stripe and the text "Standard java, Chase and Sanborn, Boston" written in red. In the right foreground, holding a basket, is a barefooted African woman attired in a white dress with red stripes and cap sleeves; a yellow vest; and red, head kerchief. In the background is a building with Moresque decorative features in the doorway and window. Illustrated on the verso is a partial view of a black man. Shows his chin and lower lip, his torso, and his legs above his ankles. His arms are raised, and he is attired in white pants with blue stripes; a green jacket with yellow lining; a white collared shirt; and red vest and bowtie. Caleb Chase (1831-1908) established a coffee and tea company in 1864. Chase partnered with coffee seller James Sanborn (1835-1903) in 1874 to form Chase & Sanborn. It was the first company to pack and ship roasted coffee in sealed tins. In 1893, the firm supplied the coffee to all of the salons at the Chicago World's Fair. Chase & Sanborn was acquired in 1929 by Standard Brands, which merged with Nabisco in 1981., Title from item., Date deduced from history of the advertised business., Advertising text printed on verso: Boston roasted coffees have a national reputation representing the finest grown seal brand java and mocha coffee is justly called the aristocratic coffee of America surpassing all others in its richness and delicacy of flavor always packed whole roasted in 2-lb, air-tight tin cans. Crusade blend coffee is a skillfull blending of three high grade coffees noted for their flavor, strength and aroma, warranted not to contain a single Rio bean, but guaranteed to [?]., Gift of David Doret., Card is trimmed at the top and bottom.
- Date
- [ca. 1880]
- Location
- Library Company of Philadelphia | Print Department Goldman Trade Card Collection - Chase [P.2017.95.25]
- Title
- Clark's trade mark 36 Mile-End spool cotton
- Description
- Trade card promoting Clark Thread Company and depicting a racist caricature of an African American man minstrel drummer. Shows the man, in near profile, smiling and beating drumsticks on a drum strapped to his chest. The drum is a giant spool of thread labeled "Clark's Mile-End spool cotton." He is attired in black shoes; blue pants with a yellow stripe; a white jacket with pink flowers and long tails, with large buttons; a white ruffled shirt with a high collar; and a white top hat with a black band. The George A. Clark & Brother Company, manufactory of embroidery and sewing thread, was founded in 1863 in Newark, N.J. The firm was renamed Clark & Co. in 1879, and in the 1880s created a six-cord, soft finished thread called "Our New Thread" or "O.N.T." The business merged with J. & P. Coats in 1896, which lead to a series of mergers with fourteen other companies. Into the 21st century, the company continues to manufacture thread under the name Coats & Clark., Title from item., Date deduced from history of the advertised business., Advertising text printed on verso: Clark's trademark Mile-End spool thread. Best six cord. All numbers from no. 8 to 100. The colors are especially dyed to match. All shades of dress goods and can be used instead of silk by dress makers and families. The black is strong and smooth, and of the purest dye. It will retain its very deep black hue as long as silk fabrics. The white, black and colored is the standard for use upon all sewing machines., Gift of David Doret.
- Date
- [ca. 1880]
- Location
- Library Company of Philadelphia | Print Department Goldman Trade Card Collection - Clark [P.2017.95.32]
- Title
- Colburn's Philadelphia mustard
- Description
- Trade card promoting A. Colburn & Co.'s mustard and depicting a racist caricature of an young African girl riding an ostrich in a tropical setting. Show the barefooted girl, attired in a short-sleeved, knee-length, red dress with yellow trim, holding on to the ostrich's neck with both hands. The grey ostrich takes a long stride with its legs as it runds on a dirt path. Plants with palm leaves, greenery, and a rock line the path. Arthur T. Colburn (1834-1901) founded the spice business A. Colburn & Co. in 1856 in Philadelphia. The business was one of the largest spice dealers in the city and operate into the 1920s., Title from item., Place of publication deduced from place of operation of advertised business., Date deduced from history of the advertised business and visual content., Advertising text printed on verso: Colburn's Philadelphia mustard 1/4, 1/2 & 1 lb. Tins, always full weight. Better and cheaper than imported. 14 cents a pound saved in duty alone. Flavor, pungency and quality unequalled. Best for table or medicinal purposes. Press opinions of Colburn's Philadelphia mustard: N.Y. World--"Many persons have found that Colburn's Philadelphia mustard is better than the imported for the table and sick room." N.Y. Sun--"Better goods at lower prices is welcome news to housekeepers. Colburn's Philadelphia mustard, better and cheaper than imported, pleases everybody." N.Y. Telegram-- "One of the best articles of its kind is Colburn's Philadelphia mustard. It is a table luxury and is especially good for medicinal purposes." N.Y. Com. Advertiser --"The celebrity of Colburn's Phila. mustard as a table luxury and medicinal purposes has won for it a deserved place in prominent competition." N.Y. Evening Post--"An advance made by American manufacturers is of benefit to the whole county. Colburn's Philadelphia mustard is taking the place largely of imported mustard." N.Y. Evening Express--"We call special attention to Colburn's Philadelphia mustard. Many who have had an idea that the imported [w]as the best have found that this 'brand' of home manufac[tu]re was better for the table and sick room, besides being at least 14 cents a pound cheaper, on account of saving in duty. Messrs. A. Colburn & Co., of Philadelphia, stand in the front rank of our manufacturers and none need be afraid of goods bearing [?]me or label. We cordially recommend Colburn's Philadelphia mustard." Sold by all grocers and druggists., Gift of David Doret.
- Date
- [ca. 1880]
- Location
- Library Company of Philadelphia | Print Department Goldman Trade Card Collection - Colburn [P.2017.95.34]
- Title
- "Wes don got de "Domestic," we has!"
- Description
- Racist trade card promoting the Domestic Sewing Machine Company and depicting a comic genre scene of an African American couple who has acquired a sewing machine. The figures are portrayed with exaggerated features. In the center is a man and woman in a blue-colored cart being pulled by a galloping brown horse. The man, attired in a top hat; a blue jacket; a white collared shirt; and green checked pants, strains and leans forward as he holds the reins. The woman, attired in a yellow dress with black polka dots and a pink bonnet, leans back and exclaims in the vernacular that "wes don got the Domestic, we has!" She raises her left hand in the air and holds a white handkerchief. A sewing machine is visible inside the cart. In the far right a barefooted boy attired in a straw hat; a white collared shirt; and brown pants rolled up to his calves, possibly their displaced son, runs beside the wagon. In the top right corner is an inset illustration of a Domestic Sewing Machine Co.'s sewing machine. William S. Mack & Co. and N.S. Perkins founded the Domestic Sewing Machine Company in 1864 in Norwalk, Ohio. The White Sewing Machine Company bought the company in 1924., Title from item., Place of publication inferred from place of operation of advertised business., Date deduced from history of the advertised business., Advertising text printed on verso: "It stands at the head. The light running "Domestic" No. 4 Family. The best. The model machine. Domestic Sewing Machine Co." Includes an illustration of a Domestic sewing machine., Gift of David Doret., Library Company holds duplicate copy [P.2017.95.49].
