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West Philadelphia Manufacturing Cos. starch & farina works. Chestnut & Bridgewater Streets, Philadelphia. Refined pearl starch & corn farina. [graphic] / James Queen.

Combined letter box and lamp post. Patented March 9, 1858, by Albert Potts, Philadelphia. [graphic].

Penn Steam Engine & Boiler Works. Foot of Palmer Street, Kensington, Philadelphia. Reaney Neafie & Co. engineers, machinists, boiler makers, black smiths & founders. [graphic] / Lith. by W. H. Rease 4th & Chesnut St.

Cathedral of St. Peter & St. Paul Philadelphia. [graphic].

Franklin Iron Works. Sutton & Smith's iron foundry, Franklin Street between Second and Front Streets, Philadelphia [graphic] / W. H. Rease.

Penn Steam Engine & Boiler Works. Foot of Palmer Street, Kensington, Philadelphia. Reaney, Neafie & Co. engineers, machinists, boiler makers, black smiths & founders. [graphic] / On stone by W. H. Rease, No. 17, So. 5th. St. (FHS on stone).

Robert Wood's steam iron railing works, Ridge Road above Buttonwood St, Philadelphia. [graphic] / On stone by W. H. Rease, 17 Sth. 5th. St.

Stand pipe. For West Philada. Water Works. [graphic] / On stone by Rease & Shell, No. 17 So. 5th. St.

Wright, Hunter & Co. S.W. cor. Ninth & Walnut Sts. Philadelphia. [graphic] / On stone by R. F. Reynolds, No. 30, S 5th St.

The New Masonic Hall, Philadelphia. [graphic] / Tholey ; Lithy. of Friend & Aub, 80 Walnut St.

Eagle Hotel, No. 139 North 3rd. Street Philadelphia. [graphic].

[Morocco leather manufactory, B. D. Stewart, S.E. corner of Willow Street and Old York Road, Philadelphia] [graphic].

Two of the killers. [graphic].

This institution known as "Cherry Hill State Prison" at Philadelphia, is the model prison of "The Pennsylvania System of Prison Discipline" or "Separate System" as it is called to distinguish it from "The Congregate." [graphic] / From a drawing by convict

Goodyears Rubber-Packing & Belting Company. Warehouse 104 Chestnut St. Philada. Factory Newtown, Connecticut. Belting, packing, hose, clothing, druggist-articles, etc. [graphic].

Joseph Ripka's mills. Manayunk 21st Ward Philadelphia. Manufacturer of all description of plain and fancy cottonades for men & boy's clothing warehouse 32 So Front St. [graphic] / Lith. of W. H. Rease N.E. cor. 4th & Chesnut.

Terrible conflagration and destruction of the steamboat "New Jersey," on the Delaware River, above Smith's Island, on the night of March 15th, between 8 and 9 o'clock, in which dreadful calamity over 50 lives are supposed to have been lost. [graphic].

The original Moravian church of 1820. S.E. corner of Moravian Alley (now Bread Street) & Race St. [graphic] / Lith. by Herline & Hensel.

St. Peter's Catholic Church of Philadelphia. At Fifth and Franklin Streets.

Alfred Jenks & Son's machine works, Bridesburg. [graphic].

Chestnut Street Schottisch. [Wm. D. Rogers' "Carriage Repository", 1009 & 1011 Chestnut St.] [graphic] / J. Haehnlen Lith Phila.

The State Penitentiary for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania [graphic].

View of the department for coloured children of the House of Refuge. [graphic]: Looking from the north west. / John McArthur Jr. Architect, 15, Mercantile Library Building, Phil.

View of the department for white children of the House of Refuge. [graphic]: Looking from the south west. / John McArthur Jr. Architect, 15, Mercantile Library Building, Phil.

W. P. Hacker, importer and wholesale dealer in china, glass, queensware & fancy goods, No. 60, North Second Street, Philadelphia. [graphic] / On stone by W. H. Rease, 17, So. 5th. St.

Abbott & Lawrence. Liberty Stove Works, Brown Street above Fourth St. Philada. [graphic] / Drawn & lithd. by A. Kollner.

Northern Liberties & Spring Garden Water Works. [graphic] / Drawn from nature by Thos. M. Scott ; C.K. [C.C. Kuchel].

Tamany Fish House, on the Pea Shore, R. Delaware. [graphic] / Thomas M. Scott.

Masonic Hall Chesnut St. Philada. Erected AD 1809. Destroyed by Fire A.D. 1819. [graphic] / Wm. Strickland architect; D. Chillas Lith. 50 S. 3rd Street.

Elevation plan of Granite St. buildings and those connecting with Walnut, Dock and Front Streets. [graphic] / Drawn for J. Godley Esq. at A. Kollner's Lithy. N.E. cor. of 2d. & Dock St.

Bennett & Co. Tower Hall, clothing bazaar No. 182 Market St, between Fifth & Sixth. Philadelphia. [graphic] / Executed, by, W. H. Rease No. 17 So. 5th. St.

Neall & Matthews, iron founders and machinists, Bush Hill Iron Works (Formerly occupied by Rush & Muhlenburg,) corner of Fairview & Schuylkill Seventh St., Philadelphia. [graphic] / Drawn on stone by W. H. Rease No. 17, So. 5th St.

Keyser & Foxe's mahogany steam saw mill & turning shop No. 21 [later 225] Crown St. between Race & Vine Sts., Philadelphia. [graphic] / On stone by G. Heiss.

Pennsylvania Institution for the Deaf & Dumb. [graphic] / Drawn on stone by Albert Newsam, a former pupil of the Institution; From a daguerreotype by Collins.

Woodlands Cemetery. Main entrance. [graphic] / James Queen.

View of the department for white children of the House of Refuge. [graphic]: Looking from the south west. / John McArthur Jr. Architect, 15, Mercantile Library Building, Phil.

General view of Laurel Hill Cemetery. [graphic].

West Philadelphia Institute. [graphic].

City Marble Works and Steam Mantel Factory. Corner Tenth and Vine Streets Philadelphia. J.E. & B. Schell. [graphic] / Rease & Schell's Lith., No. 17 So. 5th St., Philda.

Views of Liberia from "W.F. Lynch report of mission to Africa"

Todmorden Mills. Highland. Warranted. All wool.

Hon. Abraham Lincoln,

Whig equestrian exercises - ground and lofty tumbling. [graphic].

The pious Mr. All-bone, taking leave of his directors previous to his departure for Europe. [graphic].

View of cotton plantation and gen [sic] in West Indies in 1764 [graphic] / F. Fuchs sc.

Daniel Webster addressing the United States Senate

John Brown. Leader of the Harper's Ferry insurrection.

Insurrection on board a slave ship [graphic] / W.L. Walton, lith.

The great Republican reform party, calling on their candidate. [graphic]

The nigger emperor of Nicuragua [sic] on his throne. [graphic] : Attended by Chatfield & his black guards witnessing the detention of the steamer Prometheus, by the English brig of war Express, at San Juan.
