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In Wissahickon Valley, Fairmount Park, Philada. [graphic] / A.K.

Peters Island, Fairmount Park, Philada. [graphic] / A.K.

Schuylkill River above Fairmount Dam, Philada. in 1843. [graphic] / A.K. 1878.

Prospect from Ridgeland, Fairmount Park, Phila. [graphic] / A.K.

Sweet Briar Mansion, in 1843. (In Fairmount Park) [graphic].

In ravine near Sweet Briar Fairmount Park, Phila. [graphic] / A.K.

Schuylkill River below the falls, Fairmount Pk. Phila. [graphic] / A.K.

Schuylkill River, Fairmount Park , Phila. (Columbia Bridge) [graphic].

[Views of Centennial Exhibition buildings]

Camp Washington, near Centennial grounds, July, 1876. 7th Regiment N.G. Col. E. Clark, Com.

Gloria Dei,

Independence Hall in 1776, Philadelphia. = Unabhängigkeits Halle = Edificio de la Independencia en 1776 = Hotel de L'Independance.

Independence Hall in 1876, Philadelphia. = Unabhängigkeits Halle = Edificio de la Independencia en 1776 = Hotel de L'Independance.

Independence Hall, Philadelphia, 1776.

Art Gallery. Main Building. Centennial International Exhibition. 1876. Fairmount Park, Philadelphia.

St. Michael's Church.

St. Veronica's Church, Philadelphia, Penna.

Church of St. Vincent de Paul, Germantown, Phila. Pa.

St. Vincents German Orphans Home, Tacony, Pena.[sic]

Horticultural Hall, Centennial International Exhibition. 1876. Fairmount Park Philadelphia.

Art Gallery, Centennial International Exhibition. 1876. Fairmount Park Philadelphia.

Camp Woodward, near Centennial grounds, July, 1876. 23d Regiment N.G. S. N. Y. Col. Rodney C. Ward.

St. Vincent de Paul's Church, Germantown, Pa.

Fairmount Park

Fairmount Park

Bird's eye view. Centennial International Exhibition. Fairmount Park. Philadelphia. 1876.

Shoe & Leather Building. International Exhibition, 1876. Fairmount Park Philadelphia.

Mishlers Garden

The monument to liberty to be erected in Independence Square, Philadelphia, designed by William W. Story.

Church of Our Lady of the Visitation, cor. Lehigh Ave. and Leamy St. Philadelphia Pa.

Post 2, Philadelphia. Post 2, Boston.

Centennial Circular 1876.

C.H. Garden & Co. 606 & 608 Market St. Philada. Fall 1875.

Leedom, Shaw & Stewart. Philadelphia Carpet Mills. Office and Warehouse 635 Market St.

Church of St. Charles Borremeo. Philadelphia, Pa.

Chew, smoke Old Abe fine cut smoking, B. Leidersdorf & Co., Milwaukee, Wis.

Maison Doree, No. 8 South Broad Street, Philadelphia. W.A. Clawson.

A sweet tooth.

[The Old Continental Clothing Manufacturing Company trade cards]

High art and elegant clothing. Merchant tailor misfits, 400 South Eighth St., first door bel. Pine. Private house. Please ring the bell.

Thos. N. Miller, fine cabinet ware & upholstery, 1005 Arch Street, Philadelphia.

Pratt's astral oil.

J. Russell & Co. Green River Works, MS. Established 1834.

Philip Doersom, carriage builder, Lancaster, Pa.

Shill's factory and store, 1029 Chestnut Street, next door to the new opera house.

Memorial chart centennial jubilee.

Black Diamond File Works illustrated price list.

1776, Centennial International Exhibition, 1876.