- Date
- [ca. 1880]
- Location
- Library Company of Philadelphia | Print Department Goldman Trade Card Collection - Domestic [P.2017.95.50]
- Title
- George Miller & Son, wholesale confectioners, 610 & 612 Market street, Philadelphia
- Description
- Racist trade card promoting confectioner George Miller & Son and depicting a caricature of an African American man playing the violin. Shows the man portrayed with exaggerated features and attired in a white shirt, white pants with suspenders, and a long blue coat with an oversized, red and white striped collar. He sits on a red stool with his left leg straight out and his foot keeping time. He holds the bow in his right hand and cradles the violin under his chin as he plays. George Miller (1803-1891) established a confectionery in Philadelphia in 1833. The firm became George Miller & Son when George's son Charles B. Miller joined the business. In 1876, George retired, and his grandson William D. Miller joined the firm in 1877. The business moved from 610-612 Market Street to 255-257 South Third Street in 1888. In 1906, Union National Bank President William H. Carpenter acquired the firm., Title from item., Place of publication deduced from place of operation of the advertised business., Date inferred from history of the advertised business., Advertising text printed on recto: Established 1833. Manufacturers of pure candies. The best goods for the money., Gift of David Doret.
- Date
- [ca. 1880]
- Location
- Library Company of Philadelphia | Print Department Goldman Trade Card Collection - George [P.2017.95.69]
- Title
- Gold Medal Coffee is the purest and best
- Description
- Racist trade card promoting Gold Medal Coffee and depicting a caricature of an African American man wearing a sandwich board. The man is portrayed with exaggerated features and is attired in a green hat with a red band and feather, a red shirt with a white collar, blue pants, and brown shoes. A sandwich board is draped over his shoulders. The back board reads, "Gold Medal Coffee is the purest and best." He turns his head back and looks at the viewer. T.H. Butler and G.W. Earhart began manufacturing coffee as Butler, Earhart, & Co. in Columbus, Ohio in circa 1870 and produced and advertised their Gold Medal Coffee., Title from item., Place of publication deduced from place of operation of the advertised business., Date deduced from the history of the advertised business., Gift of David Doret.
- Date
- [ca. 1880]
- Location
- Library Company of Philadelphia | Print Department Goldman Trade Card Collection - Gold [P.2017.95.72]
- Title
- Kendall M'f'g. Co. Providence. R.I. French laundry soap
- Description
- Racist trade card promoting Kendall’s French Laundry Soap and depicting caricatures of two African American boys carrying an African American girl in a “sedan chair” that is made from a box of Kendall’s soap. In the left, the barefooted boy attired in a straw hat, a red shirt, and white pants with black suspenders holds the tree branch carrying the sedan over his right shoulder with his right hand. His left hand is in his pants pocket. In the right, the barefooted boy attired in a straw hat, a blue shirt, and white pants holds the other end of the branch over his left shoulder with his left hand and carries a branch with red flowers in his right hand. In the center, the girl, attired in a white dress and black shoes, sits inside of a box labeled, “Kendall MFG Co. French Laundry Soap.” She holds a black doll costumed in a hat and white dress on her lap. The boys walk through a grassy field. Henry L. Kendall (1805-1883) founded a soap manufactory in Providence, R.I. in 1827. The Kendall Manufacturing Co. was incorporated in 1860. The Company continued to manufacture soap into the mid-20th century., Title from item., Place of publication inferred from place of operation of the advertised business., Date deduced from history of the advertised business., Advertising text printed on verso:The “French Laundry” is the best soap ever made for all purposes. It is the Oldest Popular Soap in the market, Having Outlived all its Rivals. It has won its way into public favor solely on its merits, and thousands of families who are now using it would not be without it. It is now offered in a 3-4 Pound Pressed Cake, as well as in the old style Pound Bar for such persons as prefer it in that way. If you will give it one trial, you will never be without it. Kendall Mfg. Co. Established 1827. Providence, R.I., Gift of David Doret.
- Date
- [ca. 1880]
- Location
- Library Company of Philadelphia | Print Department Goldman Trade Card Collection - Kendall [P.2017.95.95]
- Title
- Kerr & Co., 34 Walker St. N.Y
- Description
- Trade card promoting Kerr & Co.’s thread and depicting a racist caricature of an African American man using Kerr’s thread to move a safe onto a cart. In the right, shows an African American man, attired in a yellow hat, an orange shirt with the sleeves rolled up to the elbows, and green pants, standing on the back of a cart pulled by two white horses. He turns the handle attached to an oversized spool of “Kerr’s Cotton” thread, which is pulling a large, black safe labeled, “Herring’s Champion New York; Kerr & Co., 34 Walker St. N.Y.” onto the cart. A white man, attired in a black hat, an orange shirt with the sleeves rolled to the elbows, and green pants, stands behind the safe to steady it. In the left, a crowd of people look on to the scene, including a white man police officer; a brown haired white girl attired in an orange hat, an orange dress with a white lace collar and a blue sash at the waist, and white stockings and shoes; a white man with a black mustache, attired in a black top hat, a white shirt, a black jacket, a yellow coat, and white pants and shoes; and a white woman attired in an orange hat with a white feather, an orange dress with white checks, and a black shawl. Above them a crane holds an oversized spool of black thread labeled, “Kerr & Co. Warranted 200 yds machine thread. Six cord (40) soft finish.” In the right is a building where people look through the windows at the scene. In the second story window in the left are two white men with mustaches attired in white collared shirts and blue jackets. In the right window are two white women attired in an orange dress and a blue dress respectively and hats. The building reads, “six-cord, soft-finish, new spool cotton.”, Peter Kerr (1818-1869) was a thread manufacturer who moved to the United States in 1866 and opened a factory in New York City. He partnered with his brother-in-law George A. Clark's thread company. Clark & Company later merged with J.&P. Coats in 1896., Title from item., Place of publication inferred from place of operation of advertised business., Date deduced from history of the advertised business., Advertising text printed on recto: Kerr's cotton never breaks. It is a safe thread., Gift of David Doret.
