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Fate of the radical party. [graphic] / JAL; Am. News Co. Agent N.Y.

The precarious situation. [graphic]

The precarious situation. [graphic]

A "dodge" that won't work. [graphic] / J. Cameron.

The great November contest. Patriotism vs bummerism. [graphic]

Jeff. Davis., the compromiser, in a tight place. [graphic]

Congressional surgery legislative quakery. [graphic] / A., Del.

Congressional surgery legislative quakery. [graphic] / A., Del.

Good Will Fire Company of Philadelphia.

Columbia Hose Co. of Philadelphia [membership certificate]

The Wissahickon

[The Wissahickon]

Why dont you take it? [graphic] / Friz del.

A disloyal British "subject" [graphic].

Offering a substitute. A scene in the office of the provost marshall [graphic].

Offering a substitute. A scene in the office of the provost marshall [graphic].

The national game. Three "outs" and one "run" [graphic] : Abraham winning the ball.

The capture of Jeff Davis [graphic] : His last official act "the adoption of a new rebel uniform." He attempts to "clear his skirts," but finds it "all up in Dixie" / Giles.

The last ditch of chivalry or, a president in petticoats [graphic].

The battle of Bull's Run [graphic].

Why don't you take it? [graphic].

The man that blocks up the highway [graphic].

Continental Hotel, Philadelphia, J.E. Kingsley & Co., proprietors [envelope]

Parson Brownlow

Major General B.F. Butler, U.S.A.

Henry Simons. Wagon & U.S. national coach works. Philadelphia

Abraham's dream! : "Coming events cast their shadows before." [graphic].

Pennsylvania Horticultural Society [certificate].

United we stand. Divided we fall [graphic].

Star Clothing House, 808 Elm St. [graphic].

Do they miss me at home? [graphic].

United we stand. Divided we fall [graphic].

Frank Miller's crown dressing. [graphic] : Yes missus dat am de Crown of Dressing shua!

Frank Miller's blacking. [graphic].

Frank Miller's crown dressing. [graphic] : Yes missus dat am de Crown of Dressing shua!

Frank Miller's crown dressing. [graphic] : Yes missus dat am de Crown of Dressing shua!

Proclamation of Emancipation. By the President of the United States of America

Schweitzer & Grimm's [sic] Brewery, Columbia Ave and 11th streets, Phila.

Alexander Young, grain distiller, South Street, above Fourth, Phila.

"Seems Madam! Nay it is!" Shakespere.

Pencoyd Iron Works

Jacob Haehnlen's steam power lithographic & letter press printing rooms

Philadelphia Alms House [certificate]

Andrew Wurfflein manufacturer & importer of guns, rifles & pistols, no. 208 North Second St. 5 doors above Race. Philadelphia.

Family record

Jacob Haehnlen's lithographic & steam powered letter press printing rooms.

Hoopes & Townsend. Manufacturers. Buttonwood Street, below Broad Philadelphia, Pa.

Oh! Massa Jeff dis sesesh fever will kill de nigger. [graphic] / [FJB?]

John Brown meeting the slave mother and her child on the steps of Charlestown jail on his way to execution.

Ficken & Williams, steam sugar refiners, Crown, Willow and Fifth streets, Philadelphia.
