(101 - 150 of 245)
- Title
- Fate of the radical party
- Description
- Cartoon predicting that the radical members of the Republican Party will be responsible for the party's defeat in the 1868 presidential election. Depicts a steaming locomotive in the shape of a bottle labeled "A Radical Cure - Lowell Bitters" in which Massachusetts representative Benjamin F. Butler is encased. The train heads toward the "Dutch Gap" being dug by incumbent Andrew Johnson holding a shovel of "Veto" dirt (reference to Johnson's numerous vetoes of radical reconstruction policies). Riding on and in the train are: Presidential nominee Ulysses S. Grant who smokes from the pipe-shaped train's smoke stack which is adorned with the head of an African American man, portrayed in racist caricature; Thaddeus Stevens as the engineer; and Vice-Presidential nominee Schuyler Colfax. On the tracks in the background, an African American man, portrayed in racist caricature, sits on a stool and writes atop the pedestal "Fame," and the "Constitutional Line" train proceeds to the White House "Depot.", Title from item., Date of publication supplied by Weitenkampf., Purchase 1979., RVCDC, Description revised 2021., Access points revised 2021., Part of digital collections catalog through a grant from the Institute of Museum and Library Services as administered by the Pennsylvania Department of Education through the Office of Commonwealth Libraries, and the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, Tom Corbett, Governor, 2013-2014.
- Date
- [1868]
- Location
- Library Company of Philadelphia | Print Department Political Cartoons - 1868-14w [P.8503]
- Title
- The precarious situation
- Description
- Cartoon addressing the tenuous position of Republican presidential nominee General Ulysses S. Grant as the candidate of a party whose radicals support African American civil rights and Reconstruction under military rule. Depicts Grant holding up a knife inscribed "military despotism" as he straddles the "radical platform" rope that is stretched across the "Salt River" (i.e., political disaster). One end of the rope is tied to a rifle labeled "military reconstruction." The other end is held by "Negro supremacy" depicted as an African American man, portrayed in racist caricature, barefooted, and attired in torn and worn clothes, who sits upon the tombstone of "Southern Confederacy." He asks in the vernacular, "Whar you be Massa Grant if I lef' go, yah! yah!!" Grant replies, "I'll fight it out if it takes all summer.", Title from item., Date of publication supplied by Weitenkampf., Accessioned 1979., RVCDC, Description revised 2021., Access points revised 2021., Part of digital collections catalog through a grant from the Institute of Museum and Library Services as administered by the Pennsylvania Department of Education through the Office of Commonwealth Libraries, and the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, Tom Corbett, Governor, 2013-2014.
- Date
- [1868]
- Location
- Library Company of Philadelphia | Print Department Political Cartoons - 1868-19aW [P.2275.3a]
- Title
- The precarious situation
- Description
- Cartoon addressing the tenuous position of Republican presidential nominee General Ulysses S. Grant as the candidate of a party whose radicals support African American civil rights and Reconstruction under military rule. Depicts Grant holding up a knife inscribed "military despotism" as he straddles the "radical platform" rope that is stretched across the "Salt River" (i.e., political disaster). One end of the rope is tied to a rifle labeled "military reconstruction." The other end is held by "Negro supremacy" depicted as an African American man, portrayed in racist caricature, barefooted, and attired in torn and worn clothes, who sits upon the tombstone of "Southern Confederacy." He asks in the vernacular, "Whar you be Massa Grant if I lef' go, yah! yah!!" Grant replies, "I'll fight it out if it takes all summer.", Title from item., Date of publication supplied by Weitenkampf., Accessioned 1979., RVCDC, Description revised 2021., Access points revised 2021.
- Date
- [1868]
- Location
- Library Company of Philadelphia | Print Department Political Cartoons - 1868-19bW [P.2275.3b]
- Title
- A " dodge" that won't work
- Description
- Satire of 1872 Liberal Republican presidential nominee Horace Greeley's attempt to court the African American vote despite his condemnation of civil rights policies under Reconstruction. Depicts Greeley with former Confederate President Jefferson Davis hovering behind him holding shackles and a whip (a reference to Greeley's partial payment of Davis' prison bond). Greeley asks the two African American men if they will vote for him, "Of course Sam and Ceasar, you’ll vote for me your old friend Horace Greely?" The men reply that they will vote for Ulysses Grant. "No Mr. Greely we can’t vote for you, for behind you we see Jeff Davis and behind him is the old lash and bondage." "We vote, as all true hearted colored men will vote; for Mr. Lincoln’s friend General Grant who conquered the rebellion & secured our freedom.", Title from item., Date from copyright statement: Entered according to act of Congress in the year 1872 by Currier & Ives in the Office of the Librarian of Congress at Washington., Accessioned 1979., Description revised 2021., Access points revised 2021., Part of digital collections catalog through a grant from the Institute of Museum and Library Services as administered by the Pennsylvania Department of Education through the Office of Commonwealth Libraries, and the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, Tom Corbett, Governor, 2013-2014., John Cameron was a Scottish lithographer who worked for several years with the renowned New York lithographic firm Currier and Ives.
- Creator
- Cameron, John, approximately 1828-, lithographer
- Date
- 1872
- Location
- Library Company of Philadelphia | Print Department political cartoons - 1872 - 6W [P.2275.2]
- Title
- The great November contest. Patriotism vs bummerism
- Description
- Racist cartoon depicting the 1868 Presidential Election as a carriage race between the "patriotic" Democrats and the "bum" Republicans who support Reconstruction. Depicts the elegant Democratic carriage with the banner "This is a White Man's Government" pulled by the horses with the heads of Horatio Seymour and Francis P. Blair racing passed the stalled Republican wagon steered by the asses with the heads of nominees Ulysses Grant and Schuyler Colfax. In the Democrats' carriage are four allegorical figures: Liberty, depicted as a white woman holding the Constitution and a banner which reads "Our Glorious Union Distinct, like the Billows, One, Like the Sea' This is a White Man's Government!"; Navigation, depicted as a white woman holding a miniature ship; Agriculture, depicted as a white woman holding sheaves of wheat and a scythe; and Labor, represented by a bearded white man with a hammer and flywheel. The Republican wagon passengers include radical Thaddeus Stevens, the grim reaper, and an African American man and woman couple, portrayed in racist caricature and speaking in the vernacular. Massachusetts Republican representative Benjamin F. Butler tries to push the stalled wagon passed the bones of those who paid "The Price of Nigger Freedom" and the rocks of "Ruined Commerce," "Debt," and "Negro Supremacy.", In the background, a cheering crowd brandishing American flags near the U.S. Capitol await the winning Seymour and Blair while on the building's other side a group of African American men dance. In the left foreground, Henry Ward Beecher and Horace Greeley play a shellgame looking for Grant and an African American man and woman, attired in torn and worn clothes, discuss another man returning to his former enslaver. In the right foreground, an African American man sits behind a table labeled, "Pompey Smash, Salt River Line Ticket Agent" and sells tickets to "Salt River" (i.e., political disaster) to a white man with a bag labeled, "J.G.B. Boston Carpet Bagger." Behind them, two African American men and a drunken white man holding a bottle talk about the Republican wagon., Title from item., Date from copyright statement: Entered according to an Act of Congress in the year 1868 by Bromley & Co. in the Clerk's Office of the District Court of the U.S. for the southern District of New York., Originally part of American political caricatures, likely a scrapbook, accessioned 1899. Collection primarily comprised of gifts from Samuel Breck, John A. McAllister, and James Rush., RVCDC, Description revised 2021., Access points revised 2021., Part of digital collections catalog through a grant from the Institute of Museum and Library Services as administered by the Pennsylvania Department of Education through the Office of Commonwealth Libraries, and the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, Tom Corbett, Governor, 2013-2014.
