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Old '76 and young' 48.

Leary & Co.'s cheap book store, no. 138 North Second Street, ten doors below New Street, Philadelphia. [graphic] : Where are kept constantly on hand, and for sale, over 100,000 volumes of new, old, and scarce books in every department of literature, whole

[Chestnut Street Theatre]. North East corner of Sixth and Chestnut Streets, Philadelphia. [graphic] / Drawn and engraved on wood, by D.C. Baxter, (successor to Wm. B. Gihon,)

The new theatre in Chesnut [sic] Street Philadelphia [graphic] : Built 1822. Taken down 1856.

Mexican news

Mexican news

[Entry of Washington into New York, after the city was evacuated by the British in 1783, Nov. 20th]

Marion crossing the Pedee.

Union Hotel, Fairfax C.H., Va. James W. Jackson, proprietor.

Charles Sumner

Jay[ne's] Carmina[tive] Balsam. Prepared only by Dr. Jayne, wholesale druggist & chemist, no. 84 Chestnut Street below Third, Philada.

Oriental Print Works, Apponaug, R.I.

W.B. Eltonhead, watch maker, and jeweler. 340 so. 2d St., Philad'a.

Wm. H. Hortsmann & Sons, manufactory & sales rooms, cor. Fifth & Cherry Streets. Philadelphia.

Wagner & M'Guigan, call the attention of the public to the superior facilities at their extensive lithographic establishment, no. 4 Athenian Buildings, Franklin Place, (north of no, 111 Chestnut Street.)

Edward L. Waller, lithographic printer. Portraits, landscapes, buildings, animals, charts, maps. Circulars, bill heads, music titles, checks, cards, labels, transfers from copper or steel, lithographed in a superior manner, no. 17 Minor Street, third stor

Wagner & M'Guigan's lithographic drawing, engraving, and printing establishment.

Wagner & M'Guigan, respectfully invite the attention of the public to their extensive lithographic establishment no. 4 Athenian Building, Franklin Place, north of no. 111 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia.

Williams anti-dyspeptic elixir. Prepared by Dr. James Williams, no. 4 South Seventh Street, 3 doors below Market St. Philadelphia. [graphic].

Samuel Simes, operative & dispensing chemist. Store and family medicine laboratory. N.W. corner Chestnut & Twelfth sts. [graphic] / J. Mucklow [sic].

Interior view of Rogers Smith Shop. Corner of Sixth & Master streets. [graphic] / J.H. Byram.

George J. Henkels. City cabinet warerooms, 173 Chesnut [sic] Street, Phila. [graphic].

Pennsylvania Horticultural Society [ticket]

John H. Brown & Co. No. 307 Market St.

The last days of Webster at Marshfield

James K. Polk

Eliza crosses the Ohio on the floating ice [graphic] / G. Cruikshank ; W.T. Green sc.

The marriage [graphic] / Manning del ; Hayes, G.H.. sc.

The whitewasher [graphic].

The laundress [graphic].

The rag-picker [graphic].

The wood-sawyer [graphic].

Plantation scene -- coffee [graphic] / Felch-Riches. Columbus. O.

Douglass wird von Coven gezüchtigt [graphic].

The mother's struggle [graphic].

[The freeman's defense] [graphic].

Scipio hunted, "As men hunt a deer!" [graphic] / G.S ; M. Jackson.

James K. Polk

Facsimile of the signatures to the Declaration of Independence

The United States Senate A.D. 1850

Gerrit Smith [graphic] / Engraved by J.C. Buttre.

Inspection and sale of a Negro [graphic] / F. Mayer ; Whitney, Jocelyn, Annin sc.

The slave chain [graphic].

The Africans of the slave bark "Wildfire" [graphic] / M.N.

African slave trade [graphic] / Felch-Riches.

Scene in the hold of the "Blood-Stained Gloria." (Middle Passage) [graphic].

Persecuted virtue [graphic] / G.S.

Lecompton funeral. [graphic] / Hy.

[McAllister & Brother, opticians, 728 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia] [graphic] / A. Bigot, del.

[Bnjn. Swain, umbrella & parasol manufactory billhead.] [graphic] / Joseph Henry Byram.