- Date
- [ca. 1880]
- Location
- Library Company of Philadelphia | Print Department Goldman Trade Card Collection - Kerr [P.2017.95.97]
- Title
- Minstrels! Branch, 1602 South St
- Description
- Racist trade card illustration depicting a large troupe of African American minstrels on a stage. Five of the men in the front row are seated in white chairs and a man in the center stands on his right leg with his arms wide. In the background are several palm trees. Visible in the center of the image is an ovular gold pendant with a caricatured portrait of a smiling African American man depicted with exaggerated features. He is attired in a white collared shirt, a red checkered necktie, and a brown jacket. The minstrel troupe is attired in white pants, red jackets, and white shoes. Some men hold red and white hats in their hands. The trade card is likely advertising Phillip Conway's business, Conway Gent's Furnisher, a custom clothing shop., Title from item., Gift of David Doret.
- Date
- [ca. 1880]
- Location
- Library Company of Philadelphia | Print Department Goldman Trade Card Collection - Minstrels [P.2017.95.131]
- Title
- Lustre starch
- Description
- Trimmed trade card promoting Gilbert S. Graves’s Lustre Starch. Depicts a racist caricature of an African American man portrayed with exaggerated features tipping his hat. Shows an African American man attired in a black top hat, a white collared shirt, a red bowtie, a yellow waistcoat, a blue jacket with tails, and white striped pants. He is attired with numerous accessories, including a red flower boutonniere on his lapel, a gold pendant pinned to the center of his white shirt, a gold pocket-watch chain, gold cufflinks, and a gold ring on the pinky of his right hand. The man stands with his right arm behind his back while he raises his top hat off his head with his left hand. Gilbert S. Graves (1849-1935) founded a corn starch manufactory in Buffalo in 1877. It was acquired by United Starch Company in 1899., Title from item., Place of publication inferred from place of operation of advertised business., Date deduced from history of the advertised business., Distributor's imprint printed on verso: H.H. Sayles & Co., wholesale grocers, Elmira, N.Y., Card is trimmed at the top and bottom., Gift of David Doret.
- Date
- [ca. 1880]
- Location
- Library Company of Philadelphia | Print Department Goldman Trade Card Collection - H.H. Sayles [P.2017.95.78]
- Title
- Edwin C. Burt, fine shoes
- Description
- Trade card promoting shoemaker Edwin C. Burt and depicting a racist caricature of an African American man minstrel. The man is attired in a uniform-like costume of a black top hat with a gold band; a blue jacket with gold buttons and epaulettes and a black belt; white pants; white gloves; and black knee-length boots. He pulls on a red cord for a curtain with his right hand. He carries a white card that reads, "Edwin C. Burt, Fine Shoes" in his left hand. Edwin C. Burt (1818-1884) began his career in boot and shoemaking with his father in Hartford, Connecticut in 1838. He moved his business to New York City in 1848 and founded Edwin C. Burt & Co. in 1860. He patented an improvement to increase his shoes’ durability in 1874., Title from item., Publication information from verso: The Major & Knapp Eng Mfg Litho Co 56 Park Place, N.Y., Advertising text printed on verso: Please notice: Genuine goods of Edwin C. Burt’s make have his Name stamped in full on Lining and Sole of Each Shoe and are warranted. Burt’s calendar for 1878. Edwin C. Burt [illegible]. Over., Text printed on verso: Calendar for 1878., Distributor's imprint printed on verso: Henry H. Tuttle & Co., 435 Washington Street, (cor, Winter,) Boston, have a full line in all widths of my Goods for sale., Gift of David Doret.
- Date
- [ca. 1880]
- Location
- Library Company of Philadelphia | Print Department Goldman Trade Card Collection - Henry [P.2017.95.80]
- Title
- The guessing. Smith, Stevenson & Co., Byxbee house block, Meriden
- Description
- Racist trade card illustration advertising a competition to guess the weight of a horse. Image depicts a smiling African American child peering out from beneath a folded blanket with fringe. The upper left corner of the blanket is folded and bears advertising text and the word "Honey." Underneath the folded flap of the blanket is a branch with two roses. The child is depicted with exaggerated features. Smith, Stevenson & Co. was a clothing store in Meriden, Connecticut., Title from item., Advertising text on recto: I's gwine to guess de weight ob Meriden Girl, shuah!, Advertising text on recto: The Guessing on the weight of the bay mare Meriden Girl, will close Thursday, December 21st. We make this announcement that all may have a chance to guess before the box is closed. The mare will be weighed Christmas morning as before stated., Gift of David Doret.
- Date
- [ca. 1880]
- Location
- Library Company of Philadelphia | Print Department Goldman Trade Card Collection - Smith [P.2017.95.158]
- Title
- Lift your hands in the sanctuary, and bless the Lord. Psa cxxxiv.2
- Description
- Racist, trade card specimen depicting an African American boy holding a jar. Shows the half-length portrait of the African American boy attired in a wide-brimmed straw hat, a white shirt with an oversized collar, a yellow overall shirt, and green pants. He places his left hand to his mouth and in his right hand carries a container with a lid. In the right are pink roses, and in the top left is a blue bird flying. Psalm 134:2 is printed underneath the portrait., Title from item., Date deduced from the visual content., Gift of David Doret.
- Date
- [ca. 1880]
- Location
- Library Company of Philadelphia | Print Department Goldman Trade Card Collection - Greeting Cards, etc. - Lift [P.2017.95.248]
- Title
- And he got!
- Description
- Racist trade card specimen depicting a scene of barefooted, African American men knocked about from a kicking mule in the middle of a field. In the center, a mule equipped with a saddle and reins, kicks its back feet into the air, above a wooden board lying on the ground. In the right, a man attired in a red shirt and white and blue checked pants, tumbles onto his back and with his legs in the air. Near him a man attired in yellow pants with red polka dots and an orange, checked shirt, runs away. In the left, a man attired in yellow pants and an orange shirt falls to the ground, head first and upside down. In the lower left, the lower leg and bare foot of a person attired in red checked pants and running away is visible. In the background, a man with a hat and checked red shirt stands with both arms up in the air in alarm. Two figures gathering crops are also visible in the distance., Title from item., Date deduced from the visual content., Gift of David Doret.
- Date
- [ca. 1880]
- Location
- Library Company of Philadelphia | Print Department Goldman Trade Card Collection - Misc. - And he got [P.2017.95.196]
- Title
- Correos. America del Sur
- Description
- Trade card promoting South American postal services and containing a montage of images representing South American culture. Includes a genre scene depicting a Black boy attired in earrings, a wide-brimmed hat, a white, blousy, long-sleeved shirt with open collar, red sash belt, and blue-striped pants and holding sheets of mail with stamps (left); depiction of a group of postage stamps of Argentina, Bolivia, and Peru (upper right); and a vignette of laborers harvesting sugar cane (lower right). Also includes, on the lower edge, pictorial details of the coats of arms of Peru and of Chile., Title from item., Gift of David Doret.