- Date
- 1868
- Location
- Library Company of Philadelphia | Print Department *Political Cartoons - 1868-15 [5760.F.125]
- Title
- Jeff. Davis., the compromiser, in a tight place
- Description
- Cartoon expressing Northern exasperation with Jefferson Davis's attempt to negotiate for peace in 1865. Depicts Davis being slammed between the doors of the "United States Senate" by Uncle Sam and an armed Zouave soldier. Davis carrying on his back a bundle of "Compromise Goods. Latest Styles" begs the unsympathetic soldier to let him alone as Uncle Sam holding a noose declares that Davis has cheated him too often and deserves execution. In the left, an African American man, portrayed in racist caricature, holds a "Trinkets" box and says in the vernacular, "It pears to me, Massa Davis bring his goods to de wrong market dis time. All de better for cullored folks, Yah! Yah!", Title from item., Date of publication supplied by Weitenkampf., McAllister Collection, gift, 1886., RVCDC, Description revised 2021., Access points revised 2021., Digitized by Alexander Street Press for Images of the American Civil War., Part of digital collections catalog through a grant from the Institute of Museum and Library Services as administered by the Pennsylvania Department of Education through the Office of Commonwealth Libraries, and the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, Tom Corbett, Governor, 2013-2014.
- Date
- [1865]
- Location
- Library Company of Philadelphia | Print Department Political Cartoons - 1865-1W [5795.F.a]
- Title
- Congressional surgery legislative quackery
- Description
- Cartoon addressing the defeated South's resistance to the pending post war amendments which would declare equal rights for African Americans. Depicts a doctor's office where the seated "Dr. North" counsels "Patient South," who stands before him with his arm in a sling. He proposes that after the removal of the South's legs the "Constitutional Amendment" peg leg, which rests on his desk, will support him well. The South states that he "Can't See it." In the left, a young African American person crouches on the floor beside the doctor's chair. Behind the desk stands a bookshelf labeled "Congressional Surgery, Legislative Quackery" where a skull and a bottle of "Black Draught" are displayed. Contains three lines of dialogue below the image., Title from item., Date of publication supplied by Weitenkampf., Date of publication suggested by Reilly is 1860 as the content suggests that the cartoon was published following the proposed Crittenden and Douglas Compromises., Originally part of American political caricatures, likely a scrapbook, accessioned 1899. Collection primarily comprised of gifts from Samuel Breck, John A. McAllister, and James Rush., RVCDC, Description revised 2021., Access points revised 2021., Part of digital collections catalog through a grant from the Institute of Museum and Library Services as administered by the Pennsylvania Department of Education through the Office of Commonwealth Libraries, and the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, Tom Corbett, Governor, 2013-2014.
- Date
- [1866?]
- Location
- Library Company of Philadelphia | Print Department political cartoons - 1866 - 10W [5760.F.115]
- Title
- Congressional surgery legislative quackery
- Description
- Cartoon addressing the defeated South's resistance to the pending post war amendments which would declare equal rights for African Americans. Depicts a doctor's office where the seated "Dr. North" counsels "Patient South," who stands before him with his arm in a sling. He proposes that after the removal of the South's legs the "Constitutional Amendment" peg leg, which rests on his desk, will support him well. The South states that he "Can't See it." In the left, a young African American person crouches on the floor beside the doctor's chair. Behind the desk stands a bookshelf labeled "Congressional Surgery, Legislative Quackery" where a skull and a bottle of "Black Draught" are displayed. Contains three lines of dialogue below the image., Title from item., Date of publication supplied by Weitenkampf., Date of publication suggested by Reilly is 1860 as the content suggests that the cartoon was published following the proposed Crittenden and Douglas Compromises., RVCDC, Accessioned 1981., Description revised 2021., Access points revised 2021., Part of digital collections catalog through a grant from the Institute of Museum and Library Services as administered by the Pennsylvania Department of Education through the Office of Commonwealth Libraries, and the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, Tom Corbett, Governor, 2013-2014.
- Date
- [1866?]
- Location
- Library Company of Philadelphia | Print Department political cartoons - 1866 - 10aW [P.8698]
- Title
- Good Will Fire Company of Philadelphia
- Description
- Fire company certificate containing vignettes depicting fire fighters extinguishing a blaze at the Union League of Philadelphia (burned September 7, 1866); the Good Will fire station; and a horse-drawn fire engine. Fire fighting equipment including a fire hat, a ladder, an axe, and other tools are drawn bundled together to form decorative elements on both sides. Pictorial elements are divided by a twisting fire hose. A company ambulance resting upon two intertwining American flags appears above the text., Not in Wainwright., Issued to William H. Urian on October 12, 1868. Signed by Lewis B. Heins, president, and John M'Cullough, secretary., Philadelphia on Stone, POS 319, Gift of Maxwell Whiteman., Free Library of Philadelphia: Philadelphiana - Fire Companies. FLP copy tinted with two stones.
- Creator
- Queen, James Fuller, 1820 or 21-1886, artist
- Date
- ca. 1867
- Location
- Library Company of Philadelphia | Print Department *Philadelphia certificates - Fires and fire fighting [6526.F]
- Title
- Columbia Hose Co. of Philadelphia [membership certificate]
- Description
- Fire company honorary membership certificate containing vignettes depicting fire fighters racing a steam engine and hose carriage past Independence Hall; an exterior view of the Columbia Hose Co. station at Cherry Street above Seventh Street; and volunteers fighting a blaze with hoses, a steam engine, and ladder at the French & Richards drugstore at the N.W. corner of 10th and Market streets (October 3, 1865). Station view also shows the station dog, hose carriage, and pedestrian traffic, including a couple looking at a storefront display window of a neighboring building. Fire fighting equipment including a trumpet, ax, ladder, hose and belt are drawn bundled together to form side borders and decorative elements above the vignettes. Also contains, above the images, the company institution date "1806," American eagle and shield, the Roman numeral for 8, i.e., VIII; and the company motto "The Public Benefit Is Our Desire.", Issued to Charles Flowers "admitted to membership" March 4th, 1850 and "honor conferred" December 5th, 1866. Signed G.W. Taylor, President; William R. Fraley, Secretary., Company seal pasted on recto., Philadelphia on Stone, POS 146, Retrospective conversion record: original entry, edited., Free Library of Philadelphia: Philadelphiana - Fire Companies
- Creator
- Queen, James Fuller, 1820 or 21-1886, artist
- Date
- [ca. 1865]
- Location
- Library Company of Philadelphia | Print Department *W46 [6531.F]
- Title
- The Wissahickon
- Description
- Landscape view showing the Wissahickon Creek. Trees and rocks line the creek banks., Not in Wainwright., Philadelphia on Stone, POS 849, Retrospective conversion record: original entry, edited.
- Creator
- Moran, Thomas, 1837-1926, artist
- Date
- 1869
- Location
- Library Company of Philadelphia | Print Department *BW - Parks & Squares [8065.F.2]
- Title
- [The Wissahickon]
- Description
- Landscape view showing the Wissahickon Creek. Trees and rocks line the creek banks and a stone bridge is visible in the background., Attributed to Thomas Moran., Title supplied by catalgouer., Not in Wainwright., Philadelphia on Stone, POS 848, Retrospective conversion record: original entry, edited.
- Creator
- Moran, Thomas, 1837-1926, artist
- Date
- [1869]
- Location
- Library Company of Philadelphia | Print Department *BW - Parks & Squares [8065.F.3]
- Title
- Why dont you take it?
- Description
- Cartoon promoting the existence of a Union stronghold to defend against a Confederate seizure of Washington, D.C. Depicts General Winfield Scott as the bulldog, "Old General U.S.," protecting the cut of meat, "Washington Prime Beef," from the snarling, retreating greyhound "Jeff" (Confederate President Jefferson Davis). Davis, wearing a Confederate flag and broad-brimmed hat, slinks back to his side where a bale of cotton and animal skull lie, a coiled snake hisses, and a palmetto tree stands. Scott sits guard in front of several money bags, a cannon, American flag, and barrels of beans, beef, and "Mess Pork.", Copyrighted by F.T.B. [Frank T. Beard?], Name of artist supplied by Weitenkampf., One of four variant designs that was also used on Civil War patriotic envelopes., Retrospective conversion record: original entry, edited., Originally part of a McAllister Civil War scrapbook of Sumter and Anderson, Scott, Brownlow., Digitized by Alexander Street Press for Images of the American Civil War.
