Exterior view of front and flank of slightly rundown dwelling on Stenton Avenue north of Haines Street, once occupied by Col. Thomas Forrest. Laundry hangs from a line on the side porch. A man poses for the camera nearby., Photographer's imprint printed on mount., Title and date given in manuscript on mount.
Bullock, John G., 1854-1939, photographer
Negative February 21, 1913
Library Company of Philadelphia | Print Department lantern - Bullock [P.9731.112]
Depicts the stone dwelling of Christopher Ludwig sitting very close to the dirt road. Ludwig was appointed Baker General to the American Army in 1777., Photographer's imprint printed on mount., Title given in manuscript on mount.
Bullock, John G., 1854-1939, photographer
ca. 1913
Library Company of Philadelphia | Print Department lantern - Bullock [P.9731.113]
Depicts the bell tower of Independence Hall looking west. Constructed from 1750 to 1753, about ten years after Andrew Hamilton and Edmund Woolley built the original portion of the building. Bell tower reconstructed by William Strickland in 1828. The mansard roof of the original Public Ledger building is visible in the background., Photographer's imprint printed on mount., Title given in manuscript on mount.
Browne, John C. (John Coates), 1838-1918, photographer
ca. 1913
Library Company of Philadelphia | Print Department lantern - Bullock [P.9731.174]
Depicts C. McAllister's side-wheeler steamboat from Smith Island in the Delaware River, between Philadelphia and Camden. Signboards on businesses lining the Philadelphia waterfront are visible in the background, along with the steeple of Christ Church on North Second Street., Photographer's imprint printed on mount., Title given in manuscript on mount.
Browne, John C. (John Coates), 1838-1918, photographer
ca. 1913
Library Company of Philadelphia | Print Department lantern - Bullock [P.9731.175]
Depicts large industrial buildings with smoke stacks on the opposite bank of the canal near Bridgeport, below Norristown, Pennsylvania. Telegraph poles line the canal in the distance and trees and shrubs are in leaf in the foreground., Photographer's imprint printed on mount., Title given in manuscript on mount.
Bullock, John G., 1854-1939, photographer
ca. 1913
Library Company of Philadelphia | Print Department lantern - Bullock [P.9731.177]
Depicts the stone bridge spanning Wissahickon Creek leading to Springfield Avenue. Built in 1832 and rebuilt in 1915. Also referred to as the Springfield Avenue Bridge., Photographer's imprint printed on mount., Title and date given in manuscript on mount.
Bullock, John G., 1854-1939, photographer
Library Company of Philadelphia | Print Department lantern - Bullock [P.9731.160]
Depicts a duck wading in the water of Wissahickon Creek underneath the leafy branches of a tree., Photographer's imprint printed on mount., Title given in manuscript on mount.
Bullock, John G., 1854-1939, photographer
ca. 1913
Library Company of Philadelphia | Print Department lantern - Bullock [P.9731.161]
View showing the inn built by Thomas Livezey circa 1850 near the Wissahickon Creek. The inn, managed by several proprietors under the Livezey family, was purchased by the city in 1872 and given over to the supervision of a patriotic women's society circa 1900. Shows signage adorning the building advertising a tea room and a telephone pay station. Lettering spelling "Valley Green" is visible on the side of the inn. Also shows a stone fence and a stable adjacent to the building., Photographer's imprint printed on mount., Title and date given in manuscript on mount.
Bullock, John G., 1854-1939, photographer
Negative 1911
Library Company of Philadelphia | Print Department lantern - Bullock [P.9731.162]
Depicts a narrow stream flowing over numerous small rocks at the foot of a wooded slope and pasture bounded by a fence. Grasses grow on both sides of the water., Photographer's imprint printed on mount., Title given in manuscript on mount.
Bullock, John G., 1854-1939, photographer
ca. 1913
Library Company of Philadelphia | Print Department lantern - Bullock [P.9731.163]
A large unidentified building sits amidst many tall trees in early leaf., Photographer's imprint printed on mount., Title and date given in manuscript on mount.