- Date
- [ca. 1880]
- Location
- Library Company of Philadelphia | Print Department Goldman Trade Card Collection - Misc. - Correos [P.2017.95.200]
- Title
- [Correos. America del Sur]
- Description
- Trade card specimen promoting South American postal services and containing a montage of images representing South American culture. Includes a genre scene depicting a Black boy attired earrings, a wide-brimmed hat, a white, blousy, long-sleeved shirt with open collar, red sash belt, and blue-striped pants and holding sheets of mail with stamps (left); a map of the countries of South America (upper right); and a vignette of laborers harvesting sugar cane (lower right). Also includes, on the lower edge, pictorial details of the coats of arms of Peru and of Chile., Tiitle and place of publication from variant of print within collection. See P.2017.95.200., Date inferred from genre of print., Gift of David Doret.
- Date
- [ca. 1880]
- Location
- Library Company of Philadelphia | Print Department Goldman Trade Card Collection - Misc. - Correos [P.2017.95.201]
- Title
- Cuba. Sugar plantation. Havana City and Harbor. Morro Castle. Santiago Cuba
- Description
- Trade card specimen depicting vignettes of a black man in a hat smiling, a sugar plantation, Havana City’s harbor, Morro Castle, and Santiago. In the top left is a circular vignette of a black man, attired in a brimmed straw hat and a white-collared shirt, who looks to the right and smiles. In the top right is a sugar plantation with a man in horse-drawn cart hauling sugar cane. Tall stalks of cane line the road. Beneath is a scene of the harbor in Havana City, with ships coming in and out. Mountains are visible in the background. In the left are palm trees. A vignette of Morro Castle, the fortress guarding Havana Bay, is depicted with a ship passing in front of it. In the bottom of the card is a depiction of Santiago, showing a wall with an American flag flying on a pole with mountains in the background and water winding around the land below. In the foreground are products from Cuba, including fruits, such as a pineapple, a pouch labeled “tobacco,” and a box of cigars., Title from item., Date deduced from the content., Text printed on verso: Cuba. The area of Cuba is 41,655 square miles. The island is long and narrow and follows a curved line through its centre; is 720 miles long and its average breadth is 80 miles. The highest part of the island is the range extending in the southwest from the Punto de Maysi to Cape Cruz. There are mountains immediately above the harbor of Trinidad de Cuba in the south, the highest of which is 2,990 feet above the sea level. The climate is hot on the coast and temperate on the higher levels. Ten per cent of the area is, or was, cultivated. There are large tracts of the island still unexplored. A census taken in 1887 reported the population to be 1,631, 687. Of this, 528,998 were negroes and mulattoes. The present population is uncertain. Probably, as the results of devastating war, it has been cut down at least a fourth. Principal cities are Havana (the capital), Santiago de Cuba, Puerto Principe, Holguin, Sancti Spiritus, Matanzas. Before the insurrection, there were over 1,000 miles of railroad in operation on the island. The chief produce is sugar and tobacco. There is also production of mahogany, fruits, honey and wax. Gold and silver have been found in paying quantities. The iron mines of Cuba, all of which are located near Santiago, overshadow in importance all the other industries on the eastern end of the island. The ore of these mines is among the richest in the world, yielding from 62 to 67 per cent of pure iron. The principal imports are flour, rice and jerked beef. The chief exports are sugar and tobacco., Stamped on verso: 3259 12., Gift of David Doret.
- Date
- [ca. 1890]
- Location
- Library Company of Philadelphia | Print Department Goldman Trade Card Collection - Misc. - Cuba [P.2017.95.202]
- Title
- La main chaude
- Description
- Trade card specimen depicting a white boy crying in the lap of a white girl after another white girl has hit him. In the left, shows the boy, attired in a white shirt, a brown jacket, brown pants, red socks, and brown shoes, bent over and crying into the lap of a girl. The girl, attired in a green bonnet, a gray dress with white ruffles at the collar and sleeves, white stockings, and brown shoes, sits on the grass and comforts the boy, placing both her hands on his head. In the center, shows the girl, attired in a pink and white bonnet, a red dress, a pink checked smock, white stockings, and brown shoes, lift her right hand up and wave a fist at the boy. Her left hand holds the hand of another boy, attired in a straw hat with a red band, a green shirt with a white ruffled collar, green shorts, red and white striped socks, and brown shoes. The boy holds the string to a pull toy wagon in his left hand. In the right background are bound wheat sheaves., Title from item., Date deduced from the visual content., Manuscript note on verso: George Smith., Illustration of girl in pink bonnet is hand colored in purple ink., Gift of David Doret.
- Date
- [ca. 1880]
- Location
- Library Company of Philadelphia | Print Department Goldman Trade Card Collection - Misc. - Main [P.2017.95.204]
- Title
- [African American boy shoe shine being kicked by a white boy clown]
- Description
- Racist, trade card specimen depicting a white boy clown kicking an African American shoe shine boy from behind. In the right, the white boy, attired white clown costume with a white cap decorated with a blue ball, a white shirt with ruffles at the neck and waist, white pants with a ruffle at the cuffs, white stockings, and blue shoes, carries a jump rope in both hands. He smiles at the viewer and kicks his left foot propelling the shoe shiner into the air. The shoe shiner is attired in a blue jacket with tails, white pants, black stockings, and brown shoes. His top hat, shoe shining stool, and open can of shoe polish fly away from him., Title supplied by cataloger., Date deduced from the visual content., Gift of David Doret.
- Date
- [ca. 1880]
- Location
- Library Company of Philadelphia | Print Department Goldman Trade Card Collection - Misc. 27 [P.2017.95.238]
- Title
- [African American woman on a balcony talking on a tin can telephone to an African American man minstrel]
- Description
- Die-cut trade card specimen shaped like a top hat and depicting racist caricatures of an African American woman on a balcony talking on a tin can telephone to an African American man minstrel. Shows the African American woman, attired in a yellow dress, leaning over the balcony of a palatial building, while holding a tin can telephone on a string to her right ear. On the ground, the African American man minstrel is portrayed with exaggerated features and attired in a white top hat with a black band, a white collared shirt, a black bowtie, a white waistcoat, a black jacket with tails, red and white striped pants, and black shoes. He stands holding the other end of the tin can telephone to his right ear. A banjo lies at his feet., Title supplied by cataloger., Date deduced from the visual content., Gift of David Doret.