- Creator
- Beard, Frank, 1842-1905, lithographer
- Date
- c1861
- Location
- Library Company of Philadelphia | Print Department political cartoons - 1861-26 [5794.F.c]
- Title
- A disloyal British "subject"
- Description
- Civil War cartoon satirizing the awkward foreign relations between the United States and Great Britain caused by the royal proclamation of neutrality in 1861. The Queen issued the proclamation, which recognized the seceded states as having belligerent rights, in response to the Union blockades of Southern ports and its effect on international maritime trade and privateering. Consequently, the United States feared that Great Britain had acknowledged the Confederacy as an independent government. Shows John Bull and "Pat" on a dock discussing the sailor's enlistment in the Navy. Bull, the royal proclamation under his arm, warns the American that should he enlist with "either of the Belligerents" he would not be protected by Britain if taken as a pirate. "Pat" responds he does not want his protection and that the "stars and stripes" for which he fights will protect him. In the background, an American flag waves near a dock house adorned with a Union recruitment poster and a broadside highlighting the major themes of the royal proclamation including "Strict Neutrality"; "Privateering"; and "Letters of Marque.", Date supplied by Weitenkampf., Retrospective conversion record: original entry, edited., Originally part of a McAllister scrapbook of miscellaneous Civil War materials., Digitized by Alexander Street Press for Images of the American Civil War.
- Creator
- Currier & Ives
- Date
- [1862]
- Location
- Library Company of Philadelphia | Print Department political cartoons 1862-1W [5780.F.b]
- Title
- Offering a substitute. A scene in the office of the provost marshall
- Description
- Cartoon addressing the impropriety surrounding the purchase of substitute draftees during the Civil War. Depicts four wealthy gentlemen attempting to find substitutes in a draft office. To the right, near an "Avoid the Draft" notice, a gentleman offers a wad of cash to a possible substitute. The man dressed in working man's clothes informs him, "I'm looking for a substitute myself." In the center, two gentlemen, one holding several bills, the other overweight and bemoaning "I walk but one square I chafe," display for inspection their wretched, raggedly dressed substitutes to two Union officers, including a doctor. The physician accepts a "Lee veteran" despite his extreme thinness and missing teeth, while the second officer tells the portly man that he would prefer him to the substitute and that "one days march will take down his fat and a little tallow will remove the chafing." To the left, the fourth gentleman, crying into a handkerchief, tells an officer that he would rather "bleed for his wife" than for his "suffering country." In the background, bandaged and ailing men line up in front of the marshall., Retrospective conversion record: original entry, edited., Digitized by Alexander Street Press for Images of the American Civil War.
- Date
- [1862]
- Location
- Library Company of Philadelphia | Print Department political cartoons - 1862-15W [P.2275.17]
- Title
- Offering a substitute. A scene in the office of the provost marshall
- Description
- Cartoon addressing the impropriety surrounding the purchase of substitute draftees during the Civil War. Depicts four wealthy gentlemen attempting to find substitutes in a draft office. To the right, near an "Avoid the Draft" notice, a gentleman offers a wad of cash to a possible substitute. The man dressed in working man's clothes informs him, "I'm looking for a substitute myself." In the center, two gentlemen, one holding several bills, the other overweight and bemoaning "I walk but one square I chafe," display for inspection their wretched, raggedly dressed substitutes to two Union officers, including a doctor. The physician accepts a "Lee veteran" despite his extreme thinness and missing teeth, while the second officer tells the portly man that he would prefer him to the substitute and that "one days march will take down his fat and a little tallow will remove the chafing." To the left, the fourth gentleman, crying into a handkerchief, tells an officer that he would rather "bleed for his wife" than for his "suffering country." In the background, bandaged and ailing men line up in front of the marshall., Retrospective conversion record: original entry, edited., Digitized by Alexander Street Press for Images of the American Civil War.
- Date
- [1862]
- Location
- Library Company of Philadelphia | Print Department political cartoons - 1862-15W [P.2275.17]
- Title
- The national game. Three "outs" and one "run" Abraham winning the ball
- Description
- Cartoon influenced by the 1860 presidential candidates' position on the extension of slavery and comparing the results of the 1860 presidential election with a completed baseball game. In the right, Lincoln, the winner who represents the "Wide Awake Club," stands on “Home Base” and holds a rail-shaped bat labeled, "Equal Rights and Free Territory." He speaks in baseball terms to his competitors and declares "a good bat and strike a fair ball to make a clean score & home run." In the left is Constitutional Unionist John Bell of the "Union Club" with his "Fusion" bat who cries “foul.” Northern Democrat Stephen Douglas of the "Little Giant Club" with his "Non-Intervention" bat says, “I thought our fusion would be a short stop to his career.” Southern Democrat John C. Breckenridge of the "Disunion Club" carries his "Slavery Extension" bat and holds his nose with his left hand as he states that he “better leave for Kentucky…we are completely ‘skunk’d.’” In the center, a skunk lifts its tail and sprays., Probably drawn by Louis Maurer., Title from item., Date from copyright statement: Entered according to Act of Congress in the year 1860, by Currier & Ives, in the Clerk’s Office of the District Court for the Southern Distt of N.Y., Purchase 1967., Description revised 2021., Access points revised 2021., Retrospective conversion record: original entry, edited., Part of digital collections catalog through a grant from the Institute of Museum and Library Services as administered by the Pennsylvania Department of Education through the Office of Commonwealth Libraries, and the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, Tom Corbett, Governor, 2013-2014.
- Creator
- Currier & Ives
- Date
- c1860
- Location
- Library Company of Philadelphia | Print Department political cartoons - 1860-42 [7612.F]
- Title
- The capture of Jeff Davis His last official act "the adoption of a new rebel uniform." He attempts to "clear his skirts," but finds it "all up in Dixie"
- Description
- Cartoon satirizing the unusual circumstances of the capture of the Confederate president, detained by Union cavalry troops on May 10, 1865, while wearing his wife's overcoat and shawl as a disguise. Depicts Union soldiers on horseback riding through marshes and chasing down Davis, who flees on foot. The president wields a dagger and wears a woman's dress and cape as well as a "Blockade Runner" boot. Nearby, Mrs. Davis scolds the soldiers "not to provoke the President." In the background, a horse packing a sack of "Confederate Gold" gallops away ( an allusion to Jefferson's safeguarding of the remaining Confederate treasury)., Printed above the title: "Don't provoke the President, or he may hurt some of you!", Name of artist supplied by Weitenkampf., Retrospective conversion record; original entry, edited., Digitized by Alexander Street Press for Images of the American Civil War.
- Creator
- Giles, J. L., lithographer
- Date
- [1865]
- Location
- Library Company of Philadelphia | Print Department political cartoons - 1865-18W [6381.F]
- Title
- The last ditch of chivalry or, a president in petticoats
- Description
- Cartoon satirizing the unusual circumstances of the capture of Confederate President Jefferson Davis, detained by Union cavalry troops on May 10, 1865, while wearing his wife's overcoat and shawl as a disguise. Depicts Union soldiers chasing a fleeing Davis, who wears a bonnet and dress and carries a bag of gold (an allusion to Davis's safeguarding of the remaining Confederate treasury). The soldiers wave pistols and swords and harrass Davis about his surrender, the bounty on his head, his ineffectual disguise, and his having reached his "last ditch." Davis responds that he thought that their government was "more magnanimous than to hunt down women and children." In the background, Davis's wife warns the soldiers "Look out you Yankees, if you make him mad he will hurt some of you.", Retrospective conversion record: original entry, edited., Digitized by Alexander Street Press for Images of the American Civil War.
