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C.L. Jones & Co. tulip soap [graphic].

Ole zip coon. Use kitchen and hand, mineral soap [graphic].

Standard java, Chase & Sanborn, Boston [graphic].

Clark's trade mark 36 Mile-End spool cotton [graphic].

Colburn's Philadelphia mustard [graphic].

"Wes don got de "Domestic," we has!" [graphic].

George Miller & Son, wholesale confectioners, 610 & 612 Market street, Philadelphia [graphic].

Gold Medal Coffee is the purest and best [graphic].

Kendall M'f'g. Co. Providence. R.I. French laundry soap [graphic].

Kerr & Co., 34 Walker St. N.Y. [graphic].

Minstrels! [graphic] : Branch, 1602 South St.

Lustre starch [graphic].

Edwin C. Burt, fine shoes [graphic].

The guessing. Smith, Stevenson & Co., Byxbee house block, Meriden. [graphic].

Lift your hands in the sanctuary, and bless the Lord. Psa cxxxiv.2 [graphic].

And he got! [graphic].

Correos. America del Sur [graphic].

[Correos. America del Sur] [graphic].

Cuba. Sugar plantation. Havana City and Harbor. Morro Castle. Santiago Cuba [graphic].

La main chaude [graphic].

[African American boy shoe shine being kicked by a white boy clown] [graphic].

[African American woman on a balcony talking on a tin can telephone to an African American man minstrel] [graphic].

Happy birthday [graphic].

Here's luck! A jolly Christmas to you [graphic].

"Othello" [graphic].

Picking the coffee berries [graphic].

Yes you! [graphic].

[African American woman being courted by an African American man suitor as a dog bites his pants] [graphic].

[African American man playing the cello] [graphic].

[African American man minstrel playing a drum] [graphic].

[African American girl laughing with an infant on her lap] [graphic].

[African American domestics holding a white sheet] [graphic].

[White woman being carried on a candy stick by a white man jockey and an African American man] [graphic].

[African American man minstrel dancing] [graphic].

[African American man minstrel dancing with a cigar] [graphic].

[African American man minstrel] [graphic].

[African American infant sitting on a blanket] [graphic].

[African American man at the window with a white cloth] [graphic].

[African American woman at the window with a white cloth on a clothesline] [graphic].

[African American man on a mule-drawn plow] [graphic].

[Two African American women domestics baking bread] [graphic].

[African American man minstrel bowing holding a banjo] [graphic].

[African American man minstrel playing the clarinet] [graphic].

[African American girl frightened by a spider] [graphic].

[African American boy and white girl on a candy stick seesaw] [graphic].

[African man fanning a white woman in a hammock] [graphic].

Noix de coco for puddings, pies, and pastry. Manufactured by Warner & Merritt. Philadelphia. [graphic].

Clark's mile-end 60 spool cotton [graphic].

Celluloid waterproof collars, cuffs & shirt bosoms. [graphic].

Celluloid cuffs, collars & bosoms, water & perspiration proof [graphic].