- Date
- [ca. 1880]
- Location
- Library Company of Philadelphia | Print Department Goldman Trade Card Collection - Misc. 29 [P.2017.95.239x]
- Title
- Happy birthday
- Description
- Racist, birthday card depicting a caricature of an African American boy and a white girl on a candy stick seesaw. In the left, shows the white girl attired in a large, white bonnet; a yellow dress with red polka dots; a blue and white checked smock; orange stockings; and brown shoes, sitting on a red and white striped candy stick. In the right, the barefooted African American boy, attired in an orange shirt and gray pants, sits on the other side of the candy see saw. The fulcrum is a piece of chocolate., Title from item., Date deduced from the visual content., Gift of David Doret and Linda G. Mitchell.
- Date
- [ca. 1880]
- Location
- Library Company of Philadelphia | Print Department Goldman Trade Card Collection - Greeting Cards, etc. - Happy [P.2017.95.243]
- Title
- Here's luck! A jolly Christmas to you
- Description
- Racist Christmas card depicting a caricature of an African American man minstrel singing and playing the accordion. Shows the African American man minstrel attired in a beige top hat with a blue band, a white collared shirt, a pink ascot with a pin, a yellow jacket, a green plaid waistcoat and pants, yellow and white striped socks, and black shoes. He sings with his mouth wide open and pulls a pink accordion apart in both of his hands. Behind him is a white bust of a woman on a pedestal., Title from item., Date deduced from the visual content., Gift of David Doret.
- Date
- [ca. 1880]
- Location
- Library Company of Philadelphia | Print Department Goldman Trade Card Collection - Greeting Cards, etc. - Here's [P.2017.95.246]
- Title
- " Othello"
- Description
- Racist trade card specimen depicting an African American man “Othello” holding a knife and jealously looking at an African American woman and man conversing. Shows the African American man, attired in a hat, a red shirt with a white collar, white and blue striped pants with yellow suspenders, red socks, and black shoes, baring his teeth in an angry expression while he holds a knife in his right hand. He stands beside a building and looks over his right shoulder. Behind the building, in the background, an African American woman, attired in a red, short-sleeved dress with a white collar and red shoes, stands with her hands on her hips. She talks with an African American man, attired in a hat, a white collared shirt, a black jacket, khaki pants, and brown shoes, who has his left hand in his jacket pocket and points his index finger on his right hand at the woman., Title from item., Date deduced from the visual content., Gift of David Doret.
- Date
- [ca. 1880]
- Location
- Library Company of Philadelphia | Print Department Goldman Trade Card Collection - Misc. - Othello [P.2017.95.207]
- Title
- Picking the coffee berries
- Description
- Racist trade card specimen depicting an African man picking coffee on a plantation. Shows the bare-chested, barefooted man, attired in a straw hat and red striped shorts, picking coffee berries and placing them into a straw basket. The basket, which is hung around his shoulders and neck by a strap in front of his waist, is full of red berries. In the left, the coffee plant that the man picks from is full of red berries. More plants are visible in the background., Title from item., Date deduced from the visual content., Gift of David Doret.
- Date
- [ca. 1880]
- Location
- Library Company of Philadelphia | Print Department Goldman Trade Card Collection - Misc. - Picking [P.2017.95.208]
- Title
- Yes you!
- Description
- Racist, trade card specimen depicting a caricature of an African American man minstrel playing a banjo. Shows the African American man minstrel portrayed with exaggerated features and attired in a white collared shirt, a blue bowtie with white polka dots, a white jacket with orange polka dots and tails, yellow pants with blue and white stripes, and black shoes. He lifts his left leg up and sticks his tongue out as he strums on the banjo., Title from item., Date deduced from the visual content., Series number printed on recto: 58., Gift of David Doret.
- Date
- [ca. 1880]
- Location
- Library Company of Philadelphia | Print Department Goldman Trade Card Collection - Misc. - Yes [P.2017.95.211x]
- Title
- [African American woman being courted by an African American man suitor as a dog bites his pants]
- Description
- Racist, trade card specimen depicting caricatures of an African American woman being courted by an African American man suitor as a dog bites his pants. In the left, the African American woman, attired in a straw hat decorated with a green ribbon and bow; gold hoop earrings; a ruffled, blue-checked dress with white sleeves and blue polka dots; and white shoes, stands with her back to the suitor. She carries a red book in her left hand and places her index finger on her right hand to her lips as she looks pensively down at the suitor. In the right, the barefooted, African American man, attired in a white top hat decorated with a black band, a white shirt with an oversized collar, a red bowtie, and yellow overalls with red stripes and suspenders, kneels as he looks up at the woman with his hands out. A small, white and brown dog with a brown collar bites and pulls at the seat of the man’s pants., Title devised by cataloger., Date deduced from the visual content., Gift of David Doret.
- Date
- [ca. 1880]
- Location
- Library Company of Philadelphia | Print Department Goldman Trade Card Collection - Misc. 1 [P.2017.95.212]
- Title
- [African American man playing the cello]
- Description
- Racist, trade card specimen depicting a caricature of an African American man minstrel playing the cello. Shows the African American man minstrel, attired in a white collared shirt, a striped jacket, polka-dotted pants, and shoes, sitting on a wooden stool and playing the cello. He smiles at the viewer as he picks the strings near the neck of the instrument with his left hand and runs a bow along the strings at the lower body of it with his right hand. In the background behind his head is an open book of sheet music., Title devised by cataloger., Date deduced from the visual content., Printed in blue ink., Text stamped on recto: No. 478, 4 designs, price $1.55 per 1000., Gift of David Doret.
- Date
- [ca. 1880]
- Location
- Library Company of Philadelphia | Print Department Goldman Trade Card Collection - Misc. 2 [P.2017.95.213]
- Title
- [African American man minstrel playing a drum]
- Description
- Racist, trade card specimen depicting a caricature of an African American man minstrel drummer. Shows the man, in near profile, smiling and beating drumsticks on a drum strapped to his chest. He is attired in black shoes; pants with a stripe; a white jacket with flowers and long tails, with large buttons; a white ruffled shirt with a high collar; and a white top hat with a black band., Title devised by cataloger., Date deduced from the visual content., Printed in blue ink., Text stamped on recto: [No.] 478, 4 designs, price $1.55 per 1000., Gift of David Doret.