- Date
- c1865
- Location
- Library Company of Philadelphia | Print Department political cartoons - 1865-32W [6384.F]
- Title
- The battle of Bull's Run
- Description
- Pro-Confederate cartoon containing eighteen numbered figures and scenes to satirize the mayhem at the Battle of Bull Run in July 1861. Figures include: (1) Beauregard's (2) Jefferson Davis's and (3) Johnston's Confederate Headquarters; (4) Maryland Elzy's Battiry [sic]; (5) Union General Irvin McDowell; (6) Union General Daniel Tyler; (7) the Bull's Run; (8) New York Fire Zouaves; (9) New York 12th Regiment; (10) Union Sherman's Battiry [sic]; (11) Congressman Alfred Ely; (12) barricade for Members of Congress; (13) civilian spectators Lovejoy & Co. and (14) ladies as sputatiers; (15) Biddle, Brown & Co., members of Congress; (16) Union Blenker's Brigade; (17) Senator Wilson; (18) and the U.S. Dragoon. Depicts in the foreground: the Zouaves driving a bull that holds the American flag in its tail and is labeled, "Expenses for 100 Mill., Bad Business, Property, but no Security" in front of the retreating General Tyler and the New York regiment. The troops flee on the road to Washington past Union soldiers who lay dying and lamenting their foolishness near a "fat left-tenant" stating "God Save the Union" and Senator Wilson. Wilson refuses the pleas of a wounded soldier as he has "a wife and children to care for." In the background, Confederate troops march over a hill and mock the Union's abolitionist stance and lack of ammunition; Sherman's Battiry [sic] loads a cannon; Congressmen seek shelter behind a barricade of "U.S." wagons; civilian spectators Brown & Company flee by carriage as they deny aid to a white man who hollers, "you are more unmerciful then the overseer"; Congressman Ely, captured by the Confederates, offers a monetary bribe in exchange for his "liberty"; and the Union's Blenker's Brigade march into the battle in front of their retreating fellow soldiers General Irvin McDowell and the "U.S. Dragoon" who gallop "Home, Sweet, Home." Contains a key to depicted figures below the image., Title from item., Date inferred from content., Retrospective conversion record: original entry, edited., Accessioned 1979., Description revised 2021., Access points revised 2021., Digitized by Alexander Street Press for Images of the American Civil War., Part of digital collections catalog through a grant from the Institute of Museum and Library Services as administered by the Pennsylvania Department of Education through the Office of Commonwealth Libraries, and the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, Tom Corbett, Governor, 2013-2014.
- Date
- [1861]
- Location
- Library Company of Philadelphia | Print Department political cartoons - 1861-42W [P.2275.11a]
- Title
- Why don't you take it?
- Description
- Cartoon promoting the existence of a Union stronghold to defend against a Confederate seizure of Washington, D.C. Depicts General Winfield Scott as the bulldog, "Old General U.S.," protecting the cut of meat, "Washington Prime Beef," from the snarling, retreating greyhound "Jeff" (Confederate President Jefferson Davis). Davis, wearing a Confederate flag and broad-brimmed hat, slinks back to his side where a bale of cotton lies and a palmetto tree stands. Scott sits guard in front of several money bags, a cannon, and barrels of corn, flour, and "Mess Beef.", Per Weitenkampf, one of four variant designs after original by cartoonist Frank T. Beard that was also used on Civil War patriotic envelopes., Contains manuscript note lower right corner: Ballard Vale 1861., Contains manuscript note on verso: VA Ballard Vale May 1861., Retrospective conversion record: original entry, edited., Digitized by Alexander Street Press for Images of the American Civil War.
- Date
- [1861]
- Location
- Library Company of Philadelphia | Print Department political cartoons - 1861-54W [P.2275.15]
- Title
- The man that blocks up the highway
- Description
- Cartoon satirizing President Andrew Johnson and his reconstruction policies as sympathetic to Southerners and an obstruction to Radical Republican policies and African American civil rights. Depicts Johnson with jackass ears standing at a road block labeled "veto" and greeting pardoned former Confederates, including an unrepentant white man counterfeiter and two white men ruffians. The ruffians brag about the murder of major-generals, curse the Yankees, and threaten an overthrow of the North and nullification of civil rights after the re-establishment of a Southern presence in the Congress. As Johnson welcomes the Southerners, he orders Secretary of State William Seward, attired as a servant, to pass around whiskey, belittles the barred "Radical Republicans," and boasts about his veto power. Behind the "veto" barricade, carriages driven by Republicans and labeled "Freedman's Bu[reau]," "Civil Rights," and "[Recon]struction," including one attended by an African American man portrayed in racist caricature, stand idle (an allusion to Johnson's vetoes of the Civil Rights Act of 1866 and the renewal of the Freedman's Bureau). The drivers compare Johnson with Marc Anthony who was "blowing before the People about his great love for the Constitution while conspiring with Caesar for the overthrow of the Republic." In the right, near crates of "Southern Appointments" and "Southern Pardons," John Bull and French dictator Napoleon III stand. Napoleon praises Johnson, proclaiming him "Emperor Americane." Also includes, a shack adorned with the sign "Andy Johnson Tribune of the People" in the background., Title from item., Date inferred from content., Originally part of American political caricatures, likely a scrapbook, accessioned 1899. Collection primarily comprised of gifts from Samuel Breck, John A. McAllister, and James Rush., RVCDC, Description revised 2021., Access points revised 2021., Part of digital collections catalog through a grant from the Institute of Museum and Library Services as administered by the Pennsylvania Department of Education through the Office of Commonwealth Libraries, and the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, Tom Corbett, Governor, 2013-2014.
- Date
- [1866]
- Location
- Library Company of Philadelphia | Print Department political cartoons - 1866-5W [5760.F.111]
- Title
- Continental Hotel, Philadelphia, J.E. Kingsley & Co., proprietors [envelope]
- Description
- View showing the luxury hotel completed in 1860 after the designs of John McArthur, Jr. at the corner of Ninth and Chestnut streets. Also shows street and pedestrian traffic including horse-drawn carriages, men on horseback, and a strolling family. The hotel was demolished in 1924., Originally part of a McAllister scrapbook of views of Philadelphia., Retrospective conversion record: original entry, edited., Variant of (6)1322.F.69c., Philadelphia on Stone, POS 158
- Creator
- Bufford, John Henry, 1810-1870
- Date
- [ca. 1864]
- Location
- Library Company of Philadelphia | Print Department BW - Hotels [(8)1322.F.49h]
- Title
- Parson Brownlow
- Description
- Full-length portrait of William Ganaway Brownlow, Tennessee journalist, itinerant preacher, and politician. Brownlow, attired in a white collared shirt, a black bowtie, waistcoat, jacket, and pants, stands holding a Bible in his left hand. Although an advocate of slavery, he actively opposed Southern secession and was subsequently exiled from the Confederacy during the Civil War., Title from item., Date from copyright statement: Entered according to Act of Congress, in the Eastern District of Pennsylvania by J. Magee in the year 1861., Accessioned 1982., Description revised 2021., Access points revised 2021., Part of digital collections catalog through a grant from the Institute of Museum and Library Services as administered by the Pennsylvania Department of Education through the Office of Commonwealth Libraries, and the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, Tom Corbett, Governor, 2013-2014.
- Date
- 1861
- Location
- Library Company of Philadelphia | Print Department Portrait Prints-B [P.8911.64]
- Title
- Major General B.F. Butler, U.S.A
- Description
- Playing card size bust-length portrait of the Massachusetts governor, abolitionist legislator, and Civil War Major General attired in military uniform. Butler, while commander of Fort Monroe, Virginia declared freedom seekers as "contraband of war," providing the impetus for Congress to enact the Confiscation Act of 1861., Title from item., Date based on the presented age of the sitter., During the Civil War, the U.S. government declared African American freedom seekers as "contraband of war.", Accessioned 1982., Description revised 2021., Access points revised 2021., Part of digital collections catalog through a grant from the Institute of Museum and Library Services as administered by the Pennsylvania Department of Education through the Office of Commonwealth Libraries, and the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, Tom Corbett, Governor, 2013-2014.
