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Panorama of Philadelphia from the State House steeple. East.

Panorama of Philadelphia from the State House steeple. North.

Panorama of Philadelphia from the State House Steeple. North.

Panorama of Philadelphia from the State House steeple. South.

Panorama of Philadelphia from the State House Steeple. South.

Panorama of Philadelphia from the State House steeple. West.

Panorama of Philadelphia from the State House Steeple. West.

Philadelphia Arcade. Joseph L. Moore, dealer in fancy & staple dry goods, corner of Pine & Water Streets New-York.

Roper's Gymnasium. 274 Market Street, Philadelphia.

[Wine & liquor store. Charles Egner 10 North Third Street, Philadelphia]

United States Hotel Chesnut [sic] Street, Philadelphia.

A strike! A strike! [graphic] / C.

[The Eighth Beatitude]

C.J. Fell & Brother's chocolate manufactory.

[F. Leaming & Co. hardware, nail, steel, hollow-ware & looking glass store. No. 215 Market Street]

Dawson's Brewery. N.W. corner of 10th & Filbert Streets.

[Dickson & Co.] Watches, fine cutlery, jewellery,

Friends Asylum for the Insane near Frankford.


[Marshall House, 207 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia. E. Badger, proprietor]

Edwin A. Atlee. [graphic] / On stone by A. Newsam.

[I] take the responsibility. [graphic] / Hassan Straightshanks, Del.

The people putting responsibility to the test or the downfall of the kitchen cabinet and collar presses. [graphic] / T.W. Whitley alias Sir Joshua invt..

Not very like a whale but very like a fish. Seventh Ward Promenades. [graphic] /. A. Shad

I take it on my responsibility. [graphic]

Much ado about nothing or a militia court-martial. [graphic]

Jim Crow, the American mountebank performing at the Grand Theatre. [graphic] / IH.

Philadelphia fashions, 1837. [graphic] / C.

The times. [graphic] / Clay fecit.

The smokers. [graphic] / C.

The Great Rohan & the cattle market. [graphic]

Girard College; Merchant's exchange

Friends' Asylum for the Insane near Frankford.


Old Nick in Wall Street [graphic].

A confederacy against the Constitution and the rights of the people with an historical view of the component parts of this diabolical transaction [graphic].

Banks & bribery, v.s. balls & bumbs scene 1st [graphic] : Or the destruction of aristocracy monopoly and oppression / From a splendid picter, draw'd for the Jineral by Zek Downing, historical painter to Uncle Jack & Jineral Jackson.

Plan of the new city of Pensacola [cartographic material] / From recent and accurate survey by G. E. Chase in 1835-6.

St. Luke's Church, 1840

Life in New York.

Life in New York. My name is Antonio Ceasa de Wilson..." [graphic] / Canova.

Life in New York. My name is Antonio Ceasa de Wilson..."

Life in New York. Inconvienency of tight lacing. [graphic].

Fanny Kemble [graphic] / Painted from recollection by T. Sully.

Roberts Vaux

Roberts Vaux [graphic] / Painted by Henry Inman; On Stone by A. Newsam.

London Coffee House

Indian Queen Hotel.

Pennsylvania Colonization Society

Missionary Society of the Methodist Episcopal Church [certificate]