- Date
- [ca. 1880]
- Location
- Library Company of Philadelphia | Print Department Goldman Trade Card Collection - Misc. 3 [P.2017.95.214]
- Title
- [African American girl laughing with an infant on her lap]
- Description
- Racist, trade card specimen depicting a caricature of an African American girl laughing with an infant on her lap. In the right, shows the African American girl, attired in a red and white checked dress, sitting on the floor. She tilts her head back in laughter as she holds a white infant, attired in a white layette and a triangular paper hat. In the left, a blond-haired white girl, attired in a white dress and red shoes, looks on., Title devised by cataloger., Date deduced from the visual content., Gift of David Doret.
- Date
- [ca. 1880]
- Location
- Library Company of Philadelphia | Print Department Goldman Trade Card Collection - Misc. 4 [P.2017.95.215]
- Title
- [African American domestics holding a white sheet]
- Description
- Racist, trade card specimen depicting caricatures of two smiling African American domestics portrayed with exaggerated features and holding a white sheet. In the left, shows an African American man, attired in hoop earrings; a blue and white striped collared shirt; a red vest; purple pants; yellow striped socks; and black shoes with buckles, holding two corners of a white sheet in his hands. A red and green feather duster lies on the ground at his feet. In the right, an African American woman, attired in a yellow head kerchief with red dots; hoop earrings; a white, beaded necklace; a white, short-sleeved shirt; a pink vest; a blue skirt; white socks; and yellow shoes with red bows, holds the opposite two corners of the sheet. A broom rests against her right shoulder., Title devised by cataloger., Date deduced from the visual content., Gift of David Doret.
- Date
- [ca. 1880]
- Location
- Library Company of Philadelphia | Print Department Goldman Trade Card Collection - Misc. 5 [P.2017.95.216]
- Title
- [White woman being carried on a candy stick by a white man jockey and an African American man]
- Description
- Racist, trade card specimen depicting a white woman sitting on a candy stick being carried by a white man jockey and an African American man. Shows the blond-haired, white woman, attired in a white hat decorated with a green band and red feather; spectacles; a white collared shirt; a red bowtie; and a green jacket and skirt, sitting on top of an oversized, striped red and yellow candy stick. She holds reins in both of her hands that are wrapped around the white man jockey, attired in a white and yellow striped jockey cap; a white collared shirt; a blue bowtie; a red jacket; beige breeches; and black boots, who is carrying the front of the candy stick on his right shoulder. The African American man, portrayed in caricature and attired in a white top hat with a blue band; a white bowtie; a blue jacket; a yellow waistcoat and pants; white socks; and buckled shoes, carries the back end of the candy stick on his right shoulder., Title devised by cataloger., Date deduced from the visual content., Gift of David Doret.
- Date
- [ca. 1880]
- Location
- Library Company of Philadelphia | Print Department Goldman Trade Card Collection - Misc. 6 [P.2017.95.217]
- Title
- [African American man minstrel dancing]
- Description
- Racist, trade card specimen depicting a caricature of an African American man minstrel dancing. Shows the African American man, portrayed with exaggerated features and spindly arms and legs, attired in a white shirt with an oversized collar, a blue tie, a green jacket with tails, green pants, and white shoes. He smiles broadly with his arms pointed down and out to the sides and his left foot back in a dance step., Title devised by cataloger., Date deduced from the visual content., Gift of David Doret.
- Date
- [ca. 1880]
- Location
- Library Company of Philadelphia | Print Department Goldman Trade Card Collection - Misc. 7 [P.2017.95.218]
- Title
- [African American man minstrel dancing with a cigar]
- Description
- Racist, trade card specimen depicting a caricature of an African American man minstrel dancing. Shows the African American man, portrayed with exaggerated features and spindly arms and legs, attired in a black top hat, white gloves, a white collared shirt, a red tie, a brown jacket, orange pants, and black shoes. He sways to the left and places his left hand on his hip. He crosses his right arm across his body and holds a lit cigar between his fingers. His right foot comes forward in a dance step., Title devised by cataloger., Date deduced from the visual content., Gift of David Doret.
- Date
- [ca. 1880]
- Location
- Library Company of Philadelphia | Print Department Goldman Trade Card Collection - Misc. 8 [P.2017.95.219]
- Title
- [African American man minstrel]
- Description
- Racist, trade card specimen depicting a caricature of an African American man minstrel dancing. Shows the African American man, portrayed with exaggerated features and spindly arms and legs, attired in a black top hat with a peacock feather, yellow gloves, a white shirt with an oversized collar, a yellow and black striped bowtie, a green jacket with tails, pink leggings, and black shoes. He smiles at the viewer with both hands out to his sides and his left foot forward in a dance step., Title devised by cataloger., Date deduced from the visual content., Gift of David Doret.
- Date
- [ca. 1880]
- Location
- Library Company of Philadelphia | Print Department Goldman Trade Card Collection - Misc. 9 [P.2017.95.220]
- Title
- [African American infant sitting on a blanket]
- Description
- Racist, trade card specimen depicting a caricature of an African American infant girl sitting on a blanket. Shows the African American infant, attired in a white dress with pink checks, sitting on top of a pink and yellow blanket. She looks and smiles at the viewer and holds the skirt of her dress in her hands. She sits in a field with sunflowers behind her., Title devised by cataloger., Date deduced from the visual content., Gift of David Doret.
- Date
- [ca. 1880]
- Location
- Library Company of Philadelphia | Print Department Goldman Trade Card Collection - Misc. 11 [P.2017.95.222]
- Title
- [African American man at the window with a white cloth]
- Description
- Racist, trade card specimen depicting a caricature of an African American man holding a white cloth out of the window. Shows the African American man portrayed with exaggerated features and attired in a white collared shirt with red stripes and a blue vest. He stands at an open window with his head and upper torso outside of the building and holds a white cloth in both hands, which hangs out of the window. The exterior of the building is yellow brick., Title devised by cataloger., Date deduced from the visual content., Gift of David Doret.
- Date
- [ca. 1880]
- Location
- Library Company of Philadelphia | Print Department Goldman Trade Card Collection - Misc. 13 [P.2017.95.224]
- Title
- [African American woman at the window with a white cloth on a clothesline]
- Description
- Racist, trade card specimen depicting a caricature of an African American woman at the window with a white cloth on a clothesline. Shows the African American woman portrayed with exaggerated features and attired in a red, patterned head kerchief; a blue and red shawl; and a blue shirt. She leans her elbows on the sill of the open window and rests her head in her hands as she looks directly at the viewer. Outside of the window is a white cloth hung with clothespins on a clothesline. The exterior of the building is red brick., Title devised by cataloger., Date deduced from the visual content., Gift of David Doret.