- Date
- [ca. 1863]
- Location
- Library Company of Philadelphia | Print Department Portrait Prints-B [P.8911.62]
- Title
- Henry Simons. Wagon & U.S. national coach works. Philadelphia
- Description
- Advertisement with ornate border containing a series of vignettes displaying several types of wagons, coaches, and carts produced by the manufactory. Vignettes are captioned with details of the products uses and surround a central view of the exterior of the busy "Simons, Coleman & Co. National Wagon Works" factory and office at No. 1109 North Front Street. Vignettes depict: African American plantation workers transporting sugar cane to a barge by a "cane cart"; laborers and settlers hauling materials out West by "road wagon" and "catamaran"; an ambush of U.S. Army soldiers, baggage wagon, and ambulance by Native Americans; and a busy Philadelphia port scene with a disinterested constable overseeing the wharf congested with carts and wagons as docked Henry Simons's factory ships ready for departure. Also contains an allegorical scene with a Northern factory worker and his Southern patron extending each other their hands before the shadowy figure of a factory agent; a large American eagle clutching the American flag; promotional text; and a listing of the factory's several business locations and names of agents. The city's high quality blacksmithship and large local lumber supply made Philadelphia the primary national and international manufacturer of wagons immediately following the Civil War., Title from item., Date of publication supplied by Wainwright., Accessioned 1982., Description revised 2021., Access points revised 2021., Philadelphia on Stone, POS 351, Lower left corner missing., Rease, a prominent mid-19th century Philadelphia trade card lithographer known to highlight details of human interest in his advertisements, partnered with Francis Schell in the 1850s, and eventually owned his own press until around 1872.
- Creator
- Rease, W. H., artist
- Date
- [ca. 1865]
- Location
- Library Company of Philadelphia | Print Department **W174 [P.2143]
- Title
- Abraham's dream! "Coming events cast their shadows before."
- Description
- Cartoon lampooning Lincoln's belief in prophetic dreams and fear of losing the presidential election of 1864. Above the dreaming, sleeping body of Lincoln, Democratic candidate George McClellan arrives at the White House. He witnesses Liberty, depicted as a white woman, hurling the decapitated head of an African American man, portrayed in racist caricature, at a fleeing Lincoln as he states, "This don't remind me of any joke!!" Lincoln is attired in a plaid Scotsman's cap and cape, an allusion to his disguise in response to an assassination threat before his first inauguration, and carries an inscribed scroll, "To whom it may concern," a reference to his written edict that he would only receive, not seek, offers of peace from the Confederacy., Title from item., Date from copyright statement: Entered according to act of Congress, A.D. 1864, by Currier & Ives, in the Clerk's Office of the District Court of the United States, for the Southern District of New York., Probably drawn by Louis Maurer., RVCDC, Description revised 2021., Access points revised 2021., Digitized by Alexander Street Press for Images of the American Civil War., Part of digital collections catalog through a grant from the Institute of Museum and Library Services as administered by the Pennsylvania Department of Education through the Office of Commonwealth Libraries, and the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, Tom Corbett, Governor, 2013-2014.
- Creator
- Currier & Ives
- Date
- 1864
- Location
- Library Company of Philadelphia | Print Department Political Cartoons - 1864-41 [6374.F]
- Title
- Pennsylvania Horticultural Society [certificate] Horticultural Hall stock
- Description
- Stock certificate containing the Pennsylvania coat of arms; an allegorical figure representing horticulture; an arrangement of flowers; and ornamental stamp and border. Issued in 1865 and 1866 to raise funds for the construction of a hall for the society on Broad Street between Spruce and Locust Streets. The hall, designed by Philadelphia architect Samuel Sloan, was completed in 1867., Not in Wainwright., Issued to Samuel Welsh for ten shares purchased for a total of $500 on November 7, 1866. Signed by W. L. Schaffer, president; and Henry A. Drew, treasurer., Contains blindstamp of the illustrated seal of the Horticultural Society of Pennsylvania. Illustrated with a man plunging a shovel into the dirt., Philadelphia on Stone, POSP 165, Gift of Mrs. Nicholas B. Wainwright.
- Date
- [1865]
- Location
- Library Company of Philadelphia | Print Department Philadelphia Certificates - Organizations [P.9408.10]
- Title
- United we stand. Divided we fall
- Description
- Racist, satiric trade card promoting the Great American Tea Company. Depicts in two panels an African American man knocking down two African American children eating a candy stick by opening the cellar doors they were sitting on. In the left panel, shows caricatures portrayed with exaggerated features of two barefooted African American children sitting on top of slanted cellar doors. In the left, the boy, attired in a hat, a long-sleeved shirt, and pants with suspenders, holds a striped candy stick in his mouth. In the right, the girl, attired in a bonnet and a dress, shares the same candy stick and sucks the opposite end in her mouth above the caption, “united we stand.” In the right panel, an African American man has come up from inside the cellar and stands holding both doors open in his hands. He is attired in a white shirt, a striped vest, striped pants, and a cap, and holds a pipe in his mouth. The boy has been thrown off of the door and lies in the left on the ground with the candy stick still in his mouth. The girl has also been flung from the top of the door and lies on the ground beside the cellar with only her feet and left hand visible, as the caption reads, “divided we fall.” George Gilman (1826-1901), a tea and coffee merchant, founded the Great American Tea Company in 1863. He opened a number of stores in New York City and started a national mail order business. The firm was renamed the Great Atlantic & Pacific Tea Company in 1870, though the Great American Tea Company name was still used in the mail order business. George Huntington Hartford (1833-1917) took over management of the company from 1878 to 1917 and grew the business into the chain of grocery stores known as A&P., Title from item., Place of publication inferred from place of operation of the advertised business., Date deduced from history of the advertised business., Advertising text printed on verso: The most useful every day premium ever sent out, is our latest and newest design of dinner set, genuine imported English white granite, containing 126 pieces. No crazing—no cracking. Use it for breakfast, dinner and supper. This is just the set for every day use. We will give one of these imported white granite dinner sets, (126 pieces) AWAY with a $40.00 order. Every Lady likes to have a nice closet of dishes—your closet is not complete without this set. Don’t fail to get up an order for our celebrated new goods, --teas, coffees and baking powder. As a trial order we will send 3 ½ pounds, of our best teas, by mail, postage prepaid on receipt of list price. Only pure goods sold. The Great American Tea Company, N.B.—Get “The Lalla Rookh Dress Cutting System Chart.” The Greatest Boon to the Ladies., Gift of David Doret.
- Date
- [ca. 1870]
- Location
- Library Company of Philadelphia | Print Department Goldman Trade Card Collection - Great [P.2017.95.75]
- Title
- Star Clothing House, 808 Elm St
- Description
- Racist trade card illustration depicting a white man pasting advertisements on an unattended horse and a carriage. The carriage's driver, an African American man, gestures at the white man to get him to stop. The white man is attired in a flat cap, a collared shirt, suspenders, checkered pants, and boots. He carries a messenger bag and holds a pasting brush in his right hand. A bucket of paste is visible on the ground to the left of the man. The African American man is attired in a hat, a jacket, a vest, and a collared shirt. He holds a whip in his right hand and raises both arms in the air. A caption in the bottom left of the image reads, "The Latest.", Title from item., Advertising text printed on verso: The Star Clothing House is the place for you to get any-thing made. Entire line of clothing at the bottom figures. 808 Elm Street., Text printed on recto: For honest goods we warrant our prices lower than the lowest, and [..]h every suit from $10 up we give a hat such as purchasers may select., Printer's imprint partially legible., Series number printed in left corner on recto: 464., Gift of David Doret.
- Date
- [ca. 1870]
- Location
- Library Company of Philadelphia | Print Department Goldman Trade Card Collection - Star [P.2017.95.167]
- Title
- Do they miss me at home?
- Description
- Racist trade card specimen depicting a caricature of a young African American girl, possibly a satirical personification of the popular mid-19th century song of the same title. Shows the barefooted girl, attired in a baby doll dress, her hair in short coils, and the fingers of one hand in her mouth as, in the other, she holds the string of a rolling pull toy horse visible behind her. Published in 1852 and composed by S. M. Grannis with lyrics by Caroline Atherton Mason, "Do they Miss Me at Home" was written in the voice of a homesick girl away at school. The song remained popular through the Civil War when translated to the voice of soldiers. Bufford, later J. H. Bufford's Sons, issued trade cards 1870-1875 containing images portraying racial and ethnic stereotypes, as well as personfications of popular 19th-century songs, ballads, and poems., Title from item., Date inferred from style of copyright statement: Copyrighted, Bufford, Boston., Gift of David Doret.