Bullock, John G., 1854-1939, photographer
Library Company of Philadelphia | Print Department lantern - Bullock [P.9731.137]
Depicts a guard standing near a guard-house (left), next to Wissahickon Drive, a wide dirt road shaded by large trees. The stone arches of the Philadelphia & Reading Railroad bridge is visible in the background., Photographer's imprint printed on mount., Title and date given in manuscript on mount.
Bullock, John G., 1854-1939, photographer
Library Company of Philadelphia | Print Department lantern - Bullock [P.9731.138]
Exterior view of unusually broad, two-story mansion. Occupied by a beer garden operated by John F. Betz some time after 1880., Photographer's imprint printed on mount., Title and date given in manuscript on mount.
Bullock, John G., 1854-1939, photographer
Library Company of Philadelphia | Print Department lantern - Bullock [P.9731.139]
Depicts the Fairmount Water Works from the south. Built between 1812 and 1822 after the designs of Philadelphia engineer Frederick Graff. Frederick Graff, Jr., later altered and expanded the waterworks with the help of Philadelphia engineer, Henry P.M. Birkinbine., Photographer's imprint printed on mount., Title given in manuscript on mount.
Bullock, John G., 1854-1939, photographer
ca. 1913
Library Company of Philadelphia | Print Department lantern - Bullock [P.9731.140]
Exterior detail of front doorway of Stenton. Built 1728-1734 by James Logan. The house remained in the Logan family until the early 20th century when the city acquired the property in 1910., Photographer's imprint printed on mount., Title and date given in manuscript on mount., Also known as the Logan House.
Bullock, John G., 1854-1939, photographer
Negative January 30, 1913
Library Company of Philadelphia | Print Department lantern - Bullock [P.9731.128]
Exterior view of front facade of Stenton. Built 1728-1734 by James Logan. The house remained in the Logan family until the early 20th century when the city acquired the property in 1910., Photographer's imprint printed on mount., Title and date given in manuscript on mount., Also known as the Logan House.
Bullock, John G., 1854-1939, photographer
January 30, 1913
Library Company of Philadelphia | Print Department lantern - Bullock [P.9731.129]
Exterior view of the Pennsylvania Railroad's original Chelten Avenue Station looking north along the tracks. Includes two men working on the tracks. Image taken before the old station was razed in 1916., Photographer's imprint printed on mount., Title given in manuscript on mount.
Bullock, John G., 1854-1939, photographer
ca. 1916
Library Company of Philadelphia | Print Department lantern - Bullock [P.9731.130]
Copy of a sketch depicting the dwelling above Schuylkill Falls along Ridge Avenue as it looked in 1789. Several carriages and horses pass by on the road in front of the house., Photographer's imprint printed on mount., Title given in manuscript on mount., Andrew Robeson purchased Shoomac Park in 1690 and operated a flour mill on the land. Andrew Robeson, Jr., the nephew of the original owner, purchased the property in 1702, managed operations until circa 1750 and sold the land. Shoomac Park did not return to the Robeson family until December of 1789, when Peter and Jonathan Robeson bought the park and mill from the Vandereen estate. Peter and his family lived here until his death in 1838. The Fairmount Park Commission purchased Shoomac Park in 1872.
Bullock, John G., 1854-1939, photographer
ca. 1913
Library Company of Philadelphia | Print Department lantern - Bullock [P.9731.131]
Depicts the stone arches of the railroad bridge near the junction of Wissahickon Creek and the Schuylkill River above Ridge Avenue. Includes vehicle traffic traveling underneath the bridge. Marks the entrance to Wissahickon Creek, Wissahickon Drive and Wissahickon Park., Photographer's imprint printed on mount., Title given in manuscript on mount.
