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William Still, dealer in Lehigh & Schuylkill coal, 1216, 1218 and 1220 Washington Avenue, Philadelphia.

Bought of Rodgers Brothers, wholesale druggists, and dealers in paints, oils & varnishes.

Eagle Iron Works. Hoff & Fontaine, founders, and manufacturers of steam engines, patent steam stocking presses, pumps, patent hoisting machines, pulleys, hangers, couplings, shafting and mill gearing, general machinists, boiler makers & millwrights, No. 1

Galanterie spielwaaren handlung L. Hönig in Zürich. Das neueste stets auf lager.

M.E. Hoopes.

[Glendinning & Truitt trade cards]

F.O. Goodwin, dealers in improved copper lightning conductors, cor. 53d St. & Wyalusing Ave., West Philadelphia.

James W. Saunders, bricklayer and builder, 230 N. Twenty-second St., Philadelphia.

P. Edw'd Chillman & Co., photographers, 18 South Eighth Str., Philadelphia.

Bought of A. W. Wright & Co., importers and dealers in drugs, medicines, paints, oils, refined coal and lubricating oils, druggists' sundries, &c. Paint department, 124 Market Street. N.E. cor. Market and Front Streets.

Is dese' your chickens miss

J. Prosser Osbourn, caterer, No. 311 North 38th Street, Philadelphia.

On Schuylkill Riv. Philada. Pa.

Lehman & Bolton. Steam power lithographic & letter press printing rooms. Nos 418, 420 & 422 Library Street. Opposite Post Office.

Lithographic and letter press printing. Lehman & Bolton, Goldsmiths Hall, Library Street, opposite post office.

The Continental Filter Manufacturing Company, office--36 S. Fifth St., Philadelphia, Pa. Estimates made for filters of any desired capacity. Presented by [blank] J.E. Johnson, supt.

J. M. Cummings, boots and shoes, removed to our new store, No. 3608 Lancaster Avenue, formerly of 3624 Lancaster Ave.

Bulkley & Noblit, manufacturers of railroad, ship, boat and wharf spikes. Office & mill: Germantown Junction, Philadelphia. Tioga Rolling Mill & Spike Works.

L. Blackson, 3121 Ludlow Street, white washing, carpet shaking, house and cellar cleaning.

William Boekel & Co., metal spinners and manufactr's of metal goods, 110 South Eighth Street, Philadelphia, Pa.

Alois Senefelder. Inventor of lithography

Centennial circular. Norwalk Lock Company. South Norwalk, Conn.

The truant boys.

Gay's China Palace, No. 1109 Chestnut St., Philadelphia.

William Mann, stationer, blank book maker, steam-power printer & lithographer, 529 Market & 526 Commerce Sts., Philadelphia.

Agricultural Implement Manufactory. Heebner & Sons. Lansdale, Montgomery Co. PA.

George & James M. Bullock. "Conshohocken Woolen Mills" :

Pennsylvania, 1776-1876, City of Philadelphia.

Red hot Republicans on the Democratic Gridiron. "The San Domingo war dance." [graphic] / J. Cameron.

Board of Education of the City of Camden of the State of New Jersey second class certificate [graphic] / M.H. Traubel, Lith. 409 Chestnut St. Phila.

Washington Hose Company of Philadelphia.

The first colored senator and representatives

Go to Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart's for the lowest prices in dry goods & notions, 442 & 444 Penn Street, Reading, Pa. [graphic].

Every body uses Scull's champion coffee [graphic].

Willard & Lane's improved Eagle Stove Polish better than any made [graphic] / Carroll.

It stands at the head. "Domestic" sewing machine [graphic].

J.H.T. Hopkins, custom and ready made clothing. 658 Main St., Cambridgeport [graphic].

Dis Union. Union. John E. Kaughran & Co., 763 Broadway, Bet. 8th and 9th Streets [graphic].

A mistaken identity [graphic].

"They all do it" [graphic].

Which wi[ll let go] first, the dog or the darkey [graphic].

[African American man minstrel playing the flute] [graphic].

[African American man sticking his head through a sheet of paper] [graphic].

[African American child touching the hair of a crying white baby] [graphic].

[African American man with a basket of produce and carrying a dead duck] [graphic].

[Benjamin H. Shoemaker, French Plate Glass Depot, 205-211 North Fourth Street, Philadelphia, Pa.] [graphic].

Mirth! music! originality! The success of the season! "Jollities" [graphic].

The Union Pacific Tea Co. [graphic].

W.H. & S.V. Lines [graphic].