- Date
- [ca. 1870]
- Location
- Library Company of Philadelphia | Print Department Goldman Trade Card Collection - Misc. - Do they [P.2017.95.203]
- Title
- United we stand. Divided we fall
- Description
- Racist, satiric trade card specimen depicting in two panels an African American man knocking down two African American children eating a candy stick by opening the cellar doors they were sitting on. In the left panel, shows caricatures portrayed with exaggerated features of two barefooted African American children sitting on top of slanted cellar doors. In the left, the boy, attired in a hat, a long-sleeved shirt, and pants with suspenders, holds a striped candy stick in his mouth. In the right, the girl, attired in a bonnet and a dress, shares the same candy stick and sucks the opposite end in her mouth above the caption, “united we stand.” In the right panel, an African American man has come up from inside the cellar and stands holding both doors open in his hands. He is attired in a white shirt, a striped vest, striped pants, and a cap, and holds a pipe in his mouth. The boy has been thrown off of the door and lies in the left on the ground with the candy stick still in his mouth. The girl has also been flung from the top of the door and lies on the ground beside the cellar with only her feet and left hand visible, as the caption reads, “divided we fall.”, Title from item., Date deduced from the visual content., Gift of David Doret.
- Date
- [ca. 1870]
- Location
- Library Company of Philadelphia | Print Department Goldman Trade Card Collection - Misc. - United [P.2017.95.210]
- Title
- Frank Miller's crown dressing Yes missus dat am de Crown of Dressing shua!
- Description
- Racist trade card depicting an African American maid shining a white woman's boots. The African American woman is depicted in profile and holds a bottle of Frank Miller's Crown Dressing in her left hand. The white woman holds up the skirt of her dress to reveal her left boot. The maid is attired in a head wrap, a dress with the sleeves rolled, an apron, and flat shoes. The white woman is attired in a ruffled, dark-colored dress, flowers in her hair, and leather boots. A bottle of Frank Miller's Crown Dressing sits atop an ornamented table. A bottle of Frank Miller's Crown dressing is also printed on the verso. A tassel is visible above the bottle and a curtain is visible behind it. Frank Miller & Co. was a New York manufacturer of shoe polish based in Manhattan. The company was founded in the 1860s and continued operating throughout the late 19th century., Title from item., Printed in red ink., Distributor's imprint printed on recto: John Cottrill, boots, shoes, trunks, &c, Wallingford, Conn., Advertising text printed on verso: Frank Miller's Crown Dressing in 4-oz. bottles, with wire, sponge, and cork. Gives a rich gloss, with a deep and durable color. While most dressings crack the leather, the Crown does not injure it in the least, and for ladies' and children's boots and shoes is rapidly displacing all others., Gift of David Doret.
- Date
- [ca. 1870]
- Location
- Library Company of Philadelphia | Print Department Goldman Trade Card Collection - Miller [P.2017.95.130]
- Title
- Frank Miller's blacking
- Description
- Racist trade card illustration depicting an African American man walking down a street past two white male onlookers and with a small white man behind him. The African American man stands tall with his right hand tucked into the breast of his coat and his legs crossed. He carries a cane in his left hand and smokes a cigar. He is attired in a top hat, a collared shirt, a bowtie, a coat, striped slim-fitting pants, and heeled shoes. The two white men stand with their hands in their pockets and are attired in top hats, coats, pants, and dark-colored shoes. The small white man stands in an identical pose to the African American man and carries a box in his left hand. He is attired in a coat, a vest, pants with a patch, and shoes. The African American man is depicted with exaggerated features. Frank Miller & Co. was a New York manufacturer of shoe polish based in Manhattan. The company was founded in the 1860s and continued operating throughout the late 19th century., Title from item., Date inferred from content and genre of print., Text printed on recto: Over., Advertising text printed on verso: Frank Miller's peerless black[in]g. This article will fully meet the requirements [of the] dealer and consumer, as to quality and appearance, [for] the general consumption of the country. It gives a quick [radiant], jet black gloss, without injury to the [?]. Frank Miller's improved French blacking gives a quick, brilliant and durable polish with positive nourishment to the leather. It is different in composition from common blackings, being based upon the French pro-cess, with every vluable feature of the French style retained, while such improvements have been made as to insure a dryer and more durable gloss, with increaed pliability of the leather., Gift of David Doret.
- Date
- [ca. 1870]
- Location
- Library Company of Philadelphia | Print Department Goldman Trade Card Collection - Miller [P.2017.95.129]
- Title
- Frank Miller's crown dressing Yes missus dat am de Crown of Dressing shua!
- Description
- Racist trade card depicting an African American maid shining a white woman's boots. The African American woman is depicted in profile and holds a bottle of Frank Miller's Crown Dressing in her left hand. The white woman holds up the skirt of her dress to reveal her left boot. The maid is attired in a head wrap, a dress with the sleeves rolled, an apron, and flat shoes. The white woman is attired in a ruffled, dark-colored dress, flowers in her hair, and leather boots. A bottle of Frank Miller's Crown Dressing sits atop an ornamented table. A tassel is visible above the bottle and a curtain is visible behind it. Frank Miller & Co. was a New York manufacturer of shoe polish based in Manhattan. The company was founded in the 1860s and continued operating throughout the late 19th century., Title from item., Several lines of advertising text printed on verso; text is not visible., Gift of David Doret.
- Date
- [ca. 1870]
- Location
- Library Company of Philadelphia | Print Department Goldman Trade Card Collection - Miller [P.2017.95.128]
- Title
- Frank Miller's crown dressing Yes missus dat am de Crown of Dressing shua!
- Description
- Racist trade card depicting an African American maid shining a white woman's boots. The African American woman is depicted in profile and holds a bottle of Frank Miller's Crown Dressing in her left hand. The white woman holds up the skirt of her dress to reveal her left boot. The maid is attired in a head wrap, a dress with the sleeves rolled, an apron, and flat shoes. The white woman is attired in a ruffled, dark-colored dress, flowers in her hair, and leather boots. A bottle of Frank Miller's Crown Dressing sits atop an ornamented table. A bottle of Frank Miller's Crown dressing is also printed on the verso. A tassel is visible above the bottle and a curtain is visible behind it. Frank Miller & Co. was a New York manufacturer of shoe polish based in Manhattan. The company was founded in the 1860s and continued operating throughout the late 19th century., Title from item., Printed in red ink., Advertising text printed on verso: Frank Miller's Crown Dressing in 4-oz. bottles, with wire, sponge, and cork. Gives a rich gloss, with a deep and durable color. While most dressings crack the leather, the Crown does not injure it in the least, and for ladies' and children's boots and shoes is rapidly displacing all others., Gift of David Doret.
- Date
- [ca. 1870]
- Location
- Library Company of Philadelphia | Print Department Goldman Trade Card Collection - Miller [P.2017.95.127]
- Title
- Proclamation of Emancipation. By the President of the United States of America
- Description
- Print commemorating the Emancipation Proclamation containing a bust-length portrait of Abraham Lincoln and two abolitionist vignettes above text from the Proclamation. In the center, Lincoln, attired in a white collared shirt, a black bowtie, waistcoat, and jacket, faces slightly right and is bordered by an American eagle clutching an olive branch and arrows in front of a backdrop of American flags. To the left and right of the portrait are scenes of an auction of enslaved people, with an African American woman, and free African American men working in a carpentry shop. Below the scenes, two African American cherubs hold a banner inscribed, "By the President of the United States of America." Below the text, an allegorical vignette contrasts the productive North with the destitute South depicting a white woman crying, surrounded by her children, sitting underneath a tree., Title from item., Date from copyright statement., Purchase 1972., Description revised 2021., Access points revised 2021., Part of digital collections catalog through a grant from the Institute of Museum and Library Services as administered by the Pennsylvania Department of Education through the Office of Commonwealth Libraries, and the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, Tom Corbett, Governor, 2013-2014., J. Mayer & Company, the Boston lithography firm established by John Julius Mayer in 1862, specialized in practical lithography. Despite the official firm name, John Mayer had no partners.