- Date
- [ca. 1880]
- Location
- Library Company of Philadelphia | Print Department Goldman Trade Card Collection - Misc. 14 [P.2017.95.225]
- Title
- [African American man on a mule-drawn plow]
- Description
- Racist, trade card specimen depicting a caricature of an African American man on mule-drawn plow. Shows the African American man, attired in a hat and a blue, plaid jacket and pants, sitting on top of a plow. He holds the lever to the plow in his right hand and the reins to the mule pulling the plow in his left hand. The mule is kicking its back legs into the air because three pigs are running around it. Trees are visible in the background., Title devised by cataloger., Date deduced from the visual content., Series number printed on recto: 468., Gift of David Doret.
- Date
- [ca. 1880]
- Location
- Library Company of Philadelphia | Print Department Goldman Trade Card Collection - Misc. 15 [P.2017.95.226]
- Title
- [Two African American women domestics baking bread]
- Description
- Racist, trade card specimen depicting caricatures of two African American women domestics portrayed with exaggerated features baking bread. In the left, shows an African American woman, attired in a striped head kerchief, hoop earrings, a white collared shirt with the sleeves rolled up to the elbows, and a brown skirt, standing behind a table. She mixes dough in a large bowl with her right hand and reaches her left hand to a bag of flour. In the right, another African American woman, attired in a white and gray striped shirt with the sleeves rolled up to the elbows, a white apron, and a dark green skirt, smiles at the viewer as she holds up a large loaf of bread., Title supplied by cataloger., Date deduced from the visual content., Gift of David Doret.
- Date
- [ca. 1880]
- Location
- Library Company of Philadelphia | Print Department Goldman Trade Card Collection - Misc. 16 [P.2017.95.227]
- Title
- [African American man minstrel bowing holding a banjo]
- Description
- Racist, trade card specimen depicting a caricature of an African American man minstrel holding a banjo. Shows the African American man minstrel portrayed with exaggerated features and attired in a brown top hat, a blue and white striped shirt with an oversized collar, a yellow bowtie, an orange jacket with tails, a rose boutonniere, green pants, and black buckled shoes. He stands facing to the right slightly bend over as though taking a bow, with his left hand out at his side. He holds a white banjo by the neck in his right hand., Title supplied by cataloger., Date deduced from the visual content., Gift of David Doret.
- Date
- [ca. 1880]
- Location
- Library Company of Philadelphia | Print Department Goldman Trade Card Collection - Misc. 18 [P.2017.95.229]
- Title
- [African American man minstrel playing the clarinet]
- Description
- Racist, trade card specimen depicting a caricature an African American man minstrel playing the clarinet. Shows the African American man minstrel portrayed with exaggerated features and attired in a red cap, a white shirt with an oversized collar, a green bowtie, a brown jacket, blue and white striped pants, and brown shoes. He walks forward and carries a clarinet in both of his hands, which he holds up to his lips., Title supplied by cataloger., Date deduced from the visual content., Gift of David Doret.
- Date
- [ca. 1880]
- Location
- Library Company of Philadelphia | Print Department Goldman Trade Card Collection - Misc. 21 [P.2017.95.232]
- Title
- [African American girl frightened by a spider]
- Description
- Racist, trade card specimen depicting a caricature an African American girl scared of a spider, which has come down in front of her. Shows the African American girl portrayed with exaggerated features and attired in a white lace dress with a red belt, red stockings, and black shoes. She sits on a wooden bench surrounded by plants and flowers. She has a frightened expression on her face as a spider on a thread has come down right in front of her., Title supplied by cataloger., Date deduced from the visual content., Oversize. Housed with *Trade Cards - Misc., Gift of David Doret and Linda G. Mitchell.
- Date
- [ca. 1880]
- Location
- Library Company of Philadelphia | Print Department Goldman Trade Card Collection - Misc. 22 [P.2017.95.233]
- Title
- [African American boy and white girl on a candy stick seesaw]
- Description
- Racist, trade card specimen depicting a caricature an African American boy and a white girl on a candy stick seesaw. In the left, shows the white girl attired in a large, white bonnet; a yellow dress with red polka dots; a blue and white checked smock; orange stockings; and brown shoes, sitting on a red and white striped candy stick. In the right, the barefooted African American boy, attired in an orange shirt and gray pants, sits on the other side of the candy see saw. The fulcrum is a piece of chocolate., Title supplied by the cataloger., Date deduced from the visual content., Gift of David Doret.
- Date
- [ca. 1880]
- Location
- Library Company of Philadelphia | Print Department Goldman Trade Card Collection - Misc. 23 [P.2017.95.234]
- Title
- [African man fanning a white woman in a hammock]
- Description
- Racist, trade card specimen depicting a white woman in a hammock being fanned by a caricature of an African man. In the center, shows the blond-haired, white woman attired in a red headband, a blue dress, and yellow shoes, lying in a hammock. In the left, an African woman, attired in a head kerchief, a necklace, a white shirt, and a red skirt, serves a tray of food to the woman. The white woman leans over and grabs a piece of food from the tray with her right hand and has a butterfly on her left hand. In the right, an African man, attired in hoop earrings and a red and white sarong, fans the woman with a feathered fan on a long pole. In the right foreground, another African man attired in a red and white sarong, sits on steps leading to the hammock and fills a basket with coconuts. In the left are a parrot, several stacked boxes with pineapples on top, and two potted plants. In the right, a monkey sits holding a coconut. In the background is a water fountain, a statue of a woman carrying a vase on a pedestal, and palm and coconut trees. Behind the hammock is the roof of a building with a yellow curtain hanging down., Title supplied by cataloger., Date deduced from the visual content., Gift of David Doret.
- Date
- [ca. 1880]
- Location
- Library Company of Philadelphia | Print Department Goldman Trade Card Collection - Misc. 26 [P.2017.95.237]
- Title
- Noix de coco for puddings, pies, and pastry. Manufactured by Warner & Merritt. Philadelphia
- Description
- Racist trade card promoting Warner & Merritt’s Noix de Coco and depicting a white woman in a hammock being fanned by a caricature of an African man. In the center, shows the blond-haired, white woman attired in a red headband, a blue dress, and yellow shoes, lying in a hammock. In the left, an African woman, attired in a red head kerchief, a necklace, a white shirt, and a red skirt, serves a tray of food to the woman. The white woman leans over and grabs a piece of food from the tray with her right hand and has a butterfly on her left hand. In the right, an African man, attired in hoop earrings and a red and white sarong, fans the woman with a feathered fan on a long pole. In the right foreground, another African man attired in a blue sarong, sits on steps leading to the hammock and fills a basket with coconuts. In the left are a parrot, several stacked boxes with pineapples on top, and two potted plants. In the right, a monkey sits holding a coconut. In the background is a water fountain, a statue of a woman carrying a vase on a pedestal, and palm and coconut trees. Behind the hammock is the roof of a building with a yellow curtain hanging down. The Philadelphia firm Warner & Merritt imported fruit from the West Indies and Central America from 1878 until 1884. They used 20,000 to 25,000 coconuts weekly to manufacture their desiccated coconut product, Noix de Coco., Title from item., Place of publication deduced from place of operation of the advertised business., Date deduced from the history of the advertised business., Distributor's imprint stamped on verso: Levi I. Schreffler, Dealer In Produce, Tobacco, Sugars, Fresh Fish & Truck, New Depot, Tamaqua, PA., Gift of David Doret.
