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Pennsylvania Hospital, Philadelphia.

Pennsylvania Hospital, Philadelphia.

American Classical and Military Academy at Mount Airy, Germantown, 8 miles from Philadelphia.

American Classical and Military Academy at Mount Airy, Germantown, 8 miles from Philadelphia.

Mount Airy Seminary:

Alms House. Philadelphia.

The Girard College, Philadelphia.

Market Street from Front St. Philadelphia.

[Road to Philadelphy]

[Road to Philadelphy]

A view of Bassa Cove (in Liberia.)

United States Bank Philadelphia

United States Bank Philadelphia.

FacSimile of the revolutionary flag, A.D. 1774. [graphic] / Lithographed by A. Hoffy.

Girard College

The iron steamboat, R. F. Stockton.

"Look upon this picture and on this." Shakespeare.

[Philadephia Bank building]

Classical Seminary. Franklin Square. S.E. corner Race & Seventh streets, Philadelphia.

View of Chestnut Street Philadelphia.

The Sarcophagus brought from Syria & presented By Come. Elliott to the Girard College.

County Goal, Moyamensing Philadelphia.

Eastwick & Harrison's improved locomotive engine

William Norris manufacturer of locomotive steam engines Philadelphia.

Philadelphia Exchange

View of the launch of the U.S. ship of war Pennsylvania

H. R. Campbell's patent locomotive engine

View of Sharon Boarding School


Pont de Lower Ferry pres de Philadelphie.

[Unidentified residential boys seminary in the countryside, probably in or near Philadelphia]

South view of Haverford School, Pennsylvania.

[Road to Philadelphy] [graphic].

[Road to Philadelphy] [graphic].

Bowlby & Weaver's hardware store No.77 Market Street Philadelphia. [graphic].

Wetherill & Brothers' white lead manufactory & chemical works. Corner of 12th & Cherry Streets Philadelphia. [graphic] / [W. L. Breton].

Indian Queen Hotel. [graphic].

Friends' Asylum for the Insane near Frankford. [graphic] / From nature & on stone by G. Lehman.

Panorama of Philadelphia from the State House steeple. East. [graphic] / Drawn from nature and on stone by J. C. Wild.

Panorama of Philadelphia from the State House steeple. North. [graphic] / Drawn from nature and on stone by J. C. Wild.

Panorama of Philadelphia from the State House steeple. South. [graphic] / Drawn from nature and on stone by J. C. Wild.

Panorama of Philadelphia from the State House Steeple. West. [graphic] / Drawn from nature and on stone by J. C. Wild.

The old court house & Friend's Meeting.

The early settlement & progress of Philadelphia & Pennsylvania.

Treaty Tree.

Landing of Penn. Dock Creek.

Letitia House.

Residence of Wm. Penn 1700.

The state house 1778.

[Taylor & Teese, saddlers and A. R. Chambers, currier, 67 & 69 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia.]