- Creator
- J. Mayer & Co., lithographer
- Date
- 1865
- Location
- Library Company of Philadelphia | Print Department **GC - Emancipation [8025.F.4]
- Title
- Schweitzer & Grimm’s [sic] Brewery, Columbia Ave and 11th streets, Phila
- Description
- Advertisement showing the Schweitzer and Grim brewery complex on the 1100 block of Columbia (i.e., Cecil B. Moore) Avenue. Complex includes a three and half–story red brick office building and shop with two adjacent entrances. A man enters one of the entrances, and at the other, two men shake hands while a couple approaches the walled entryway to an addition attached to the rear of the office. The addition also contains a roofed porch area. To the left, a two-horse team is visible at the opening of a passage in the wall that spreads between the brew house (left) and addition (right). A man with a child, and a couple, walk on the sidewalk near the passageway. A weather vane, smoke stacks, and slatted windows adorn the brew house. Smoke rises from the stacks and steam pours out of the window slats. In the foreground, a “Tenth & Eleventh Street" horse-drawn omnibus picks up passengers, a four-horse team truck loaded with barrels departs the brewery, and a couple in a horse-drawn carriage and a man on horseback travel., pdcp00037, Not in Wainwright., Philadelphia on Stone, Free Library of Philadelphia: Philadelphiana - Breweries, Waeschle operated from 142 North Third Street 1867-1868., Trimmed.
- Date
- [ca. 1868]
- Location
- Free Library of Philadelphia. | Print and Picture Collection. FLP FLP Philadelphiana - Breweries
- Title
- Alexander Young, grain distiller, South Street, above Fourth, Phila
- Description
- Tradecard showing the “South Street Grain Distillery,” formerly the Southwark Theatre (closed in 1817) and adjacent “Malt House” on the 400 block of South Street. A fenced courtyard separates the processing plants in front of which horse-drawn carts are lined. The vehicles, attended by drivers, arrive for and receive deliveries. Barrels line the sidewalk in front of the distillery and a laborer is visible at the third-floor receiving entrance of the building. Also shows pedestrian and street traffic, including men conversing, ladies strolling, and a man on horseback.The distillery building was removed circa 1908. Young & Co., founded by Alexander Young and John Maitland in 1823, was known for the Y.P.M. brand of rye whiskey., Not in Wainwright., pdcc00007, Philadelphia on Stone, POS 12, Free Library of Philadelphia: Castner 26:1A
- Date
- [ca. 1865]
- Location
- Free Library of Philadelphia. | Print and Photograph Collection. FLP Castner 26:1A
- Title
- "Seems Madam! Nay it is!" Shakespere
- Description
- Stereograph box label containing a genre scene showing a family looking at stereographs in a parlor. An open box and stereographs rest on a table surrounded by the family. A man looks through a hand-held stereoscope and a woman looks through one on a stand., Not in Wainwright., Manuscript note on mount: Label from top of box in which was sold stereoptican views from the collection of John McAllister, Sr. (d.1878) noted optical house, Phila. Bought from Mrs. John McAllister, Media, 1951., Philadelphia on Stone, POSP 208, Library of Congress: PR 13 CN 2001: 068 Shakspere
- Date
- [ca. 1863]
- Location
- Library of Congress | Prints and Photographs Division LOC PR 13 CN 2001: 068 Shakspere
- Title
- Pencoyd Iron Works
- Description
- Advertisement showing the rolling iron mill established by Algernon and Percival Roberts in 1852 below Manayunk on the west bank of the Schuylkill. A stone wall encloses part of the complex. Mill contains several buildings, including one marked "Pencoyd Iron Works. Iron Bridges & Railroad Axles. A. & P. Roberts, office, 410 Walnut St." In the foreground, a canal boat is pulled by a horse along the river. Men row a boat nearby. A large hill of fenced pasture lands rises in the background. The iron works joined the U.S. Steel Company in 1900 and was renamed the American Bridge Company., Inscribed on recto: Re - This Pencoyd Ironworks has grown since 1850 until it is fully 2 miles long - very valuable to the local historians. 12 x 15 - very rare., Philadelphia on Stone, POS 549, Historical Society of Pennsylvania: Bb 38 R 235, Lower right corner missing.
- Creator
- Rease, W. H.
- Date
- [ca. 1863]
- Location
- Historical Society of Pennsylvania HSP Bb 38 R 235
- Title
- Jacob Haehnlen's steam power lithographic & letter press printing rooms Goldsmith's Hall, opposite rear of Post Office, Library St. Philadelphia
- Description
- Advertisement showing the exterior of the six-story brownstone and print shop owned by lithographer Haehnlen at 420 Library Street. Signage advertising the "lithographic establishment" adorns the doorway, front, and side of "Goldsmith's Hall." Building also adorned with large display windows and an eagle above the entranceway. View includes street and pedestrian traffic. Pedestrians walk on the sidewalk, stand in doorways, and enter the shop. In the street, horse-drawn wagons and drays, including one hauling crates marked "J.H.," pass in the street near a man pushing a hand-cart loaded with crates. Shop included salesrooms and offices, a machine shop, a drying room, lithographic presses, and card, handbill, and pamphlet printing presses. Haehnlen established his own studio at Goldsmith's Hall in 1866 and operated his business from all but the first floor. He sold his shop to the firm Lehman & Bolton in 1870. Building destroyed by fire on December 20, 1882., Not in Wainwright., Published in Philadelphia southern steamship manufacturers and mercantile register (Philadelphia: M'Laughlin Brothers, 1866) [LCP Am 1866 Phi Sou Mai, 62062.O]. Accompanying page of text references the relocation of the shop and advertises "Orders received for Furniture Labels for Druggists, on Glass; also, Show Cards of all descriptions, on Glass executed to order., Philadelphia on Stone, POSA 48, Historical Society of Pennsylvania: Prints - Stores & Factories - Box 57, Folder 2, Accompanying page of text
- Creator
- Haehnlen, Jacob, b. 1824
- Date
- [1866]
- Location
- Historical Society of Pennsylvania | Print Department | HSP at LCP HSP Prints - Stores & Factories - Box 57, Folder 2
- Title
- Philadelphia Alms House [certificate]
- Description
- Certification certificate from the "Guardians, Physicians and Surgeons of the Pennsylvania Hospital" containing an exterior view of the Blockley Almshouse and Philadelphia General Hospital in West Philadelphia. The Board of Guardians, the governing board of the Guardians of the Poor, established in 1782 and abolished in 1877, oversaw the operations of the almshouse, including admissions, accounts, and employment of the poor. The almshouse was completed in 1833 after the designs of Philadelphia architect William Strickland., Not in Wainwright., Issued to W. Penn Buck M.D. for fifteen months as resident physician in 1871. Signed John M. Whitall, President of the Board of Guardians, Alfred Stille, M.D., President of the Medical Board, Charles ?, Secretary Board of Guardians, and John S. [Penn?] Atty. account., Philadelphia on Stone, POS 571, Historical Society of Pennsylvania: Certificates - Philadelphia Alms House
- Date
- [ca. 1870]
- Location
- Historical Society of Pennsylvania HSP Certificates - Philadelphia Alms House
- Title
- Andrew Wurfflein manufacturer & importer of guns, rifles & pistols, no. 208 North Second St. 5 doors above Race. Philadelphia Repairing in all its various branches
- Description
- Advertisement showing the exterior of the storefront containing a display window and a large model rifle above the entrance. An American flag projects from the muzzle of the model that is attached to the building by ropes. Patrons holding rifles and attired in hunting gear depart from the store as other patrons sit and stand near the open cellar doors of the establishment. A dog flanks the hunters and a boy walks ahead with two other dogs on leashes. Rifles, hunting bags, and guns adorn the display window. Street activity includes an African American laborer pushing a handcart of rifles and a boy carrying a wrapped rifle over his shoulder. Also shows neighboring buildings. Wurfflein's son, Andrew assumed the business circa 1871 and operated it until 1915., Printed on lower sides: Wholesale; Retail., Philadelphia on Stone, POS 21, Atwater Kent Museum: 54.3.3/2
- Date
- [ca. 1861]
- Location
- Atwater Kent Museum | Print Department AKM AKM 54.3.3/2
- Title
- Family record
- Description