Bullock, John G., 1854-1939, photographer
ca. 1913
Library Company of Philadelphia | Print Department lantern - Bullock [P.9731.133]
Depicts an unidentified railroad bridge at the mouth of the Wissahickon Creek, looking east. Five boats are docked in the foreground., Photographer's imprint printed on mount., Title and date given in manuscript on mount.
Bullock, John G., 1854-1939, photographer
Library Company of Philadelphia | Print Department lantern - Bullock [P.9731.134]
Depicts the smokestacks and factory buildings of the Pencoyd Iron Works from the Schuylkill River. Includes boats on the river in the foreground. In 1852, Percival and Algernon Roberts started the business manufacturing bridge and structural steel supplies. Merged with the American Bridge Company in 1900., Photographer's imprint printed on mount., Title and date given in manuscript on mount.
Bullock, John G., 1854-1939, photographer
Library Company of Philadelphia | Print Department lantern - Bullock [P.9731.135]
Depicts a large rock formation near the old Robeson estate at the mouth of the Wissahickon Creek near Ridge Avenue., Photographer's imprint printed on mount., Title and date given in manuscript on mount.
Bullock, John G., 1854-1939, photographer
Library Company of Philadelphia | Print Department lantern - Bullock [P.9731.136]
Shows several students departing from Germantown High School built 1915 after the designs Henry Decourcey Richards at 5901 Germantown Avenue. The 3 1/2 story brick building contained 65 classrooms, an auditorium, gymnasium, infirmary, and library., Photographer's imprint stamped on mount., Title and date inscribed on mount., Slide number: 55., Decourcey, a school architect, was chief draftsman for the Board of Public education circa 1906-1919.
Bullock, John G., 1854-1939, photographer
January 1916
Library Company of Philadelphia | Print Department lantern - Bullock [P.9731.50]
Shows the side of the one-room school house completed in 1775 near the Upper Burying Ground at 6309 Germantown Avenue. View includes a tree adorned with a plaque identifying the school in the foreground. The school, built from subscription funds to educate the citizens of the upper end of Germantown, was altered to include a second floor in 1818 to accommodate town meetings., Photographer's imprint printed on mount., Title and date from manuscript note on mount., Printed on mount: Plate Hammer; Developer Ortol.
Bullock, John G., 1854-1939, photographer
Library Company of Philadelphia | Print Department lantern - Bullock [P.9731.79]
Shows the one-room school house completed in 1775 near the Upper Burying Ground at 6309 Germantown Avenue. View includes a gated brick fence and headstones. The school, built from subscription funds to educate the citizens of the upper end of Germantown, was altered to include a second floor in 1818 to accommodate town meetings., Photographer's imprint printed on mount., Title from manuscript note on mount., Slide number: 84., Inscribed on mount: Ortol [type of developer].
Bullock, John G., 1854-1939, photographer
Library Company of Philadelphia | Print Department lantern - Bullock [P.9731.80]
Copy of daguerreotype depicting the exterior view of the house as it looked in 1840. Earliest section of the house built circa 1690 by Hans Milan. Center section and alterations were designed and completed by William Strickland in 1824. For nine generations belonged to the Wistar-Haines family., Photographer's imprint printed on mount., Title given in manuscript on mount.
Bullock, John G., 1854-1939, photographer
ca 1913
Library Company of Philadelphia | Print Department lantern - Bullock [P.9731.58]
Color slide of movie poster with teel blue background depicting the bust of Ethel Clayton resting her chin in her left hand. Next to her figure is the title written in black: William A. Brady, Director-General, World-Pictures present Ethel Clayton in "Souls Adrift" with Milton Sills. Directed by Harley Knowles, story by Andrew Soutar. The World-Pictures icon rests in the upper left-hand corner., Title supplied by cataloguer., Inscribed on border of slide: Excelsior Illustrating Co., 219 Sixth Ave., N. Y. City., Gift of Albert L. Doering.
Doering, William Harvey, 1858-1924, photographer
Library Company of Philadelphia | Print Department lantern slides - Doering [P.9453.293]