- Date
- [ca. 1880]
- Location
- Library Company of Philadelphia | Print Department Goldman Trade Card Collection - Warner [P.2017.95.188]
- Title
- Clark's mile-end 60 spool cotton
- Description
- Racist trade card promoting Clark Thread Company and depicting a genre scene of an African American man and woman in conversation on a country road. The man and woman are portrayed with exaggerated features and speaking in the vernacular. Shows, in the left, the man standing on a dirt road and holding a piece of thread attached to a giant spool labeled "Clark's mile-end 60 spool thread." He is attired in black boots; yellow striped pants with patches on the knees and rolled to his calves; a white shirt; a red vest; and a green jacket. His straw hat is upturned on the ground beside him. In the right, an African American woman sits in a horse-drawn wagon holding the reins to a white horse. She tells the man, "Ef dat mile end thread don't hold, dere ain't anything - lucky I got a spool to mend yer old clos' with." She is attired in a yellow head kerchief and a red dress with yellow trim at the neck. The George A. Clark & Brother Company, manufactory of embroidery and sewing thread, was founded in 1863 in Newark, N.J. The firm was renamed Clark & Co. in 1879, and in the 1880s created a six-cord, soft finished thread called "Our New Thread" or "O.N.T." The business merged with J. & P. Coats in 1896, which lead to a series of mergers with fourteen other companies. Into the 21st century, the company continues to manufacture thread under the name Coats & Clark., Title from item., Place of publication deduced from place of operation of advertised business., Date deduced from history of the advertised business., Text on recto: Ef dat mile end thread don't hold, dere ain't anything- lucky I got a spool to mend yer old clos' with., Advertising text printed on verso: Clark's Mile-End Spool Cotton is the best for hand and machine sewing. Clark's Mile-End Colors are made expressly to match the leading shades of dress goods, and are unsurpassed both in quality and color. Clark's Mile-End Spool Cotton is six-cord in all numbers to 100 inclusive., Stamp on the recto is illegible., See related copy: Goldman Trade Card Collection - Clark [P.2017.95.33]., Gift of George Allen, 2022., RVCDC
- Date
- [ca. 1880]
- Location
- Library Company of Philadelphia | Print Department Trade cards - C - Clark's [P.2022.42.7]
- Title
- Celluloid waterproof collars, cuffs & shirt bosoms
- Description
- Trade card advertising J.H. Richelderfer’s celluloid collars and cuffs and depicting a racist caricature of a Chinese boy smoking a pipe and carrying a cane. Shows the boy, wearing a queue hairstyle with a pink bow tied at the end of his braid and attired in a colorfully patterned Chinese robe with oversized celluloid cuffs, collar, and hat, and red, slip-on, cloth shoes. He holds the smoking pipe to his lips with his left hand and carries a walking cane in his right hand., Title from item., Date inferred from content., Stamped on recto: J.H. Richelderfer, Gent’s furnishing and over-gaiters, 1032 Chestnut St., S.E. Cor. of 11th., Text printed on verso: Celluloid (Waterproof linen.) Collard, cuffs and shirt bosoms. The following will commend the use of these goods to all who study convenience, neatness and economy. The interior is fine linen. The exterior is Celluloid – the union of which combines the strength of Linen with the Waterproof qualities of Celluloid. The Trouble and expense of washing is saved. When soiled simply rub with soap and water (hot or cold) used freely with a stiff brush. They are perspiration proof and are invaluable to travelers, saving all care of laundrying. Advice. In wearing the turn-down Collar, always slip the Necktie under the roll. Do not attempt to straighten the fold. The goods will give better satisfaction if the Separable Sleeve Button and Collar Button is used. Twist a small rubber elastic or chamois washer around the post of Sleeve Button to prevent possible rattling of Button, To remove Yellow Stains, which may come from long wearing, use Sapolio, Soap or Saleratus water or Celluline, which latter is a new preparation for cleansing Celluloid. Goods for sale by all dealers., RVCDC
- Date
- [ca. 1880]
- Location
- Library Company of Philadelphia | Print Department trade card - Richelderfer [1975.F.741]
- Title
- Celluloid cuffs, collars & bosoms, water & perspiration proof
- Description
- Trade card advertising J.H. Richelderfer’s celluloid collars and cuffs and depicting a racist caricature of a Chinese man at the beach watching a white man demonstrate the waterproof qualities of his celluloid cuffs, collar, and bosom or bib. In the center, the white man, wearing a mustache and attired in a red robe, red-and-yellow striped shorts, and white celluloid cuffs, collar, and bosom, stands in the ocean with water dripping down his clothes, showing that they are waterproof. In the right, a Chinese man, wearing a queue hairstyle, a red tunic, blue pants, and slip-on, cloth shoes, carries two sacks of laundry and looks over at the man in the water. In the left, a white man, attired in a straw hat, a white collared shirt, a red vest, yellow striped pants, and red shoes, sits on the sand holding an umbrella and wipes perspiration from his face with a handkerchief. In the background, a white man swims in the water and a boat is visible., Title from item., Date inferred from content., Stamped on recto: J.H. Richelderfer, 1032 Chestnut St., Phila., Text printed on verso: Waterproof linen, patented. Ladies’ and gent’s cuffs, collars and bosoms, made from celluloid. Waterproof, elastic, durable. These goods are far superior to any Linen Goods yet placed before the public, and in recommending them, we would call attention to some of their remarkable features, which will commend their use to all who study economy, neatness and beauty. 1sr. The interior is fine linen. 2d. The exterior is celluloid. 3d. The unison of above, combines the strength of linen with the waterproof qualities of celluloid, 4th. The expense of washing is saved. If the goods are soiled, simply cleanse with soap and water. 5th. The goods never wilt or fray on edges and are perspiration proof. The best preparation to effectually cleanse them is celluline. For sale by all gent’s furnishing and fancy goods houses throughout the country., RVCDC
- Date
- [ca. 1880]
- Location
- Library Company of Philadelphia | Print Department trade card - Richelderfer [1975.F.745]