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50 new elegant embossed chromo cards with your name printed on them, for only 8 cents in stamps. This offer lasts only till October 30, after that our regular price will be charged. Address Star Card Co., East Boston, Mass. Box 38 [graphic].

Frank Miller's crown dressing. [graphic] : Well dis chile am 'stonished at his own genius- dat Frank Miller must be a conjuror-shua!

Franklin Institute, Seventh Street between Chestnut and Market, Philadelphia

Ph. J. Lauber importer of wines. Wholesale retail. Nos. 24 & 26 South Fifth St.

Wakefield – The “Hunt,"

[Asian decorative motifs]

E. A. Wright, bank note engraver, lithographer, plate printer. Chestnut & 11th sts.

Pennsylvania Warehousing & Safe Deposit Co.

Diploma of the Pennsylvania State Agricultural Society.

Views of Fairmount Park, Philadelphia. Part 1st

Lehman & Bolton steam power lithographic & letter press printing rooms. Library Street, Goldsmith's Hall. Opp. Post Office, Philadelphia.

View from West Laurel Hill Cemetery. Near Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.

Martin Landenberger & Co.

Bits of nature and some art products in Fairmount Park, Philadelphia, Pa.

Darlington, Runk & Co. Hosiery & underwear for fall & winter 1879 [pocket cicrular]

Christopher Gallagher. Wholesale liquor dealer.

[Tarrant & Co.'s Seltzer Aperient trade cards]

Importers & dealers in tin plate, copper sheet, rod and hoop iron, metals, N. & G. Taylor Co. 301, 303 & 305 Branch St., between race and Vine Sts. Philadelphia.

[Morgan & Headly trade cards] [graphic].

American Hotel, S. M. Heulings proprietor, Chestnut Street bet. Fifth & Sixth, opposite Independence Hall, Philadelphia.

The Philadelphia & Chester Valley Railroad Company.

Horticultural Hall. Length 360 ft. Width 160 ft.

Waterbury Drug Store, established 1797. Leavenworth & Dikeman, Exchange Place, Waterbury, Conn.

[F.T. Howell & Co. trade cards]

[Dell & Joseph C. Noblit & Co. trade cards]

Victoria Vokes.

[Business correspondence of New York chemist Charles Rice]

Bought of John L. Thompson, Sons & Co., wholesale druggists, and dealers in paints, oils, dye stuffs and window glass, nos. 159, 161 and 163 River Street.

[Business stationery of Gerity Brothers, wholesale druggists, 126 Lake St. Cor. Carroll, Elmira, N.Y.

[Charles Herder trade cards]

J.C. & J.F. Field, gloves, 45 South 8th Street, Philadelphia.

Fairmount Park

Bird's eye view of International Exhibition buildings

[Brainerd & Armstrong Co. trade cards]

[Bartholomay Brewing Co. trade cards]

Main building, International Exhibition. Fairmount Park, Philadelphia, 1876.

Philharmonic T[h]eatre, Islington. Every evening at eight. [Sa]turday at three and eight. Sam Hague's Ori[gi]nal Slave Troupe at St. James's Hall, Li[me] Street, Liverpool. Every evening at 8, Saturdays at 3 & 8, all the year round. Positively for four we

Die Deutsche Gesellschaft des staates Pennsylvanien [membership certificate].

Gambrinus Unterstutzungus Gesellschaft [membership certificate].

Teutonia Sänger Bund [membership certificate]

Germantown Maennerchor [membership certificate]

Junger Maennerchor [membership certificate]

[Bird's eye view of the Centennial Exhibition grounds, Fairmount Park, Philadelphia]

Centennial March

Louella: Home of J. Henry Askin Album

International Exhibition. Main Building.

[Business stationery of Hall & Ruckel, importers and wholesale druggists, 218 & 220 Greenwich Street, New York]

[Business correspondence of Weeks & Potter, importers & jobbers of drugs and druggists sundries, Boston, Ma.]

[Collection of letterheads and billheads of Wells, Richardson & Co., later Wells & Richardson Co., wholesale druggists, Burlington, Vt. completed to C. N. Williams, Elizabethtown, N.Y.]

[Billhead and envelopes of Wilson Drug Co., wholesale druggists, Charlotte, N.C.]