- Family chart containing floral, sentimental, allegorical, and landscape vignettes within twelve framed oval insets for portrait photographs. Vignettes include views of country homes, trees in full foliage, vases of flowers, allegorical female figures for spring and fall, and children at play. Ovals bordered by notations that read age, stature, weight, complexion, eyes, hair, form, and education. Vignettes separated by floral and vine details. Also contains tables for "Births"; "Marriages"; and death captioned "Oh Grave Where is Thy Victory. Oh Death Where is Thy Sting" and angels, a cherubic figure, and scenes of mourning., Not in Wainwright., Copyrighted by Roberts & Wheeler in New Jersey., Philadelphia on Stone, POSP 67, Library of Congress: PGA - Haehnlen--Family record (D size) [P&P]
- Creator
- Sharp, A.C, artist
- Date
- c1870
- Location
- Library of Congress | Prints and Photographs Division LOC PGA - Haehnlen--Family record (D size) [P&P]
- Title
- Jacob Haehnlen's lithographic & steam powered letter press printing rooms
- Description
- Proof print of advertisement containing an ornate border surrounding a central view of the exterior of the six-story brownstone and print shop owned by lithographer Haehnlen at 420 Library Street. Signage advertising the "lithographic establishment" adorns the doorway, front, and side of "Goldsmith’s Hall." Building also adorned with large display windows and an eagle above the entranceway. View includes street and pedestrian traffic. Pedestrians walk on the sidewalk, stand in doorways, and enter the shop. In the street, horse-drawn wagons and drays, including one hauling crates marked "J.H.," pass in the street near a man pushing a hand-cart loaded with crates. Shop included salesrooms and offices, a machine shop, a drying room, lithographic presses, and card, handbill, and pamphlet printing presses. Border composed of cards containing ornate letters spelling Haehnlen's name and examples of his genres of work, including portraiture, industrial views, and machine imagery. Haehnlen established his own studio at Goldsmith’s Hall in 1866 and operated his business from all but the first floor. He sold his shop to the firm Lehman & Bolton in 1870. Building destroyed by fire on December 20, 1882., Not in Wainwright., Philadelphia on Stone, POSA 46
- Creator
- Haehnlen, Jacob, b. 1824
- Date
- [ca. 1867]
- Location
- Library of Congress | Prints and Photographs Division LOC PGA - Haehnlen--Jacob (A size) [P&P]
- Title
- Hoopes & Townsend. Manufacturers. Buttonwood Street, below Broad Philadelphia, Pa
- Description
- Advertisement utilizing a trompe l'oeil motif to promote the bolt works manufactory at 1330 Buttonwood Street. Shows, from the perspective of looking down, a variety of several types of nuts and bolts, including a "bridge bolt" laid out on a flat surface. Hoopes & Townsend was founded by Barton and Edward Hoopes and S. Sharpless Townsend in 1849 in Wilmington, Delaware. The factory relocated to the Philadelphia address in 1852., Date from manuscript note on recto: No 1097. Filed Nov. 30 1868. Hoopes & Townsend., Not in Wainwright., Philadelphia on Stone, POSP 111, Library of Congress: PGA - Easton--Hoopes & Townsend, manufacturers... (C size) [P&P], Easton was a Philadelphia civil engineer and printer of lithographs.
- Date
- [1868]
- Location
- Library of Congress | Prints and Photographs Division LOC PGA - Easton--Hoopes & Townsend, manufacturers...
- Title
- Oh! Massa Jeff. dis sesesh fever will kill de nigger
- Description
- Cartoon depicting the ill effect of secession on enslaved people. In the dwelling of the enslaved African American men, Jefferson Davis, attired in a broad-brim hat and with the Union flag hanging from his pocket, checks the pulse of an emaciated, bedridden African American man with "Bond Plasters" on his chest. An angst-ridden enslaved African American man stands behind the bed and weeps as he holds a bottle of medicine. On the wall behind him are three posters advertising various medicines: "Dr. Jeffy's Celebrated Bond Plasters ...," "The Great Southern Remedies," "Dr. Jeffy's Celebrated Lettres du Marque A Radical Remedy for all Constitutional Afflictions.", Title from item., Date from copyright statement: Entered according to Act of Congress in the year 1861 in the Clerks Office of the District Court of the Southern District of Ohio., Purchase 1961., RVCDC, Description revised 2021., Access points revised 2021., Digitized by Alexander Street Press for Images of the American Civil War., Part of digital collections catalog through a grant from the Institute of Museum and Library Services as administered by the Pennsylvania Department of Education through the Office of Commonwealth Libraries, and the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, Tom Corbett, Governor, 2013-2014.
- Date
- 1861
- Location
- Library Company of Philadelphia | Print Department Political Cartoons - 1861-22W [6449.F]
- Title
- John Brown meeting the slave mother and her child on the steps of Charlestown jail on his way to execution
- Description
- Print depicting the fictitious meeting between John Brown and an enslaved African American mother during the radical abolitionist's walk to the gallows in December 1859. Shows Brown at the top of the steps of the Charles Town, Virginia jail being led by several white men past the mother holding and looking down at her baby. The men include a prison guard in militia-uniform attempting to push the mother aside as Brown gazes compassionately upon her; the jailor, an old bearded man in cape and hat with his hand raised in front of his chin; the jailor's friend, a balding, bearded man pointing the way to the execution; and another militia man in an old Continental" uniform with a tricorne hat labeled "76." Also includes the Virginia state flag, waving above the head of Brown in the shape of a halo inscribed, "Sic Semper Tyrannis," i.e.; "Who is the tyrant, who the conqueror?" and a stern-faced, enslaver, attired in a Virginia militia uniform, waiting impatiently at the bottom of the stairs opposite a dismembered statue of justice in a pile of rubbish., Title from item., Date from copyright statement: Entered according to act of Congress, in the year 1863, by Currier and Ives in the Clerk's Office of the District Court of the United States, for the Southern District of New York., Text printed below the title: The artist has represented Capt. Brown regarding with a look of compassion a Slave-mother and Child who obstructed the passage on his way to the scaffold. Capt. Brown stooped and kissed the child- then met his fate., Original painting described in "A Rare Picture," an 1886 broadside probably by Ransom, in the collections of the library of Oberlin College, Oberlin, Ohio. Transcription available at repository., Purchase 1969., Reaccessioned as P.2003.18., Description revised 2021., Access points revised 2021., Part of digital collections catalog through a grant from the Institute of Museum and Library Services as administered by the Pennsylvania Department of Education through the Office of Commonwealth Libraries, and the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, Tom Corbett, Governor, 2013-2014.
- Creator
- Currier & Ives
- Date
- 1863
- Location
- Library Company of Philadelphia | Print Department *Portrait Prints-B [7817.F]
- Title
- Ficken & Williams, steam sugar refiners, Crown, Willow and Fifth streets, Philadelphia Office 416. Crown Street Philada. Office. 119 So. Front St. Philada. Office 80 Wall Street New York
- Description
- Advertisement showing a busy street scene with a view of the refinery complex in Northern Liberties. Includes the office building adorned with signage "Ficken & Williams Steam Sugar Refinery" attached to the large multi-storied processing plant of several connected buildings marked at the corner "Crown St." and "William St." Smoke stacks and a large American flag adorn the facility. Two men converse at the doorway of the office across from a horse-drawn carriage parked in the street that is congested with refinery traffic. Several drays, some loaded with barrels, and a cart loaded with coal travel to and from the refinery. Factory employees also load a dray with barrels, sit on a barrel, converse, and emerge from a building entrance. Other street traffic includes two boys crossing the intersection, a woman and girl on promenade, dogs, and a driver leading a team of mules hauling freight cars of coal. Also shows pedestrian traffic, including three men convened in conversation, on the sidewalks around the factory., pdcp00036, Not in Wainwright, Reduced variant published in Edwin T. Freedley’s Philadelphia and its manufactures : a handbook of the great manufactories and representative mercantile houses of Philadelphia in 1867 (Philadelphia: E. Young, 1867), opp. p. 472., Philadelphia on Stone, Free Library of Philadelphia: Oversize Philadelphiana - Factories and Foundries (A-M)
- Date
- [ca. 1867]
- Location
- Free Library of Philadelphia. | Print and Picture Collection. FLP FLP Oversize Philadelphiana - Factories and Foundries (A-M)