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Swaim's building, s.e. corner of Chestnut and Seventh street.

[Swaim's building, s.e. corner of Chestnut and Seventh street]

Broad Street Independant [sic] Church, Philadelphia.

Odd Fellows' Cemetery, Islington Lane Philadelphia.

Wm. Penn's treaty with the Indians, when he founded the province of Pennsa. 1681.

The Eastern Penitentiary.

St. John's Church, Philadelphia.

Moyamensing Prison.


The Artillery Corps of Philadelphia Greys, (Company D), Comd. by Capt. Geo. Cadwalader, First Regiment of Artillery, 1st Brigade, 1st Division, P. M.

U. S. Naval Asylum.

Christ Church Philadelphia.

Custom House. Late U. S. Bank

Laurel Hill Cemetery, Philadelphia.

Manayunk near Philadelphia.

Merchants' Exchange.

University of Pennsylvania.

The Girard College

Pennsylvania Institution for the Instruction of the Blind. Philadelphia.

Pennsylvania Hospital.

Friends' boarding school, West-town, PA.

Alms House. Philadelphia.

Wm. Penn's treaty with the Indians when he founded the Province of Pennsila. 1661

The dishonest boy

Wm. Penn's treaty with the Indians when he founded the Province of Pennsya. 1661

Market Street, from Front St.

U.S. Custom House (formerly U.S. Bank)

An accurate sketch from nature, of the exterior and interior of the house no. 39, Nth. Fourth St. Philadelphia, where the atrocious murder of Mrs. Rademacher was committed on the night of the 23d, March 1848, her wounds, and exact position when discovered

The little pilferers.

Costume des Quakers

[Fashion print showing a couple attired in Quaker costume]

Be kind to the needy.

Guide to Laurel Hill Cemetery, Philadelphia.

Charles Oakford's hat & cap store, wholesale & retail, No. 104, Chesnut [sic] Street, Philadelphia.

View from the inclined plane, near Philadelphia.

Philadelphia from the Navy Yard

The happy family.

Making sport of the blind boy.

The cruel boys robbing the bird of her little ones.

Industry & sloth.

Grigg Block, North Fourth Street, Philadelphia.

Charles Oakford's 1848 & 49 fashions for hats, caps & furs, wholesale & retail establishment, no. 104 Chestnut St., Philadelphia.

The cruel boys. [graphic] : What shows a worse disposition than to abuse a poor dumb creature. It is the beginning of a course, that leads to robbery and murder.

The industrious man

The rogue caught

Police. = Polizeibeamter. ; Bill-Carrier. = Placat Träger.

Fashions by S.A. & A.F. Ward, spring & summer 1850, no. 62 Walnut St. Philad.

Fashions, fall & winter, 1850-1, by S.A. & A.F. Ward, No. 62 Walnut St., Philadelphia.

Fashions for fall and winter 1848-9 by S.A. & A.F. Ward, no. 62 Walnut Street, Philadelphia, Pa.